The BIGGEST Mistake Men Make With Women is Marrying an Alpha Widow w/ @ApexMindset1

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#Dating #AlphaWidow #Love
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Any women that is still going on about an "ex", needs to be dumped immediately.


The problem with us men is that we know we are not the number one but we are so happy to be considered that we ignore all the red flags of not being chosen and go along with not being selected. Once I learnt that not being chosen is all the answer any man needs I stopped wasting time, mental energy and resources on dead end prospects and stopped getting hurt. Moreover I put all those life resource savings into advancing my business. Ironically now I get lots of attention, even offers from some seriously beautiful women that I'd never have thought would give me a second look before. Never accept a woman who's not hot for you. It will always end in tears. Be warned brothers.👌🏿


As soon as a woman compares me with her ex, i leave her right there.


Being married to an alpha widow for 20 something years the main sign is lack of sex in your marriage. Many women regret their sexual past however they can’t avoid the consequences. I never knew why our sexual life suffered until recently when my wife leveled with me.

Until marriage I had no problem getting sex. Men, word of advice is know your woman’s sexual past before you marry her because though you may view yourself as an alpha she can still already be an alpha widow.


Rich Cooper is so right... uncomfortable truths


It's all making sense now... The puzzles that I was putting together for 4 years are really a part of a bigger picture.


I have alpha widowed women before... One would regularly call me and practically beg me to come back to her and knock her up, even when she was dating another guy. Women who've had a taste of someone they REALLY like will NEVER be happy with anyone else. You should be very careful not to marry an alpha widow because they will ALWAYS be looking trying to get back that high they once had.


As a mature male that has seen two marriages and some good and some bad things in life and If I was to advise a son in this day and age I would give him three pieces of advice. One, do not get married or live together as if you were (common law). Two, Do NOT get anyone pregnant (because if you do they own you!). Three, DO NOT open shared bank accounts or any other type of financial account.
Be mature about the decisions you make not based on emotion or fantasy because at the end reality always wins...always!


The biggest mistake men make with women is convincing themselves she's as invested in him, as he is in her (and obviously, that goes hand-in-hand with lying to himself that he's not as invested as he actually is). If you're not showing her the door at the first sigh of trouble (when she refuses to respect your boundaries, or respect your verbal reassertion of them), you're gonna have a bad time.


I dated a couple of months ago an Alpha widow and single mom (I know, I know, two big red flags) when I was living In Vancouver. Sex was good but our conversations were the worst because she was talking constantly about her husband who passed away a couple of years ago (he was a succesful business man in BC). Oh this song reminds me my husband!, oh look that was my husband’s favourite restaurant!. Oh, I remember our first fight, the day that I met him at his office, our trip to South America, the time he met my parents, our wedding blah blah blah.

Fortunately, I returned to Ontario, never contacted that woman again and this video in particular helped me to understand that it was not a good idea to have a LTR with her. I hope Richard can talk more about this topic in future videos. Normally we always watch content about how risky is date and marry a single mum (which is true) but an alpha widow can be an authentic nightmare especially if you’re blue pill.


I truly believe I married a alpha widow, it ruined my life no joke. I could not get my Buisness a float; when we were getting a divorce, she admitted to torpedoing my Buisness so it could never become successful.
She blames me for the Buisness falling apart before we started divorce. I was a loser and blah blah


Here's another take... It's the drama she pines for. It's not that the past dude was so Alpha, it's that he put her on an emotional roller-coaster of highs and lows. The intensity and range of emotions she felt with him are what she interprets as attraction. Here you come along, Mr. Dependable, being calm consistent, loyal, devoted. Emotionally, you're flatlining and all her chirping isn't really about your failure to measure up, it's your inability to make her sparks fly. She'll attack you just to feel something beyond dull complacency. Solution? Break patterns of predictability. Learn how to escalate tension and play(tease) in that red zone rather than always relieving it. Feed her inner hamster the drama she craves.


Excellent video. The women in these situations reek of self-entitlement and constantly seeking Narcissistic Supply.


I’m stunned by this. Well done, well said. Wish I had this a year ago.


The last woman I alpha widowed contacted me when I moved across the country to get away from her. She was leaving me voicemails that I was the love of her life while she was pregnant and engaged to another man. Later on I heard she got very overweight and is now a divorced single Mother.


I got news for her to. She wasn't my first choice either. She wasn't even on the list😉


Great advice “let her bring up the where do we stand” question


I got myself an alpha widow who is dealing with the regret of losing her alpha husband because she cheated. Her resentment for me has set in. But I’m a delusional beta who thinks I can just love her through her issues. I’m also obviously not very smart


This is why divorce rates go up with a woman's body count. The more guys she's been with, the more guys she has to compare you with, and the lower the chance that you were the best in all of her categories.
