Chapter 9 Business: E-Marketing

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ITGS Presentation Business E-Marketing (Matt Glover)

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E-marketing is something that is very prominent now. Now that many people have internet access, advertisemetns are virtually everywhere. On webpages such as Facebook, twitter, yahoo, youtube. With smartphones now, something that i have noticed is that there are advertisements on virtually all of the apps that are free.


E marketing is online advertising and we see it all the time. Our increase in internet use makes us see all these advertisements and it is smart for companies because so many people go on the internet everyday. 


E-marketing is a way in which a company can spread their name and reputation to potential consumers using the internet. E-marketing is a big industry and often times the integration of advertisements on website are what make them free to the public. For example with Facebook companies pay to have advertisements put on it and Facebook can use this to give free memberships and enhance and update features.


E-Marketting is a new way to increase the revenue and popularity of both online and offline businesses. There are many ways of using marketing on the internet. There could be websites, email (including spam), search engines, news and more. Social media is a huge way of using e-marketting. Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram and all those social medias can help increase the marketing of a company.


With how big e-marketing has become, it is hard to deny that it has become unavoidable. A large number of websites either have advertisements to generate revenue or to simply keep the website operational. In recent years, e-marketing has become much more effective, as behavior tracking has greatly improved allowing advertisers to target audiences who may actually be interested in their products. With the rise of e-marketing, there has also been a backlash against advertisements due to the extremely flashy and annoying ones that have surfaced. Many individuals have begun to use ad-blockers, which can greatly harm websites due to the significant loss of ad revenue.


Given that E-Commerce has increased over the past years, the need for marketing has arisen. With this, there is a need to attract more customers to the site. This includes email advertisements and search engine optimization.


E-marketing is useful for both online and offline businesses, to attract more customers. One form of e-marketing is email, because it is easy and cheap. Search engine optimization is another method that allows the website to be highly ranked in the search engine results page. Online advertising is efficient because businesses can pay to list their website in the sponsored link section and get increased revenue. As technology has evolved e-marketing is now present in social media by utilizing online games, images, videos, and smart phone apps. 


The internet is a huge market to use to advertise a product. A wide variety of services can be used, such as social media, email, ads on google, etc. Sometimes the ads are relevant and nice, while at other times they are completely irrelevant to my interests and can be quite obtrusive. Companies have to be careful and make sure that their advertisements will draw customers in and not push them away.  


E-marketing is a common way for companies and businesses to advertise their company and products. I receive emails regularly from companies promoting new products and services. Email is one of the most effective ways of advertising because it can be sent out in large quantities to old customers and new customers. Without e-marketing many companies would not be having the success that they do today in the market.  


E-marketing is a very unique approach to advertising one's product. However, this method can become extremely intrusive very quick. From Spam to cookies, e-marketing can have negative effects on those targeted. Of course, e-marketing can be extremely beneficial to both the user and the business. the business can get very effective advertising; while the user can receive a personal shopping experience while online through the use of cookies on a website. 
