Beginner Driving Lesson Left and Right Turns | MSPSL Talk through on Approach to Junction

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This is Millie's 4th driving lesson. in todays lesson we work on using the MSM routine on approach to left and right turns.
This videos covers open roundabouts and various crossings on main roads.
dealing with hazards on main roads


How to drive safely. How to pass

This video is filmed during a driving lesson. It is filmed for educational purposes.

Throughout the video there are highlights to show how you should be driving safely.

I hope this video will be useful! :)

#driving #lesson #howtodrive #practical #test
#hazards #uk #London #drivinginstructor
#pass #drivingtips #femaleinstructor
#learn #citydriving
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You’re a wonderful instructor Amman, so patient and reassuring, and never patronising. You explain everything so well.


I’m only 7 minutes in, but this is making me feel a lot better that I’m not the only learner driver who is anxious, as I’ve only had 2 lessons so far and every time I’ve been nervous driving and feel drained by the end of the lesson, but this is making me feel less alone and hopefully my nerves will decrease overtime


She’s probably the nicest instructor so far she’s patient and polite


Awww, I can feel her stress! I had a bad experience driving with my dad in a car park - I stalled the car three times, and the third time the car wouldn't start again. I was absolutely mortified and thought I'd destroyed my parents' car, but RAC came and it turned out the car battery was on its last legs and could have packed in at any time! Just my luck for it to stop working when I was driving lol. Took me a while to put that experience behind me too, but now I can look back and laugh 😅.


I have to comment on how constructive and helpful you are as an instructor. You give your students great confidence.


Awww bless her you can tell she was really nervous. But she did a good job


I recognise you from 2 years back when I first started driving. I think I came here to look at different driving methods and I’ve come so far. I’ve got my test in April. You’re still doing so well Amman a very lovely and patient driving instructor. Millie will do so well as she is in the hands of a brilliant instructor☺️


I empathise with Millie, it's kinda the mode and feeling I started with. I think you were overly interrogative with her in the early stages, but the practise of lettting her start and stop and talking her through what to do helped more than the "Why did you do that?" "Why didn't you see that?" "What's wrong with you?" stuff - saying all that kills a beginner's confidence and terrifies them.

What she needs is more explanation and talk throughs explaining what the entire situation she's in is, because it's alien to her at this stage! (surprised she tried to drive away from an instructor for a day here, as she's not yet understood the environment she's swimming in)


Hi Aman, I've been binge watching all your videos and I've most enjoyed watching Millie's journey from start to where she is now. Please can you do more of these with learners from the very beginning? I'm so nervous to try to drive again as had bad experiences when I was younger and haven't been back to it in years. You're so lovely and patient with the learners ❤️


The video editing is defo one of the best, I like how we can see her point of view as well as the foot controls 😊


Hi Aman, You are really nice instructor, i wish I could learn driving lesson from you but i live in Birmingham, your videos really help full for me, i was starting my lessons from last week, i am so nervous ☹️


Thank you so so so much! For all of your content, and great tips. I’ve recently passed my test, all thanks to watching your videos!🙏🏽 Wish you all the best for the future, and I will keep watching for more tips also! GOD Bless!


15:25 such a nice, caring instructor you are! i got very very overwhelmed on my first big roundabouts lesson so i kept on making more and more mistakes but my instructor has a tight schedule so im never able to pull over. and like u said it turns into a snowball effect and just makes u do silly mistakes like i did. at the end of that lesson, when i drove home i ended up on the curb and almost hitting a brick wall because i just was so stressed i couldnt focus on parking up lol!


I just drove for the first time! The most problem for me was turning😭 For some reason turning is the hardest part for me.


Hello👏 from Australia Aman I hope I got your name right hope to keep watching Millie on these videos even though I'm not in the UK half way around the world if she is happy being filmed it's interesting to see the difference between Australian and UK roads your a nice calm instructor which is nice 😃


Really clear video and really detailed explanation. Really like the relaxed teaching style. Well done Millie!


I felt them nerves props to her for being being on camera, also you're an amazing kind caring understanding instructor 💕 wow! Wish i had someone like you when i was driving lmao


I wish the roads in our country is as beautiful and clean like this road. Our roads are dirty broken with a lot of holes and street 😭💔 bumps


I've just done my second driving lesson today and we're doing right turns and we've done a bit of mirror, signal and position. I'm glad we're on the same type of position because I thought my instructor was going to ahead in what he was telling me to do because I've barely driven before. 😅


I like very much the instructor's explaining, encouraging, same time dealing with practical things to do.
