MIT-Stanford Energy Game Changers Symposium

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Recorded on September 18, 2018

Go to video session at links below
(00:05) - The Value and Importance of Fundamental Research in Energy
(44:57) - Clean, Affordable, Reliable, Resilient Electrical Systems of the Future
(1:47:32) - Powering US Industry for the Future
(2:40:04) - Observation on the US Energy Innovation System

Recent progress in energy technology research and development in the United States has been substantial-the past decade has seen dramatic reductions in the costs of emerging technologies alongside similar improvements in energy security and environmental performance. This golden age of domestic energy innovation has benefited Americans in areas throughout the economy. Today, US energy researchers in many sectors are envisioning ways in which continued R&D progress might enable revolutionary new options for domestic energy generation and use.

Former US Secretary of State and Hoover Institution Distinguished Fellow George P. Shultz, alongside scientists and engineers from two leading American research universities and DOE national labs, explore the potential for energy "game changers": inexpensive and abundant clean electricity production, affordable grid energy storage at scale, secure electrochemical fuel manufacturing, less intensive fossil energy through through carbon capture, and more.

8:45 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. EST
The Value and Importance of Fundamental Research in Energy
- George P Shultz, Hoover Institution
- Robert Armstrong, MIT
- Arun Majumdar, Stanford

9:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Clean, Affordable, Reliable, Resilient Electrical Systems of the Future
Moderator: Francis O'Sullivan, MIT

Solar Energy:
Can we recapture solar manufacturing by further lowering cost?
- Vladimir Bulovic, MIT

Electrochemical Storage:
Can we enable multi-day grid storage?
- William Cheuh, Stanford

Grid Cyber Security
- Virginia Wright, INL

- Dennis Whyte, MIT

10:45 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Break

11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Powering US Industry for the Future
Moderator: Jeremy Carl, Hoover Institution

Carbon Capture and Use:
- Sally Benson, Stanford

Electrochemical Manufacturing
- Yogesh Surendranath, MIT

Fuels for Industry:Can we economically produce hydrogen from water?
- Thomas Jaramillo, Stanford
High-efficiency Manufacturing through 3-D Printing
- Craig Blue, ORNL

12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Observations on the US Energy Innovation System
- Thomas Stephenson, Hoover Institution
- Chris Fall, Principal Deputy Director, ARPA-E
- Robert Stoner, MIT Energy Initiative
Рекомендации по теме

What about this: Government officials fund research, with the idea that there will be more losers than winners, but the winners may be game-changers. What ethical and legal issues ensue when those officials leave government service to join the winners?


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