Las Vegas artist Dave Dave dies at 42

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Dave was a respected Las Vegas artist and a close friend of Michael Jackson. Jackson met him after the boy, then known as David Rothenberg, survived a 1983 attack that left him with burns over 90 percent of his body.
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I worked security at the Beverly Wilshire hotel in Beverly Hills back in 2003. It was supposed to be a big secret but everybody knew that MJ was checked in the entire penthouse....Mike tried to fool us wearing a tablecloth over his whole body as he walked through the lobby area. He was acting like an old 90 year old lady. His security was escorting him to their SUV... the shit looked weird AF.... Soon as he got in the truck he took the tablecloth off and with disbelief it was Michael Jackson.... YES! MJ loves disguises....FACTS


Dave Dave was Micheal, he knew that ppl knew it was him so he did this to get him a new disguise


"I felt like he had Michael JAacksons spirit in him.. I was really weird, sometimes when he would talk he would even sound like Michael and it would really blow my mind" how conveiniently coincidental..


Dave Dave was MJ. People were getting to know so MJ had to kill that personality and search for a new disguise. I tell u what. We know MJ is still alive🔥 Living in the shadows away from the spotlight like he always wished for🏂🕴🏻🏙️


The minute I heard dude say dave dave had Micheals spirit in him and that are times he sounded like him, I knew Michael fakes his death


We need to let Dave Dave and Michael Jackson rest in peace


The fact that he survived as long as he did is truly a miracle considering what his father did to him.


Thanks for making this video shareable on YouTube. 🙏🙏🙏


How convenient that this guy says this 🤔


This is so disrespectful y'all. Dave Dave was a real person. He was an artist and a good guy. I do think Micheal pretended to be him a few times like a shared personality but he was still real. (Look at the Larry King interview from 2009 then the doctor interview from 2015, two diffrent people.)

R.I.P. Dave Dave


That man suffered so much pain since he was 6. His mother took care of him since he was burned by his father. God let him have as much of a normal life as possible. God felt the right time to take him home at the age of 42. Marie was the main reason David any kind of life at all. May God bless Marie and David in Heaven.


I don’t understand why people keep saying it’s MJ. Yes in ways Dave Dave does sound like him but think about it Dave Dave grew up around MJ. Just let micheal and him Rest In Peace.


He was Michael Jackson. Are u kidding? He looks identical to him; Michael was caught on fire in a Pepsi commercial and so they used a cloned double to make people think he was ok when In fact, he turned into this man, dave Dave, now dave dave is def alive and well


they always say death is unknown knowing the death was fake


I think Dave Dave was a real person and probably really was friends with MJ and after his "death" he started using Dave Dave as a disguise. I've seen different interviews with Dave and sometimes he sounds like Mike, but sometimes he doesn't. And his eye shape. There was one video of Dave I stared at the eyes THAT was Michael!


But that’s not the Dave Dave we saw on the letterman show years back talking about MJ ? So who was that then ?


He is not Michael Jackson. He is David Rothenberg. Who was badly burn by his own father. He never forgave his father for what he did to him. Michael Jackson was 50 years old when he died. David was 42. Most of you have to let go and stop calling him Michael Jackson. Because he is not. Who David is. He is a survivor, I do believe that he lived for so long to tell his story and show us what he can do even most of his fingers were amputated because of a bad infection. I hope his father rots in prison. We all miss you Dave Dave. We will always remember you. RIP Dave Dave


If this was Michael he wouldn’t come back to the media he would of just been with his kids and be like a normal dad Michael wouldn’t come back to the media after what they did to him


Dave was so great he always inboxed me. I have the proof in my instagram. RIP to my friend DaveDave a GREAT guy! Awesome Artist and GREAT FRIEND.


Wow the Dave Dave character died at 42 just like these other celebrities
