How I clean up rescue / vintage quilts before working on them

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I find the majority of my rescue tops:

Instagram: @southerncharmquilts + @meanderandmake

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Great to know. They're beautiful tops. I recently was given a box of vintage Xmas fabrics from family. The musty smell was the worst I've ever smelled I didn't think it would come out. I heard vodka kills the enzyme causing the smell. I sprayed vodka (cheap stuff 2 gallons worth) on every piece saturating about 80%, hung outside to dry and the musty was gone. I washed on short gentle cycle with color catchers. Labor of love so worth it. It was about 25 yards over 40 pieces.


Hello and thank you for your great video. I took your advice, and soaked my brand new quilt that had a hand-size stain on one corner. I soaked the stained area in a big bowl of warm water with a bit of blue Dawn dish soap. Afterwards I rinsed in water and allowed to air dry. It worked perfectly. Thank you for encouraging me to try a simple soap and water soak.


I was hoping you’d found a way to get rid of the smell. It will infect other things you put with it in storage


The brown is likely from taninsThat happens if stored in a drawer or boxI find that soaking older tops and blocks in plain water overnight gets rid of most dust and dirt! More importantly, it rehydrates the fabric Then you can spot clean with mild soap like Orvus Detergents will accelerate any fiber problems. I would use a piece of sheet in the bottom of tub and loosely fold the top ( accordion ) on topThen gently push down until submerged . Aftrr a soak, drain and press out remaining water. Repeat as necessary. Then use the sheet to lift. The additional weight of water causes strain on the stitches. Older cotton thread can actually rot ! Then if possible lay flat to dry on a covered area or on a sheet in a shady area of yard. If using a line, be sure to place a sheet over 2 or more lines and place quilt or top over. I would also place it face down with an additional sheet over that.Sunlight fades and birds do their business! A hot dry day is best. They dry quickly. Then assess the top and proceed .Happy quilting! 🎉
