Is Allah Testing or Punishing Me? | Why Me? EP. 21 | Dr. Omar Suleiman | A Ramadan Series on Qadar

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Do you worship God on edge? Is your relationship with Him dependent on everything going right in your life? If so, then you're missing out on something important that Allah promised us: He tests those whom He loves. Tests are opportunities to learn life lessons, grow in faith, and earn forgiveness for past sins. So when you experience a hardship in your life, remember that the pain of it will be temporary, but the reward you can earn through it will be eternal.

Captioning provided by Muhsen.


Qur’an, 22:11
Kitab al-Rida p. 92 69
Al-Muʿjam al-Kabīr 14:139, 14764
Jami at-Tirmidhi 2396
Jami at-Tirmidhi 2036
Qur’an, 89:15-16
Qur’an, 12:100

Al-Hikam al-Ataa’iyyah 105:

ليُخَفِّفْ أَلمَ البَلاءِ عَلَيْكَ عِلْمُكَ بِأَنَّهُ سُبْحانَهُ هُوَ المُبْلي لَكَ. فَالَّذي واجَهَتْكَ مِنْهُ الأقْدارُ هُوَ الَّذي عَوَّدَكَ حُسْنَ الاخْتِيارِ

Let the pain of tribulation be lightened for you by knowing that it is the Most Glorious who is putting you through this trial. For the One who has confronted you with His blows of fate is the same One who has accustomed you to His choosing well.

Narrator Dr. Omar Suleiman
Hassan Noaman Farooq
Hassan's Mother Safiyyah Saarah Khan
Hassan's Wife Dua Amnah Sultan

Note: Only vocals were used in the making of the soundtrack.

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I was childless 5yrs after marriage, suffered 2 miscarriages, people said alot but I always believed in Allah's mercy and now I have a son and a daughter Alhamdulillah ❤ tests and trials are from Allah, and he tests the one he loves the most...being Muslim is such a blessing


This series has reminded me of myself 😢after nikka i was tasted with childless for two years but when Allah blessed me with my first daughter and it didn't take long for me to conceive again rather i conceived again when my daughter was about 4months old😢Alhamdulillah❤i have a 2yr old daughter and a one year old son🎉never lose hope and have faith in Him.Assalam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu


I’m guilty of having feelings of burnout and grief after unanswered duas. May Allah soften our hearts and increase our faith in His will . Alhumdulillah


Loss two kids and still dont have kids. May Allah give me contentment


Don’t forget to say Alhamdulliah for all the blessings we have — from the hot water we shower with to the lush nature we see with our eyes. Say it frequently! If you’re grateful and content with the blessings Allah has given you, he will give you many more. Alhamdulliah! But most importantly, Alhamdulillah we are muslims! ❤


This series always leaves me in tears. May Allah give us the ability to always see His blessings through the tests.


I miscarried my first baby at 18 weeks. At that time I was numb. Allah made me this way that I didnt feel too much. Now down the line after many years I have two kids Alhamdulilah. But now whenever I hear or see a miscarriage, as in this video, I am taken back to 8 years ago and realize what sort of pain it was. And it hits me. Alhamdullilah Allah has always helped me. Always trust HIM


i always ask myself, "why me? but i did not know how much Allah loves me that's why i'm being tested with hardship


"You're not going to find jannah on this earth" I'm shedding tears because I tend to forget that. Thank you Dr Omar Souleymana for reminding us this truth we tend to forget.


2:45 this is what I needed to hear the most. "And if your test came when you were getting complacent and comfortable in life, take this as a sign that Allah is waking you up to maintain your focus on Him and the hereafter by doing more good deeds."


I never was able to conceive or bare a child, it took me 10 years to make a peace with it and accept what Allah wanted for me, we ended up adopting a child, very smart but he is very challenging, this was a very good reminder that Allah is testing me, I hope to be able to pass this test successfully🤲🏻


Alhamdulillah I conceived my first child right after marriage, and was hopeful to have more kids, but he was the only child I was meant to have. For 10 years we tried conceiving again, with doctors telling us everything was fine with mine and my husband's health and no issues preventing conception and to keep trying. I had 1 painful miscarriage. In my 10 years of being married I was only able to get pregnant twice and only one child survived alhamdulillah. It's been a very, very painful journey as we've been told we are healthy etc. But now my husband and I are older and I know as a woman my chances of conceiving are gone. It was in our naseeb to have only 1 child but we are so grateful for our son alhamdulillah, he is our everything, Insha'Allah Allah protects him and blesses him with a beautiful long healthy and happy life, on the Deen Insha'Allah, Ameen.


“Perhaps for now, it is in your decree to handle more” SubhanAllah!!!


Im 32 been looking to getting married since 24 and it doesnt seem to work out but after i can see actually god saved me but its so hard finding a decent man pray for me im praying and hoping.


Patience is truly one of the easiest words to pronounce but hardest thing to execute! May Allah grant me and all of our Ummah the ability to be patient in the hardships we face, and find ALLAH’s love in unseen places.


I'm going through really tough times for many years. I see no way of Salvation. All I see is regret and darkness. I seek dua from each and every one of you. Probably a stranger's dua will be accepted for me.


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Been married 13 years and still no children! Since 2018 been diagnosed with Endometriosis which causes terrible pain on a monthly basis. Had a failed IVF in 2017! I leave it in Allahs beautiful planning, not sure if this is a test of sin or just my Qadar. I always pray Astagfirullah! Allah hu Alim❤️


At the end when she was sitting on the prayer matt and calling out to Allah that brought tears to my eyes. There is no greater peace than talking to Allah one on one whether it's out loud or in silence, it takes a great weight off of your shoulders to just make that connection. When no is listening, He is listening❤


These series have touched my heart. Now I understand better why I am being tested.
