Top 5 BEST Budget Mice For Drag Clicking (High CPS) - Updated 2024

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In today's video, I'm going to go over the top 5 best budget mice for drag clicking. These budget drag clicking mice are by far the best mice for drag clicking that are under $50. You can get up to 100 CPS with the best drag clicking mouse on this list. Drag clicking is a method of clicking that people like BedlessNoob use to get more CPS so that they can godbridge. Hopefully, this video will help you out. Since I spent a lot of time making this video, please like and subscribe!

-- Random Tags --
Minecraft Best Budget Mice for Godbridging in Bedwars, The BEST Budget Drag Clicking Mouse, The BEST Budget Drag Click, Drag clicking best budget mice, the best budget mice for drag click, Redragon m601 drag click, MM710 Cooler Master drag click, SteelSeries Rival 310 drag click, Bloody A70 drag click, Bloody ABedless drag click.

-- Amazon Links For Redragon M601 --

-- Amazon Links For MM710 Cooler Master --

-- Amazon Links For SteelSeries Rival 310 --

-- Bloody Instagram Page (For Bloody A70) --

-- All Links For Bloody ABedless --

Comment "Best Budget Drag Clicking Mice" if you see this :)

-- Chapters --
00:00 - Intro
00:22 - 5th Budget Drag Click Mouse
01:19 - 4th Budget Drag Click Mouse
02:21 - 3th Budget Drag Click Mouse
03:19 - 2nd Budget Drag Click Mouse
04:18 - 1st Budget Drag Click Mouse
05:35 - Outro

-- Tags --
AshtonSurfFTW,itzGlimpse, bedwars, hypixel bedwars, keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars, ducky one 2 mini, asmr, jitter click, butterfly clicking, hand cam,Evakz, Purpled, Gamerboy80 / Gamerboy8O, SammyGreen, Astelic, Hashito, Technoblade, BahaBlast, JustDash, Refraction, nihte, Zackaria, ItzDime, Tayber, RKY, Guiny, ItsOasis, Beta Ruz, defib, areumadlol, Zyphalopagus / Zyph, iTMG, FireAlfieHD, Ventas MC, xForce, presnt, Qorx, Sola Sky, SoLike, CrabManJones / CMJ, CowIsBad, omqxcookies, Turah, DarkShadowRain, Horchatah, Pavess, MangoPie, ThreadySkate, Sarite, Tryhard, Hyplex, Sayber, TRIPIS, Sackboy_Clank5, dqves, baylow, somanycheaters,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars, bedwars keyboard and mouse sounds, mouse and keyboard sounds, hypixel, bedwars, keyboard and mouse, keyboard sounds, minecraft mouse n keyboard sounds, mouse n keyboard sounds, keyboard + mouse sounds asmr, keyboard asmr, mouse and keyboard, keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft, keyboard, minecraft bedwars, keyboard and mouse asmr, keyboard and mouse sounds skywars, keyboard and mouse sounds hypixel, Minecraft, Bedwars, bedwars asmr, Dendorser Bedwars, Mouse asmr, Keyboard n mouse sounds, aesthetic bedwars, itzglimpse,hypixel, skywars, pvp, minecraft mods, minecraft challenge, minecraft mod, handcam, mousecam, mouse cam, keyboard asmr, keyboard sounds, mouse asmr minecraft, keyboard and mouse, keyboard & mouse, keyboard and mouse sounds, keyboard & mouse sounds, keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft, glorious model o, ducky one 2, ducky one 2 tkl, Garboil, AshtonSurfFTW, 40mins, itzGlimpse, bedwars, hypixel bedwars, keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars, ducky one 2 mini, asmr, jitter click, butterfly clicking, hand cam,Evakz, Purpled, Gamerboy80 / Gamerboy8O, SammyGreen, Astelic, Hashito, Technoblade, BahaBlast, JustDash, Refraction, nihte, Zackaria, ItzDime, Tayber, RKY, Guiny, ItsOasis, Beta Ruz, defib, areumadlol, Zyphalopagus / Zyph, iTMG, FireAlfieHD, Ventas MC, xForce, presnt, Qorx, Sola Sky, SoLike, CrabManJones / CMJ, CowIsBad, omqxcookies, Turah, DarkShadowRain, Horchatah, Pavess, MangoPie, ThreadySkate, Sarite, Tryhard, Hyplex, Sayber, TRIPIS, Sackboy_Clank5, dqves, baylow, somanycheaters, Bosnie, Nerx, Adders, Freshi, and yusei fudokeyboard and mouse sounds, hypixel bedwars, keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars, bedwars keyboard and mouse sounds, mouse and keyboard sounds, hypixel, bedwars, keyboard and mouse, keyboard sounds, minecraft mouse n keyboard sounds, mouse n keyboard sounds, keyboard + mouse sounds asmr, keyboard and mouse sounds skywars, keyboard and mouse sounds hypixel, Minecraft, Bedwars, bedwars asmr, Dendorser, Dendorser Bedwars

#bestbudgetdragclickmouse #bestbudgetmousefordragclick #bestbudgetdragclickingmouse
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ty my guy, was just looking for this type of video :)) earned my sub


Bro this is the best video I have ever seen . I will share it to my friends who are in the search of mouse


That was nice, i was looking for a new mouse


Tysm bro i was looking for such a mouse as the reddragon one tysm again bro earned a new sub😉but i have one question and that is how much cps the reddragon one give u with butterflying. Keep it up bro


This is a really helpful video because I want a cheap mouse that can short drag click well!


"i will now play some clips of people drag clicking with this mouse" has became this channel's catchphrase lol.


Thx for the some of the best drag clicking mice, I might get the red dragon M601


Hey do you know any good mice that can double click without editing it because I'm on xbox and play alot of Games I need to double click


I think that the short drag on a70+a70matteblack is overexagerated and that you can get much more cps on the cooler master if you had better technique, but this is a super helpful video to highlight cheap mice for dragclicking. Good job!


Thanks man steelseries rival 310 is worth it


wow great vidio but can u get a beter mic or clear the baground sound useing a software


Congratulations, you just earned a subscriber


I might actually get the red dragon my mouse rn is SUPER bad and the only thing good about it is that it's light and what mouse do you usually use?


OMG i love the mouse SteelSeries Rival 360 credits to this guy


How can I get the rival 310 to drag click?


Can the rival 310 really drag click btw great video


Hi, I live in india, I have a budget off about 50 Canadian dollars so can you reccommend a good mouse for that?


I am trusting you and buying red dragon m601 if it is not nice u need make a video


I got the Model O and I’m extremely excited about it, however I’m having a lot of trouble downloading the software for the mouse (for example, whenever I try to open the software, it says that the mouse is not connected). Do you have any recommendations on a tutorial for downloading the software for the Model O wireless? Thanks a lot man :)


just a reminder the cooler master is EXTREMELY hard to long drag on because of the holes in it and if you are going to do good short drag buy some mouse tape
