I Lost My Teeth In My 20s - The Positivity Fix

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Im about to be 30 yrs old and having full mouth extraction tomorrow for top and bottom dentures and im freaking out about it but after this video you gave me more confidence in myself so thank you


I've always delt with "bad teeth, " I spent thousands and thousands constantly repairing even a few root canals that failed btw, everything was going okay until February 24th 2020 when covid hit my family, 2 months after recovering I had my first tooth break out of my mouth down to the jaw, needless to say I've had covid four times now and all of my teeth have decided to turn grey, break/chip, and all of my fillings have failed.... At this point I'm too embarrassed to even go to the dentist not to mention I get dry socket very easy.. I'm prone to it, I don't know why I'm writing all of this, but watching your video I can relate to the feelings you had/have, I want to go to the dentist, I want to have a full removal, but my teeth have completely taken a 180° from where they used to be to looking like I never brush my teeth or do drugs or something.. and I don't do any of that and I brush my teeth everyday even though parts of my teeth will break apart while brushing... Dentists don't tend to believe people when they tell them that their teeth have become brittle, or that you've been taking care of your teeth and they just keep getting worse every day... They look at you like you have bad hygiene or you do drugs... Fortunately I keep my teeth covered when I go in public using a type of snap in veneer but that doesn't get rid of the infections that I've had multiple times in the last year and a half. I'm in my thirties by the way. Sorry for dumping this all on anyone who reads it but there are many people like us out here/there especially people who had prior dental issues pre-covid who are now dealing with detrimental issues, believe me I've written my state Governor I've written the president to try and acknowledge this issue but it falls on deaf ears... I was a law student before this got really bad...I really appreciate this video, it hits home for me...a little too much.


I don't know why but seeing that I'm not alone has really made this process a lot easier I just had 17 teeth removed I'm in a lot of pain but nothing compared to the constant infections I had I'll be getting Dentures soon it's been hard because I truly feel like I'm a freak being this young and having no teeth having to relearn to speak without a lisp and the alteration of my appearance structurally because of the missing teeth and some jaw bone has been really difficult but seeing others go through this I don't feel so alone


22 and I’m shaking terrified of losing my natural teeth. thank you for posting this


I’m currently 21, and I recently had my top two front teeth and one bottom tooth broken through a sports-related incident (someone accidentally hit me in the face with a badminton racket during a game). My parents were furious at the accident and could barely look at me without feeling heartbroken… I had weekly dentist appointments for about a month to see what they could do about it and just yesterday I got crowns on my two top teeth (the dentist is still currently figuring out how to fix the bottom tooth). I don’t know how to feel about the crowns just yet, as I told myself to give it a week before they potentially feel normal. I’m a little depressed that I’ll never get my original teeth back and that this happened at such an early stage of my life, but seeing your video and how positive you are in embracing your current situation gives me a bit of strength to accept what happened to me. Thank you, and I wish you the absolute best.


As a 18 year old that was never really taught to brush my teeth I’m now needing partial dentures and I currently still have all my real teeth so I hope that my life won’t change that much. And watching this really helped to not feel as bad about needing dentures.


You don’t know how bad I needed to see this video. Thank you beyond words for posting this


Man. I got 9 left on the top, 9 left of the bottom, and they’re all in bad shape. I have an appointment for yet more fillings in a couple of hours and I’m contemplating whether or not I should just discuss the denture route instead. I’m so tired. I’ve also had bad teeth my whole life, having imbalanced hormones due to PCOS and it just sucks. But your video amongst all the others are very uplifting and making me lean towards a decision I need to make. Thank you for sharing ❤


Chalk teeth. My cousin has the same condition. You are FABULOUS!!!


You're beautiful and yours look so natural. I need my bottom done badly. Got the top done about 9 years ago and it really boosted my confidence. I've always had really weak teeth as well and as the years went on it got worse. Thank you for this video.🙂


I love your story. I am 58 and will be getting dentures in about a month. I’m very nervous but at same time really excited about getting some teeth because I have not been able to eat steak and chicken for so long. Thank you for sharing




I'm a dental tech.for 50 years.Its nice to see what I think is a very successful denture story.They look great.Some people who first get dentures have a tough time but if they persevere after a while and with adjustments when necessary do well and the denture does become a part of them..


You are beautiful, braves and strong, nothing can stop you from smiling 😊😊


I have the same issue but I’m male. I’m waiting for my debit urea as we speak. Went through the depression phase and haven’t even left my house in months while waiting…. You are an Inspiration and you are beautiful and is date you in a second!


Your awesome for being brave and telling your story keep up the good inspiration.


I really appreciate you posting this ... im having my teeth extracted in a few days. Im 35 and very worried but i appreciate your candidness ans positivity. Thank you again


Worried I’m going to begin the long process of teeth extraction and dental rehabilitation today. I’ve been waiting for this for years.


I'm nearly 50 but it's been a big problem for me I need to have my teeth taken out and wear dentures I hate not being able to smile openly always with my hand Infront of my mouth watching this has given me the confidence to opt for the dentures so after Xmas and new year I'm gonna take the plunge thanks


I’m in the process of top dentures and a bridge at the bottom. I’m hoping to lift my confidence and hopefully live a normal life. I have been so self conscious that I’ve isolated. I kept trying to figure out what made me feel uncomfortable about socializing. I was even diagnosed with SAD. I think it’s been my teeth all along. The last few years is when my tooth loss became worse. I’m 3 months into the process. Next month I will be having my top teeth removed. I’m so scared. I hope dentures will bring back my confidence. 😌😌😌
