DEBATE! Baptists VS. Conditional Security | Do THESE Passages Refute Once Saved Always Saved?

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Donny Budinsky and @PraiseIAmThatIAm debate a conditionalist (someone who believes a believer can lose their salvation) on the so-called best passages that "refute" Once Saved Always Saved.

Donny challenges conditionalists to put forth their BEST passages that counter OSAS. This video is comprehensive. Passages engaged include Hebrews 3:12, 1 Corinthians 15, 2 Peter 2:20 and the parable of the sower.

The FULL must-watch open mic debate (Irrefutable Evidence for Eternal Security | Prove us Wrong!)

SALVATION SHOWDOWN | Baptists VS Seventh Day Adventists - Eternal Security VS Conditional Security

Showdown! Once Saved Always Saved DEBATE MONTAGE - Hebrews 10, Flesh vs. Spirit, Free Will

Soteriology Discussion | Once Saved Always Saved & The Aspects of Salvation - OPEN MIC

Standing For Truth LIVE | Multiple Topics - Creation, Evolution & Soteriology Showdown (OPEN MIC)

Late Night OPEN MIC Showdown | Eschatology & ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED - Bring your best Arguments!

More Open Mic Debates (on Soteriology)
The Proper Understanding of Matthew 24:13 (endure unto the end) | OPEN MIC

The Book of Life EXPLAINED | OPEN MIC DEBATE/DISCUSSION - Once Saved Always Saved?

EPIC (AND LIVELY) OPEN MIC DEBATE | Debunking Bible Flock Box on Once Saved Always Saved!

OPEN MIC SHOWDOWN | Continuing to Debunk Bible Flock Box on Once Saved Always Saved! (Hebrews 10)

Debunking Bible Flock Box (Open Mic Debate Series)

Soteriology Debates & Discussions (Hosted by Standing For Truth)

Once Saved Always Saved (Discussions, presentations, interviews, debates)

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This is great. Well done and many thanks.


Wow, thank you, Donnie. You are the first person i've ever heard.Quote that passage properly to be absent from the body and be present with the Lord


believing in OSAS is a heart issue. not a head one.

OSAS doesnt make sense to the unsaved. they think its unfair. they think we have to EARN eternal life.

worst of all, they think THEY are good. its nearly impossible to convince people through verses. they choose their view at the heart level.


Onorato Diamante explained the difficult passages. 👍


It sounds to me that this guy that believes you can lose your salvation. It's because he's reading from a Bible that teaches it.


I'm sorry, but this is nothing more than self-affirmation steamrolling a contender.
I really try to be generous in evaluations, but this was just over the top.


Your own introductory verse is conditional. John 5:24 says one must heareth the word and believeth on Jesus in order to not come into condemnation. The "eth" in KJV is an ongoing, continuous action. I must continue to hear AND believe in order to be considered "passed from death unto life". Your own verse adds to must "hear" in addition to believe. Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Man doesn't live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Your life has to be lived by faith which is going to include works. If you stop hearing, you will drift into unbelief. If you stop believing, you are condemned. Eternal life is for believers. The just shall live by faith. Believers don't go to the lake of fire, but former believers, or "UNBELIEVERS", do.


Never die, match’s the word eternal and being sealed in Ephesians 1:13. & 4:30. It’s also in present tense possession in John chapter 3 verse 36 and John chapter 6, verse 47. those verses teach it today and forever.


Purely ridiculous! 2 Peter 2: 20, "Escaped the pollutions" through knowledge of Christ, and then they are entangled again!!! That is plainly a christian who has returned to the world, (and is now lost). The latter end is worse than the beginning *WHEN THEY WERE NOT SAVED* They have "turned from the Holy Commandment. SFT and Praise and others, I don't know if you all are purposefully false teachers or extremely ignorant... ridiculous.


The Three Realms

There are three realms, heaven, outer darkness, and hell.

Hell is for the unrepentant sinner who refuses salvation.

Heaven is for the person that starts with salvation and then lives according to the will and purposes of God.

Outer darkness is the place for the person that has been saved and no longer carries original sin, but has rejected a life of pleasing God.

The exact quote is "Cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth".

As best I can see this is a place where you will not burn as you have paid your fire insurance(You accepted salvation).

You will not have light either, because after salvation you then rejected the light of the world. Instead you get what you have asked for. No fire and no light exactly as you have lived.

Most pastors only teach heaven and hell and never speak of this.

I was taught this many years ago as the correct solution to eternal salvation. God does not restore original sin and return people to hell since he promises salvation is a gift. Since gifts are given freely and can not be taken back hell is no longer a consideration, but neither does that person receive heaven entirely. They will live in a place of total darkness that is neither heaven nor hell for all eternity.

This is how salvation is eternal, but you are still rewarded according to your works. This we should consider daily in every part of our lives.

God Bless


Gods word verses conditional security is a better term. Romans 4 deals with this more than sufficiently especially Romans 4:7 - Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. OSAS is a satanic acronym


Hard to listen to once again. Regarding 1 Cor 15...."if you hold fast", Donnie's point is mute. There's only one way a believer could have believed in vein and that's if he stops believing. It's not as though a believer can cancel the effect of the resurrection.


If you truly from your heart accepted Jesus as your Savior at some point in your life, can you live out the rest of your life without ever sinning again?
If you can fall away because of sinning or your faith is lost and lose your salvation, what sin or sins would constitute that happening? Is it the common big sins that would do it or is it a multitude of the lesser sins or a combination of both?
I got some really bad news because all men/women sin.If you say you have no sin, you are a lier.We will all go to hell.

There is only one man who ever walked the face of the earth that had NO sin.My Lord and Savior, Yeshua.The Lamb of God.🙏✝🩸


Scores of verses, and common sense logic, irrefutably prove that a person *”must”* continue to exercise their libertarian free-willed choice to believe until they take their last breath; and *”if”* they fail to continue to believe and have *”faith”* they will be lost. Why the “free-gracers” would make such a fuss by insisting on perpetuating a dangerous unbiblical myth that jeopardizes people’s eternal souls is beyond comprehension.


I think I know what the issue is with you people, mummy and daddy made you pay for your Christmas and birthday presents on layaway. 😂😂😂😂😂


Study Judas Iscariot very closely, especially in Matthew 10. Matthew 10:28 is a warning to his DISCIPLES. Judas was in Christ then he left Christ. When he left Christ he forfeited his salvation.


I would love to discuss the verses in John 3 & 5 that Donny uses as irrefutable evidence for OSAS. I don’t think they prove his point.


OSAS just takes so much effort.
Conditional security just has to let the scripture mean exactly what it says. OSAS requires so much effort and mental gymnastics and word judo to make the scripture mean something else. That’s why I had to let it go. I want OSAS to be true. I just couldn’t keep lying to myself though.
