Women describes the AFTERLIFE... #hell #afterlife #neardeathexperience

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When I was there, the only way I could explain it was gnashing of the teeth, screaming, wailing, etc. I NEVER knew this was a verse in the Bible. I didn’t know until about 2 ish years later after praying about it! I have a powerful testimony, more than just this. I was a statist, witch, etc. I have seen the bad and the dark, alive and awake. I had “visitors”. No one can prepare you and no one can take you out of it, only Jesus.


A friend who tried that, shared the same experience, he regrets having tried it. He now prays everyday


1 Cor 15:1-4. Get saved before it’s too late. It’s not what you DO, it’s what He DID. Trust in the BLOOD.


I never tried to take my life! But, I did go to hell while taking a nap! And it is just as she says! Then I’m in a tunnel with Jesus! I ask him, Lord was I not good for you? He answered me! Yes my daughter! I took you to hell so you would tell my children what it’s really like! You’ve never felt love until you meet the King! It was so overwhelming in a good way! I did not want to go home to my very small babes! His hug was nothing like human hugs!


I have an amazing story. One day I was driving home and I felt the presence of the Lord, come down to me from above. It was as real as anything and I felt so comfortable with Him.
I knew if I asked Him to play a song on the radio, He would.
So I said "Ok Lord, play Come as you are..."
I didn't know what station it was on or anything, but I turned the radio on and the song started playing right on the spot, perfectly...
I started getting flooded with chills inside, trembling, and crying tears of joy. When I got home, He stayed with me for 10 minutes till I got out of the car.

Since then, I've been getting prayers answered wayyyy more often, because that experience made me stop doubting when I pray, and I follow Biblical instructions for praying, as best I can.


Jesus can heal you. He loves you so much. And He is waiting for you to finally talk to him about your problems. He knows exactly how to handle them💗🍃


I seen the video of the man who created the Satanic Bible “there is only one Bible” anyways said when he was passing his last words was “oh no what have I done. Something is wrong. Something is wrong.” Jesus is real people so is hell. Pick your side while you have the chance. My advise go with Jesus read the Bible and get to know God. Sending love & prayers to all❤


My grandpa was an alcoholic before I was born. He told me a story of when he went to a hotel because it was so hard to quit drinking and he had planned on commuting suicide that day. He went in the room sat on the bed when he heard an audible voice telling him to not commit suicide and he was loved. They spoke for 20-30 minutes. He was insistent on hearing a voice that was loud and audible (not just in his head). He said it was the very moment he knew he was going to quit drinking and that he could do it because God told him he could and would. This story and the way he told it always gave me goosebumpsand happy tears! I love God and know he wants us to live a good life. ❤ 🙌🙏✝️


I read another near death from a woman who committed suicide and she didn’t visit hell at all and talk to Jesus in Heaven. He told her how much he loves her and that she is alive for a purpose


I am a living testimony of gods power. At 15 I took a bunch of pills and sl^t my wrists. I went all the way down to my tendons/bones. Cops said if they would’ve arrived even a minute later than they did, I would’ve been dead. The doctors said that it was an absolute miracle how I managed to survive.
No one ALONE just survives from something like that.
God was with me that day and he knew he had a plan for me and didn’t want my own actions to get in the way of that.

Praise the Lord. He is real and he is with you. ❤️


I cannot imagine being separated from our Father. The source of everything that's good. No joy, no peace, not a single shred of positive emotions or positive thoughts. 😔😢


Seriously, when I attempted suicide (ate about 4 bottles of different medicine) it was something similar. My experience was completely darkness. You hear screams, moaning, crying, pleading, and so on. While I couldn't see, I was getting hit randomly all pver my body constantly and something you're it's like they set you on fire and others getting thrown freezer just for it to stop at random times. You can even sometimes hear giggling or laughter. Lost track of time in there. Eventually, everything got bright and white, I was laying down with 2 dark figures standing above me. They were completely dark so I couldn't see their body or face and they barely resemble a human figure. Looked like they were talking to each other but I couldn't hear nothing they said. They stop, bent over toward me and I woke up. Surprisingly, I felt better then ever like I was reborned


JESUS THANK YOU FOR SAVING ME ‼️❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


My mother is a severe narcissist, and pushed my father to feel so much pain on this earth mentally and physically he was a Christian, who held to his wedding vowels that even he who taught me that suicide is bad and never acceptable committed suicide. I pray that my father found Jesus and did not find this as his end.. as he was literally, the most amazing man and I have literally nothing bad to say to him so so I pray for him that he found Jesus and that Jesus forgave him for this act.


One comment I find interesting is that she said they were not symmetrical. I have never seen a demon but I figured that they could not by symmetrical because almost every creature God made on this earth is symmetrical. Satan and his demons are not going to have the same features because they are against God.


I didn't have this gnawing experience, but I made it clear that I'm having a hard time finding/accepting God(was religious, and after some bad situations I just kinda...stopped. I still have my faith, I just don't practice, and with that I feel numb to it)
One night, I dreamt about a man. He came to talk to me, asking to pray with him and I joked and laughed. He then asked why I didn't believe in him, and I told him it's not that I don't believe, I'm just not ready yet.
This was followed by him saying, "Then I will wait for you." I felt such an overwhelming feeling of love, and then woke up. Since I remembered this dream so vividly, and the sensation, I assumed it was god or a messenger.

Even after this dream, I still have a hard time, but I'm trying.


I doubt anyone will read this, but I’ll share a story. My dad died when I was only 10 years old from brain cancer. He suffered greatly before his death but shortly before he passed he appeared to be talking to people in his room, looking up at the ceiling, reaching for them. He said they were his mom and dad and they were angels. Many many years after he passed, I had wondered if he had went to heaven. It was something I thought about a lot. Was he in limbo. Was he in heaven. Was he in hell? It bothered me for a very long time. I fell asleep in my bed one night, just like every night. Nothing special.
Except it was.
I found myself not in a dream but in this really amazing beautiful place. It felt like the perfect temperature water running all down my body. I will never forget that feeling. There was nothing around me except the brightest light I’ve ever experienced, it was almost so bright that it was blue. I saw a small orb in front of me and it became larger and larger and I realized that it was approaching me. I felt so good; so at peace, so happy to just be there. The orb was even brighter than the brightness around me, almost glowing gold. There was no human form, just the orb that had became human size, oval. It came straight up to me and it felt like arms embracing me and I immediately felt like it was my dad hugging me. It was as if as soon as he touched me, I was flooded with every happy memory I had ever shared with him all at once. I woke up immediately in my bed and just laid there as the residual feeling of being in that place was still present in my body. I just laid there for a very long time questioning what had just happened but I knew in my heart that I saw my dad in heaven. I’ve never questioned his passing ever again and I know he’s safe in heaven and I know I will meet him there one day. It was the most amazing experience I’ve ever had and I will never forget it. It lives in my memory in full HD.
I’m still not sure what happened that night but I know it changed me.


I hate hearing stories like this because my dad killed himself. He believed in Jesus, I just think he went crazy in those last couple weeks. I absolutely refuse to believe he’s in hell.


My experience was a beautiful golden and baby blue light, peaceful warmth and a complete feeling of love and acceptance. It was so beautiful I didn't want to leave.

So I guess ones experience may be indicative of their personal beliefs possibly.


I used to think about killing myself, at least once a day, every day, since I was a 12 year old (I’m a 39 year old woman now). I always believed that Jesus was a real man, a good man, but struggled to believe in God with my whole heart and soul until two weeks ago. That night I had the night from hell. I’ve been through a lot but this was different from any physical, rational fear or anxiety. I was terrified and felt as though I was under spiritual attack. I was praying to God, the fear didn’t leave me until the next day. I realised, the next day, that God put me through that one night of sheer hell as a wake up call. I had been researching witchcraft, watching “witchy” YouTubers and had turned my back on God. I also realised, since that night I haven’t thought about killing myself since. I asked God for forgiveness for my sins and He gave me Grace and Mercy. I can’t explain this peace that has washed over me. Once you believe, you believe, in your very soul, that God is real, Jesus brought us Truth and reconciliation with God and there are many false “gods” in the form of celebrities, materialism and even ego. God loves us and wants us to find salvation. Amen.
