another roblox developer got 'exposed'

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another roblox developer got "exposed"

today we talk about how the developer of criminality RVVZ along with his team is being accused of false stuff maliciously and putting the truth out there

credit KChuncky Nguyen for the thumb

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great vid. i've also had my messages spammed with the same document. it's sad to see people spreading fake allegations and ruining the credibility of victims who speak out against real cases. i hope rvvz takes legal action against these guys


ngl the part where RVVZ kind of abuses the DMCA system is true, especially with the "The Rake" community. A whole ass separate game on Roblox keeps getting taken down for copyright even though RVVZ doesn't even work on his The Rake game nor does he even own the trademark.


fyi: he DID abuse the copyright system by taking down fangames that were competition for his games like a rake fangame when he doesnt even own the trademark


rvvz still infact did false copyright strike fangames simply because they were a competition for his games like rake whispering pines DMCA'd simply because it was a fangame that rivaled the game he hasn't updated in years, inshort i don't care if the allegations are fake i have no respect for RVVZ as a developer as all he did in last year or two is milk criminality out of all money he can before it dies and DMCA'd fangames by people who genuinely had passion and loved the games he had created


the people who made the “exposing” document needs to act more professional about serious allegations and not act like it’s a joke.


RVVZ removed slayer's sword and necromancer's scythe from item asylum, even though the original sources wasn't from Criminality, and if it was, it was free advertising.


Y’all be commenting too early without even watching the video when these allegations don’t even have proper evidence. The whole thing just seems like a goose chase at this point


yall definitely got paid, rvvz had a bad reputation even before the grooming allegations and just because rubensim's glazing it aint the truth 🗿


"The rake" is not owned by anyone as its FAIR USE and has no legal copyright owner. Yet RVVZ still takes down the rake fangames like "The rake : whispering pines" without it containing any assets, also "The Rake: Remastered" is based off of a steam game called "The Rake" so all of the DMCA strikes all completely false and filed out a egoism .


Rvvz and his team are very irresponsible, lazy, and overall a bad team. Their game also has rigged crates, p2w skins, and mods who false ban.


Rvvz and his whole team and game is NOT INNOCENT. i do like the fact he did go over some stuff abt the doc i read before this video got released BUT im still not convinced. this guy just completely ignored ReShapes stuff and even after all of this i know damn well they are pretty horrible people...IM TALKING TO YOU TOO GDI


Rvvz abuses the copy right system he took down an fan game that was beloved by all


Rvvz is indeed a not okay guy. He talked innapropriately before (Like twice or more) He did indeed add p*** to his own game "scripts"he does NOT care about his game either, ive been playing for like a REALLY long time. (This guy does NOT care)


He is definitely abusing the copyright system, he’s been doing this for months now.

He took down a game called, “whispering pines” and a game inspired by criminality for competing with his game.


As a person who followed RVVZs games, except Criminality (Creeper Chaos, The Rake, That one Thanos Truck game I forgot the name of), it sucks seeing how far RVVZ has fallen.
While I had some doubts about the pdf file allegations, I fully believe the other points, simply because there is enough evidence to point towards those being very much real, or at least truthful to a pretty big portion. It doesnt take much look into certain cases to figure out that RVVZ was pretty highly in the wrong on what he did (The Rake: Whispering Pines, and THE RAKE: Horror Edition and its unfortunate "sequels" are pretty good examples)
It then doesnt help that you get people like Schlep, that has clearly some incredible bias towards him, then just tries to sway the favor for RVVZ, but in a horrendous way. Of course, you also got people like Ruben and John/GDI, but lets be honest its not surprising that they are being that defending of him.
Anyway, felt like doing a sleep deprived ranting. Feel saddened seeing how another dev I looked up to just turned for worse, way worse. Be it greed, ego, or something else.


"This is a community server and not directly linked to the game itself"
I don't know about you, but I think someone would have to be EXTREMELY DENSE to not realize the fact that the server is clearly labelled as so to avoid issues with moderation. It is a such a large server directed LINKED to the original. Even with so many trades going on that's against the roblox TOS, it's clear that RVVZ has no intention of doing anything about it. With high ranking members inside that literally have IN GAME PERMISSIONS. I don't know if that spells it out for you enough, but CLEARLY it is very much so directly linked to the main game.

If you're gonna be a sellout just say so.


the black market thing is entirely true, they have their own black market server where skins are sold for real life money. There were speculations that rvvz could add rare skins to his alts or whatever just to make more money


RVVZ is possibly one of the Biggest Pieces of S**t. on developer scene and Roblox as a whole. Simply by playing one of his games for more than a year is enough to understand everything and for everyone thats a fan of the Rake im truly sorry for you i do feel the pain too.


Mf got bribed to not talk about the some of the drama😭


you def getting paid for this the way you just dodged another big allegation of the fact that he has taken a rake fangame down for absolutely no reason is diabolical im super confused as to why You DID NOT mention that at all when its The biggest thing rvvz is getting exposed of and they didnt even steal any assets from him or anything its just simply the fact the game was becoming way bigger than the rake remastered i cannot fathom the meat riding you just did
