Ted's BACK!

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It's been a couple of months, but I'm back on YouTube. This time, I'm on my own ... so I can address any topic in any way I choose. In this video come up I explain where I've been, what's happened to the industry I worked in, and where I'm going next with this channel. Be sure to tell me tell me the topics you'd like me to address in coming videos in the comments below.
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We've missed you... glad to see you're back, we need your stock market guidance ...


Ted, I was a longtime subscriber of your services at Banyan Hill. I always valued your honesty and your big picture world market viewpoint coming from an economic historian. Within the confines of working for Banyan Hill, I believe you kept the hype and marketing fluff to a tolerable level. Oh, how I loathe marketing fluff!

Solid dividend stocks that are trading at attractive prices right now are what I'm most interested in - like your EQR pick with the occasional big special dividends (I still hold it and compound the dividends). Maybe take a look at EQR and let us know what you think today?


THANK YOU TED. I'm so thrilled you're going to do these videos weekly. I totally like your honesty and I have always felt more aligned to your way of investing than some other services. Thank you again for providing us this opportunity to follow you on YouTube.


Among many others, I, too, recognize and appreciate your candor and honesty. Carefully-crafted sales jobs have an effect on me that is exactly opposite to the intended effect. I look forward to following you on your Youtube channel, wherever your interests may lead you.


So happy to see you! It's no the same without you Mr. Bauman!!


Great to hear from you Ted, looking forward to hearing more from you.


Welcome back. I was a subscriber previously. What I found missing was advice on what not to be invested in! That is perhaps the more difficult aspect of managing a portfolio.


Hey Ted, nice to see your back. We need your sincere opinion and expertise in thus crazy market. Happy holidays... ✌️✋


Glad to have you back. I like and trust your style. Let me know how to get on your new mailing list.


Glad to see you back. I am interested in hearing what is next from you. I am also interested in hearing from you about crypto, commodities, and precious metals.


Hi Ted,
Nice to have you back!
You have always been honest and reflected.
Could you do a video on the macro situation/the big picture now we are soon to enter 2023?
And can you tell us, what happened to Clint? I really liked that guy too.


So happy to see you. You should start a private investing club for those of us in Atlanta.


Hi Ted, thanks for coming back. Can you do a video on CEFs, there are a lot of high yield payers in the credit and bond areas that are well diversified but probably misunderstood by a lot of us retail investors.


Good to hear from you again Ted! I like the collectibles idea, specially on the lower priced end (<1000$), also small cap industrial companies. Cheers


Hi Ted,
It is great to have you back! I have always valued your market insights and overview as an economist. I thought you and Clint Lee complemented each other when analyzing a given issue.

Since I am retired I am mostly interested in income assets and I appreciated the part of your portfolio with "endless income". I hope you might bring back that portfolio. Non-correlated assets such as farmland that you mentioned would also be of interest. I would enjoy having a portfolio with less volatility.

Paul Labbe


Glad you're back, Ted. I'd like to hear your thoughts on the 18yr property cycle as described by Fred Harrison. Cheers.


Welcome back. I was always looking forward to what you had to say. I miss the hearing about the economic issues you discussed.


Hi Ted. I watch your videos because I like your nonchalant humility, your ability to give both sides, and your dislike of youtube zealots and hucksters. I think you're very good at advising caution with regard to whatever the latest panic or FOMO topic is. You're calming, not many people have that as their youtube MO.


Hi Ted! I am glad to see you back on YouTube. You were one of my favorite advisers. I would hope to see you start up your own business in someway again. I would be a subscriber. To your question I would first like to hear about dividend, stocks, again, and in more depth. after that, I’ll come up with some other areas of interest, as well. Thanks for being you.


Glad to see you are back. Looking forward to your future videos.
