November 2015 Wrap Up and December TBR

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All the books I read in November and what I'm planning to read in December!

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I'm so glad I've found Olive on youtube and thank you, Olive, for making these videos (I think it's a hard work!). I have no idea how much we have in common, but if Olive says she liked a book, I have to read it 100 %


Excellent reading month Olive and a very successful Non-ficition month!


I have been wanting to read The Magicians for I am super excited to hear what you think! I hope you have a fabulous reading month in December! xx


Thank you(and Gemma) for hosting nonfiction november. Seems like people have enjoyed it, and even though I did not participate I loved to see what people picked up and read during the month. Hopefully people keep reading more nonficiton :-)


You know, I probably have never said this to you but I am in love with your bookshelves. Have you thought about doing a bookshelf tour or a 'what's on my shelf' video? Best of luck with your TBR. I'm also joining the Brothers Karamazov readalong. I'll probably be reading it at a snail's pace, but I'm excited. =)
Lastly, congrats on almost 1000! You deserve that and so much more.


Great reading month-- I love Chew too haha, so much fun! And some great sounding books for December-- really curious to see what you make of the Rasputin graphic novel.


rewatching The Wire is a totally legitimate reason to slow down reading. I spent an entire weekend watching Jessica Jones instead of reading like I had planned. NO REGRETS

I finished Sarum by Rutherford last month while I was on vacation. I totally believe that you'll need to read it when you have less going on in your life because just looking at it is distracting & discouraging. I'm sure it'll be worth the read though - I feel so accomplished! (the story was good too.)

I'm really unfamiliar with Russian history but The Enchantments sounds intriguing. May check that one out soon.

Nonfiction November next year yes please! I had a ton of fun with the challenge and really happy that I got to connect with a lot of amazing booktubers because of it :)


So many books! What a great selection and variety you'be read / are going to read.

#NonFictionNovember2015 was so much fun. I'm definitely on for it again next year@


I had to bail on the History requirement for Non Fiction November. I was thrilled to hear that it was a possibility in 2016. I can start mulling over what history book will start my Non Fic month.


Great video! So great that you got through all the nonfiction - and of course this should be done next year as well!! :)
The Rasputin graphic novel looks soo interesting!! I look very much forward to hearing your thoughts on it! Actually Im listening to an audiobook atm on the russian revolution and it just mentioned Rasputin, his influence on the royal family - especially the zarina - and on an more dramatic note how they had the hardest time killing him :P


Great review. You're like an encyclopedia about Russia 😊 It's motivating! I think I'd like to check out enchantment, sounds like fun


Damn you and your ability to pronounce Russian names day I will too. I am so glad that you did Non-Fiction November, I really hope you do it again next year...not that I need help with reading Non-Fiction, I just love the event and challenges. Watching Fallout 4, I've been doing that on YouTube, I really need to get a decent computer or an XBox One so I can play it.
