Neurologist Explains How Epilepsy ACTUALLY Works

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#DrOmarDanoun #Epilepsy
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I'm glad to see you're making videos again! They help me cope with the uncertainty. It's nice to have an explanation for what is happening in my body even if it isn't the full picture.


The age of 8 was diagnosed with Epilepsy, most likely caused by high temperature, causing febrile seizures when I was an infant. At the age of 22, I had a temporal lobectomy, where they removed scar tissue on the left temporal lobe. I went from 22 pills a day to 6 a day to zero pills. I went seizure free for 19 years and suffered a TBI at work and now suffer from, guess what, you got it. I now suffer again from dacrystic seizures and back on seizure medicine have a VNS implant. I found that when given multiplication math problems during my seizures shorten the episode and recover quicker. This is something you might want to study.
My years of seizure free after the temporal lobectomy I became a firefighter and was driving fire apparatus. I had to retire after suffering the TBI. I have been a patient to 4 well known Medical Centers (UVA, VCU, Cleveland Mayo Clinic and Duke University. That is what Epilepsy did to me.


Can you please make a video on the common things that people do that can increase people's odds of having seizures such as smoking cannabis and drinking alcohol or low sodium. Thank you sir 🙏


One video is also needed on management of epilepsy in pregnancy


Does anybody here experience seizures caused by loud school bells, dog barking or sharp abrupt noises? I have been told it's a rare form called startle seizures.


This is a great video DrOmar! ☺️ Are you able to make a video about the side effects of different epilepsy medications?


Man where have you been Doc? Thanks for the upload 💜


Thank Dr, evertime im listening to U, i get so much relieved, im on treatment for 3Months now n was so scared about everything, i was diagnosed 3months back, I done EGG waiting for my results going for scan next month, but I'm no longer scared because of u


I have learned so much from your videos. Thank you.


Excellent video. Thank you so much. 😊


**How can patients find out if the person reading the EEG is good or not, so they will be read correctly?
•Clinics won't tell
•Patient reviews mean nothing. They don't know if the results are read correctly.
•Get a 2nd opinion? Insurance may or may not pay for it.
•Have two people at the clinic read it? I doubt that is done unless there is a question.

Help us out, please. Do you have any suggestions?

Thank you in advance.


Things for Do's and Dont's for Patient having Epilepsy.
Dear, Dr. I request you to please answer us for this.


Hello Dr. Danoun Can you please make a complete video on oxcarbazepine


I have normal EEG, lesions in the brain on MRI and have seizures they told me they were PNES but I continued to have them in my sleep at night and bite my tongue. I finally got a new Dr and he said PNES will not allow you to bite your tongue and you wont have those type when asleep.


God bless you for all those you have helped in your career


I have autoimmune encephalitis so it's autoimmune epilepsy. They sent my case to Mayo clinic and they decided a VNS (Vagus nerve stimulator) implant was a good idea. I've had my disease for 3 years now, and in the first year and a half my disease was really bad. I've had 7 seizures during that time, the longest one had me in a coma for 4 days. Thankfully I'm at a year and a half no seizure now, it's really an amazing feeling. All the seizures I had were tonic clonic and I just drop


Great video, thank you for your time!


I had a traumatic childhood and when I started having children and really working on my emotional issues my seizures began. I got an mri and found a lesion in my right temporal lobe. The focal aware seizures seem to get triggered the more I “heal” and work on being calm over panicking which my brain grew used to my entire life. Could my healing actually be what’s triggering my seizures? Love your content


Went to Duke and had a 5 day eeg, wow they triggered 10 auras in 1 day, i chewed my tongue so badly... The epileptologist got all the info he needed on that day. I wanted that RNS, but the Dr said brain surgery was my best option. Thanks for the video!


Hi Dr Omar,

I am from India, my father is taking anti epileptic medicines for the last 40 years. Presently he is taking :

1) Brevipil 100mg in the morning / 50 mg in the afternoon / 100mg at night
2) Locaset = 100 mg in the morning, afternoon and at night each time.
3) Topomac = 25mg in the morning and evening each time.
4) Frisium 5 mg only at night

Still he is having seizures episodes every second month. Please suggest which action to take? Is there any other method to control it except adding more medicines if any?
