Angular momentum in quantum mechanics

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📚 Angular momentum is key in understanding many physical situations, perhaps most importantly the behaviour of particles moving in central potentials, like an electron in a hydrogen atom. In this video we upgrade classical angular momentum to a quantum mechanical operator, and we explore some of its properties. We also learn that angular momentum in quantum mechanics is not restricted to *orbital* angular momentum and introduce the idea of *spin* angular momentum, which has no classical analogue.
Director and writer: BM
Producer and designer: MC
All Basics About Angular Momentum in QUANTUM Mechanics
Angular momentum in quantum mechanics
Angular momentum operators and their algebra
What is Quantization of Angular Momentum? Magnitude & Space Quantization (of subatomic particles...
What IS Angular Momentum?
Orbital angular momentum in quantum mechanics
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24. Addition of Angular Momentum
Quantum orbital angular momentum
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Total Angular Momentum Quantum Number
Quantum Numbers, Atomic Orbitals, and Electron Configurations
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Quantum Numbers
Quantum Mechanics- 36, Orbital Angular Momentum
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Orbital Angular Momentum | Easy Method to Understand | Quantum Mechanics | Vid#22(a(1))