The Two Knight's Defense explained simply in 3 minutes!

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About this video:
The Two Knight's Defense is an option for black to play against the Italian game. In the 2 Knight's Defense white has several options, but by playing an early Ng5 he has the opportunity to play the Fried Liver Attack if black recaptures on d5 with his knight. If black instead plays Na5, then white has other options at his disposal that I will cover in this video. The Two Knight's Defence can be a ton of fun to play for both sides, so I definitely recommend you learn this exciting chess opening. It is fun for both beginners and masters alike.
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You are my favorite chess teacher. Your communication skills makes Kevin from the chess website look silly


Awesome vid. I watched it for the first time today and already put it to good use.


What is it if you move both knights with your first two moves? As black or white? I’ve been using it I’m about an 800 and it’s been helping me at my level.


2:40: Why don’t you just take the black pawn on d5 but instead playing Nbc3?


When I was a college student (1969) playing in the campus chess club, once I played 3. Bc4 to get the Giuoco Piano only to have my opponent play 3...Nf6 for the Two Knights Defense. Whenever that happened, my plan (as in 0:25) was to play 4. Nc3 to convert it into a 4 knights game, and some remarked I didn't want to play the Two Knights Defense which was my idea. But I just found out in another Chess Vibes video that Black can play 4...Nxe4, then if I play 5. Nxe4, Black can play 5....d5 forking my knight and bishop, leading to a bad game for White. That didn't happen in the game I was playing at the college.


UGH! You're explaining it from the wrong side of the board!


So, started learning chess since I stared following you and I have one question, HOW DO YOU ACCOUNT FOR ALL THESE STRATEGIES DURING A GAME!? lol I've timed out so many times overthinking the possibilities.


Slow down, bro, im looking for instructional videos.
