What’s Going On With Facial Recognition? | Untangled

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The accuracy rate of facial recognition depends on the data its fed. With enough good data, the accuracy rate could be almost perfect.
Facial recognition is already being implemented in US airports for security and efficiency. But there are concerns that the US government is creating a digital ID library of millions of Americans without consent. 

The US Immigration and Customs Enforcement are also using facial recognition for security reasons. But without clear protections, it could be used as a tool to violate human rights. China is also implementing facial recognition on a bigger scale by giving citizens "social scores" in hopes of helping society become better. 

Facial recognition can be used to make tasks automated, convenient, and efficient. But there needs to be regulation and protections in place.

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What’s Going On With Facial Recognition? | Untangled
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Soon they're going to be adopting this technology into all public security systems with anyone's permission to track your every move. Truly dystopian times we''re heading towards..


God: i see everything you do, good or bad
China: hold my beer


I thought this said "Why fanfiction is so creepy" at first


Big brother is always listening and watching this technology makes it that much easier. Land of the Free?


Any Black Mirror "Nosedive" viewers in the chat?


Thing is, facial recognition also allows for facial reconstruction, provided we give it the means to. They can say they are not storing images of us, which is entirely true to an extent, but what they are storing is our features within the program. Images take up a lot of space. It is much easier to store a set of numbers relating to who you are, then have the computer read that. Instead of knowing that I'm "Beemer from this photo, " facial recognition knows that I am "Beemer from these measurements." That's where is pretty blatantly calculating who you are without storing your image. When I say "facial reconstruction, " I mean the same thing as measurements because it isn't referring to a picture, it's just referring to a bunch of accurate measurements of your face.


We are already selling our privacy to big company like Google and Facebook.


Face recigniser will help authority or gov. to recognise my habit. So whenever I may go to a mall, it will announce- "Hello Mr. X, 24th time visiting this month without buying anything; we would like to let you know that your credit card loan is due for 6 months, so you ain't buying shit. Also, a.c. costs cents to maintain every second, so get out."


Facial recognition is so creepy because it is an invasion of privacy. As are devices requiring thumb and retinal scans to identify you as their owner. As is allowing Google Maps to track your movements, identifying your Home and place of Work. We pay for technology that quite cheerfully spies on us.

And we are told this is all "for our own good."

Fortunately, there are work 'rounds. Ways of defeating invasive software and devices. Some quite simple. Don't buy the invasive devices. If you own one, search online for instructions that tell you how to turn these "features" off (if not included in your user manual).

Phone, tablet and laptop cameras are easily defeated with strategic placement of a Post-it note.

As for Facebook, there are numerous reasons not to use it. Security breaches being one of them. Zuckerberg being a total jerk who is pro-government regulation of the Internet being another.

Can you take a train or drive, rather than flying? "Opting out" sounds great, however, you are IN the airport and have been photographed and analyzed X number of times prior to making this request. Inefficient method.

As for issues with racial bias, what else is new? Of course it's wrong! Do you imagine all those with PhD's are ethical geniuses? 🐯


it's not secure. your twin can access your device with your face


Why my laptop camera suddenly turn on when i watch this video ?

Kidding.. that would be nightmare


They also score you on your friends. And punish your family and kids if you did something they think is wrong.


The idea of using face recognition was vastly adapted in the movie "Minority Report". As Tom Cruise entered in a mall, the face recogniser instantly greeted by calling his name & suggested prefered items.


Ten years ago I tried to warn people of the government and corporations using facial recognition on us ... I was told that I was just being paranoid... Hmm...I guess Tech insider is just being paranoid.


I remember when the police wanted Apple to break into a suspect's phone but they didn't so now police can just put your face in front of the phone or put your finger on the sensor


Totally Nosedive. It’s already existing 😵😳


I have two Asian friend and one put facial recognition on his phone with his face, my other friend tried to unlock the phone with his face and it worked....


Amazing the stuff algorithms can do, and the cleverness and creativity of those that create them. Wow how far can they go? Endless .


This is such a great video!? What how the heck did you guys do it
