How To Use The Order of Operations (PEMDAS) – Example Problem

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TabletClass Math:

This video explains how to use the order of operations.
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Excellent - I am 60 years old and never too old to learn!


Long story but I love your courses I just discovered and subscribed too.
Here I am, a 67 year year young, Nana.
I struggled so much in Algebra in 9th and 10th grade grade. That was back when 7th -9th were jr. high and 10th - 12th was high school.
I barely passed. I felt “Less than” and trapped in an algebra world of not even understanding where to start with an equation. A veil of confusion closed before my eyes. I could have taken a basic math class in high school and took algebra again being determined to “Get it”.
I had a very good career and am married to an electronics systems engineer who accepted me even with my weakness in algebra.😊
I came upon your courses because I met a young woman who has been married for less than 20 years with no high school diploma and no GED does not work away from home and nothing they own is in her name…. hope to point her in the direction of getting an education.
I googled the Order of Operations and see that it was developed in the 1600, s.
I was in 9th grade in 1969… I do not remember being taught PEMDAS or Order of Operation but they must have… I was not a talker in class, in fact pretty quiet, I was worried about being called on. My 50th class reunion is next year.
I want you to know, you are making a difference in how I feel about my Algebra abilities. I no longer feel “Less Than” . Thank you! ❤ I will keep watching and giving you a 👍🏻.


I wish we had this kind of access when I was learning this stuff 45 years ago


I found your site by accident. I am reviewing my math skills to help my 6th grader. I made the SAME common mistake you mentioned. I did NOT follow the order of operations concerning the left to right process for multiplication and division. I didn't realize how much I had forgotten. My old mind is waking up...thanks to your video. Now....if I could get my 6th grader to watch and REALLY listen. Within 10 seconds of the video I saw the "distant tuning out" gaze in her eyes.


John this is my 3rd week listening to you. I learned more in 2 weeks than I did my entire senior year in high school. Thanks


Thank you, your videos are informative and refreshing. You explain OoO in a way that’s easy to understand. Respectively, your like the bob ross of mathematics. Great content!


Your demeanor is superb. I majored in math years ago. It's a hobby now. Solving various problems are relaxing. Thanks for your service.


I finally understand PEMDAS, I would always multiply first then divide or add first then subtract. I was doing what the teacher said so I thought. MD or AS. Left to right what ever comes first Multiply or Divide, Left to right what ever comes first Add or subtract. Grown adult and now I finally understand. My teachers understood how to do math but didn't know how to teach math. How a student in middle school or high school doesn't get at least a B+ in their classes with all the tools they have like the internet at their fingertips is puzzling. My goodness if I had the internet when I was a kid I believe I would have been an honor student. The internet is like your personal tutor. Thank you for making this video.


Thankyou --now I understand(74 yrs old )---never used square or box brackets in African colonial high schools-(1965)
still --I am a hopeless mathematician --but I never give up!--sometimes I get lucky !


Thank you for this. It's been a LOOONNNNGGG time since I've been in high school. So good to review this. The first set of brackets in the numerator messed me up. It was so much easier when we were younger. Used to love mathematics. Now I have to worry about bills and mortgages. PEDMAS helps. Left to right even more. :)


I wish I had a math teacher like you in school. Thank you!!


I am 63 years old I am ready to take a math algebraic course and I really love the way you make me understand it. Thank you very much


I love math. It’s been 40+ years since I had a class. Last year my daughter went back to college and came to me for help with math. I had to refresh my brain. And it reminded me of how much I love math.


MR. TabletClass Math, thanks for explaining and analyzing PEMDAS with an excellent example.


i remember how i struggled so bad with this in 7th grade, then i finally got i am 25 years later going back to college and this is the first course i have to take. i will be following for the break down of different math problems. thank you


I’m a 70 year old refreshing my math knowledge. I nearly fell asleep waiting for the answer, but it did remind me of my basics. Thank you n


Thank you very much. You are really clear and professional. Your friendly style is most conducive to learning.


Just found your channel and love it. I am a 71 year old grandma and I am following your channel in order to keep my brain working . Thanks so much. I do not remember PEDMAS . Maybe if I had I would have done better in Math in highschool!!!! 🙂


I'm 52 years young... I'm watching your videos for... well, just for the sake of it (Just like I'm reading a book on the History of the United States for my health). Actually I started with some of the calculus stuff because I face the (daunting) task of Business Calculus and never had a calculus class before.

That said, I DO NOT EVER (even in College Algebra) remember an instructor telling me that you basically "Group" MD and AS to the point that you can do one before the other. Wow.

I learned something today. Thanks, John.


He is so right about the notes. Learn the math, really learn it. Sure, it'll be good for college acceptance. I went a different way and struggled later. Went to work with crew building a new auto manufacturing plant. Believe me, wished I was more proficient at math while I was there. One hobby I have is Hotrods and building the engines. My point, one was welding and turning wrenches for a living, one is just something I like doing when not at work. Good math skills is important in both circumstances by making both easier, profitable, engaging and efficient. So in closing, Learn the math, Really learn it. I wish I had...
