✔ How Advertisements Seduce Your Brain: What Science Says About A Logo’s Effect on Your Thinking ?

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Throught this video "The Incredible Way Your Brain 'Sees' a Logo" we will try to answer this questions:
-- How your brain sees logos ?
-- What happens when you see a logo ?
-- What your brain is looking at ?
-- What Science Says About A Logo’s Effect on Your Thinking ?
-- Where your brain thinks about logos?

Logos play an important emotional role in influencing decision making, especially when information or time is limited.

Neuroscientists have been studying how the brain perceives and recognizes a logo design, and how it impacts decision making. Here is some of what they’ve learned:

A logo can trigger emotional responses and even behavioral change. Neuroscience tells us that logos -- and the brands behind them -- can activate parts of your brain in a much deeper manner than you may think...
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I didn't know before that logos can trigger emotional responses and even behavioral change, thanks for the video.


Watched a little more than a minute of this. Could not stand, could not stand the animated text and the way it slowly came on the screen as a jumbled mess and then the words form. I tried to not watch it and stop the slide when the animation ended, but I got "tired" of ignoring the screen until it was full, but having to pay enough attention to ensure I stopped it at the right moment and could read the thing. So, in that 1:24 I did watch some good information, but not worth the effort. My suggestion is get rid of the animation and I'd suggest the music adds little as well.
