7 Unexpected Benefits of Minimalism

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Leading a minimalist lifestyle can result in some truly unexpected benefits that enrich your life in more ways than one.

Recent videos:

10 Things Your Capsule Wardrobe Needs (That Aren't Clothes)

12 Small Ways to Choose Happiness Today

Most popular videos:

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Top 10 Things to Declutter Right Now

You can read more tips in my newest book, Things That Matter: Overcoming Distraction to Pursue a More Meaningful Life:

Read hundreds of articles on decluttering and owning less on the Becoming Minimalist blog.

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Let's face it, when we're not shopping, cleaning, fixing, managing stuff we have opportunity for our inspirational juices to flow 😊


I find that every area I simplify, makes me a calmer, kinder person. Things that, 6 months ago, I would have NEVER chosen to simplify I'm simplifing now, because I know its going to make my life better. I'm now choosing to simplify my groceries, my hobbies, and my daily "to do" list. 🌞


You and flylady are my favorite youtubers. Minimizing has completely changed our family. I used to think that with 9 people (my husband and I have 7 children) in our house we were destined to have a clutter home. I was wrong, minimizing has made our house a peaceful place of rest. I'm SO thankful for these encouraging videos, because it is a way a life, not a once and done deal. I can't thank you enough Joshua.


By being minimalist for decades, we have been debt free ( except mortgage) for decades, by living frugal and minimal ( it helped with the many moves we made too!) I’ve been able to retire early, I sold my car 5 years ago. I retired early because of my arthritis and DDD, my husband is very happy with my decision, he is still working, with me at home he gets all his food cooked from scratch ( yes bread, jams, pickles, baked goods, you name it I make. It ) I have a herb and vegetable garden. The house is spotless and the laundry is always done . I serenade my husband on my newly found love of piano, while he enjoys these meals, ( which I took up a year ago at 59!) I am best buddies with the local librarian since retiring lol, I am reading Things that Matter at the moment ( sorry Joshua, I didn’t buy it ..but what’s a good minimalist to do ?) ..


It took a great amount of listening to great minimalists like reading myself today, I can say I am a minimalist 😇😇🙏🏾🙏🏾


I was asked today, “where do you shop?” When I said, “I don’t shop, ” the room exploded with a ton of questions. I’m so thankful that I’ve learned to pick up or order what I need… and spend my time, energy, and money on more than just extensive inventory to manage. Thank you!!


Thank you for taking the principles of minimalism beyond the basics that so many of the other "declutterers" do. There are only so many videos of people cleaning out their junk drawer that I can watch. And thank you for not selling a line of plastic boxes that claim to be "life changing" "must haves." You're right about minimalism benefitting in so many ways other than clearing off countertops. I'm writing again, and painting, and reading more than I ever did.


I was always chasing sales thus deprived my baby of spending quality time together .
I grew up in the Soviet Union, and minimalism was forced on us because everything was a deficiency -to get a quality pair of shoes you had to know someone in the shoe store ( networking). My friends and I grew up happily with a lot of creative and innovative ways of thinking having 2-pairs of shoes and 3-4 outfits for every season. We never felt deprived of possessions; the houses was always clear and organized so as our heads. Back then, we didn’t know the concept of minimalism . When I immigrated to USA I ended up in overconsumption trap where you mindlessly want more and more. I am trying to reprogram my brain back to my childhood and get out of consumerism trap.


I love it when you make "To Do Better Lists"!  😁
This one reminded me of something my father always said: "What you want costs twice as much as what you need." 💞


Absolutely - Things my husband and I never thought about, even like lighting, have recently come into focus for us. This week we made a bold (to us) decision. Gone is the chandelier we never enjoyed cleaning, and which seemed to dominate, divide, and clutter up the look of the dining room. In its place is recessed lighting. The hallway lighting, simplified as well. We cannot believe we did not think of this sooner, and we love the brighter, cleaner look - and not looking at that chandelier and thinking, "I really need to get after cleaning that, again" every time we walk through there. True, if we ever sell, potential buyers may want a chandelier, but WE live here and the change fits OUR life.
Thanks for your always thoughtful, continuously insightful content!


Yes, reading is a very meaningful activity that minimalism makes room for.


I started having severe back pain a couple of weeks ago after moving a few boxes. Praise the Lord that it is almost 100% healed! I was so thankful for my simplified home because I was able to keep my house tidied up. Before, I probably would have just let the mess pile up...dishes, laundry, etc. But since I enjoy a tidy house now, I was motivated to keep it clean and not just feel sorry for myself and let it all go. Thanks, Joshua!


I love the minimalist lifestyle! Your comment about the lifestyle helping us to gain more confidence hit me. I’m sometimes speechless and feel unproductive when people ask me what I’ve been doing during the day.
The truth is I am enjoying more creativity, better health and better, deeper relationships. This would be a great response! Thank you Josh!😉


A cluttered home does not feel "safe". Humans need order and simplicity to feel secure.
The weight that lifted off me with each trip to donation centers was palpable, and with each donation came a feeling that i might help someone who really needed that sweater, that pair of shoes.


I’m beginning to see these things happening. I’m very grateful to be on this journey.


I have truly benefitted from each and every one of these points. Loved this short and sweet video. The first one has been so great for me. Increased time and energy for creativity has allowed me to create my own decluttering and minimalism YouTube channel to help others. It's been really gratifying to find a passion that's fulfilling for me and gives me a sense of purpose. And with you Joshua as one of my first inspirations 😊❤️


Let’s be honest this man’s hair is absolutely pristine and must be protected at all costs.


Our family has benefited greatly from Minimalism!


Your information has been an eye opener for me. Now I understand how declutering and becoming more minimalistic changes our lives, lowers our stress level and puts us more in-tune with things that actually matter. We need this so much today in a world of over stimulation and drama. Thank you!


You are the only remaining minimalist youtuber whose weekly videos I always look forward listening to. Thank you Joshua for your short Yet very complete and direct tips not only on decluttering but on owning less stuff. You are right, it paved the way for my creativity to surface.
The bonus of all these is that I now have my daughter joining me in decluttering the whole house, little by little.
She is even more consistent in doing it, compared to me. 😅
