My Problem With Religion

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The companion of prophet Muhammad once said:
"Treat people with what they show you, and God takes care of what is in their chests. - Omar bin al-khattab"


I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: Allah the Almighty said: "O son of Adam, were your sins to reach the clouds of the sky and were you then to ask forgiveness of Me, I would forgive you." Reference : Hadith 34, 40 Hadith Qudsi

Do not lose hope in the mercy of the most merciful ❤✨


Yes you are right. What did you say already taught in islam. Yes, you are right. You can't judgement someone will enter hell or heaven, only Allah knows that. Keep searching bro, Allah will show you His guide to whoever searching Him.


Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)once said that allah said:"O my servants! You sin day and night, and I forgive all sins, so ask forgiveness from Me and I will forgive you"
So as long the person seeks forgiveness from ALLAH will forgive him bcz his forgiveness overcomes everything...


Absolutely. The Islamic saying and facts that make me fearful of ego is that 70 years of worship can be wiped away in one night. And that repenting sincerely before death may take you to heaven. Our actions and beliefs in the end are never enough to determine our fate. God may save the one I look down on and put me in situations that cause my own corruption. May God forgive us and give us the best. Great quality video Malvi. Looking forward to more.


I love your videos bro!! My reading is limited so I’m not the greatest, I find it extremely helpful finding people like you to help me understand things more clearly.


I am a Christian. But I used to be atheist and I can totally relate to your dissatisfaction with religion. (Sometimes I have as well).

The reason I say we need God is because humans are like lamps that should illuminate the world. But God is the electricity that powers us lamps! We are torches; and God is the fire. Without God we cannot be the light that we are meant to be in this world.

The problem is that we sin: we humans lie, we humans cheat, and do all sorts of things to please ourselves at others expense. One may say: “I would never do such thing”. Think again! If you believe your true happiness is (let’s say) dating a certain boy/girl; and someone else wants the same person you want, your instinct is to lie and cheat in order to protect the target object of your joy. This is why we have conflicts and wars amongst people and nations.

But if God is our object of joy and happiness above all things, we won’t let worldly affairs disrupt our relationships with fellow man.


Agreed there is definitely a problem with religion, that problem is we are a fallen creature, we do not have the ability to fully understand the creator, to imagine what the creator is but we also need religion (or whatever you want to call it) for the community it provides and for the morals it teaches us.


Great work brother. I hope you more of these videos. Impressed by the fact you know so much about many religion. Really wanna hear your opinion on the current things going on. Keep it up from pakistan❤


I follow you on insta and I enjoy your content. Came here to see if you had more lengthy content only to find one. Hope you make more. And hope it can be downloaded to watch for later on YouTube. Cheers


I think you should read about "Al-Hajjaj Bin Yusuf Al-thaqqafi"
He got a similar case like Abu Nawas about being a Muslim who was seeking forgiveness and repenting before dying although he did commit some serious atrocities in the holy city mecca itself against the companions of prophet Muhammad pbuh and their families and students as well


Wonderful video, I would love to know more about how do you start studying religions and wich type of studies are you conducting.
I'm studying and teaching religions too but in italy.
Glad to have discovered your channel brother ❤


I am from Saudi Arabia, and it is true that people sometimes freak out and judge you when start questioning the religion. Although people in Saudi Arabia are more educated in terms of religion compared to a minority-muslim countries, there is a very large proportion who know little about Islam, they blindely follow the religion because they were raised on it. What I mean is that they follow the actions but without understanding what they mean, for example, when I ask someone what is the meaning of the ayat you recite in your prayer, they wouldn't know. These are the people who more commonly to judge you when you start asking questions because they are incapable of answering them. And I think the same thing goes in Egypt.


Your video surpassed my expectations. Great work! Very inspiring.


theres quite many version of abu nawas's death stories and cause. but the main thing is, no one can judge whether someone get into paradise or not. Indeed everyone whos a muslim is guaranteed paradise as long as he believes in Allah yet he must be cleansed from his bad doings before going to paradise in the afterlife. But we all get to paradise through Allah's mercy, cuz no one actually deserve to be in heaven.
there could be a scene in the afterlife where someone we see a sinner, gets into heaven easily with no punishment as only Allah knows what happens and with his mercy.
Thats why no matter how good you are, never feel arrogant with your goodness. and no matter how bad you are, never feel good with your bad doings. as we see we life is very relative. we never really know why someone did this or did that.
maybe someone becomes a fornicating machine cuz hes built with so much libidos that its very hard to contain so he did so. while someone might be very far from that doing because hes just that numb.
It concludes that only Allah knows our conditions, just like sees us through our heart. that no one really knows whats going in our heart except God.
And we should know its Allah that put Lust, Anger, and all sorts of emotion into us. Hes the one who creates conditions.
So we are very much prohibited to judge people. Cuz no matter how terrifying his punishment is, he always had mercy for those who ask. May Allah guide us to the right path.


Very well put together 👌🏼 the graphics are really nice as well


It is that reason why i don't follow my religion, i follow The Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ who himself did not came to the world to condemn, so neither should we.

It is said in John 8, Jesus is sinless and could've stoned her but didn't and said "Go and sin no more".
If he ho is permisabble being without sin and still did not condemn the woman, why would us do it?


I love your vids bro, and the unbias attitude keeps it authentic


This reminds me of this figure in Chinese Folk religion/Taoism. The "Flowery Monk". In Buddhism all monks and practionors should be vegan because killing is forbidden. However this monk is a man that drinks, eats meat and sometimes kill people with the idea "under God's will" aka 替天行道

In the books that describes him, they say that every meat turns into vegetable when he puts it in his mouth, every drop of alcohol turns into water. As if God has forgiven his sins and that is a relationship special between him and God(Buddha).

Just an interesting thought to compare I guess


This is, at this point in my life, one of the best videos I have come across on this platform.
