Gnostic Order of the Essenes - ROBERT SEPEHR

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The Essenes were an apocalyptic sect of Judaism, meaning a sect that thinks of itself as the true form of their religion. The Dead Sea Scrolls are usually thought to have been produced by the Essenes. They consisted of ancient religious manuscripts that were found in 1946, on the northern shore of the Dead Sea in the West Bank.

Secrets of Esoteric Christianity

The Lost Gospel of Thomas

Who Wrote (Edited) the Bible?

Jesuits and Occult Secret Societies

Lucifer and Ancient Greek Flood Myths

Despite being discovered in the 40's, the data contained within was not made public for several decades after they were found. The Dead sea scrolls date to the last 3 centuries BC and include some of the oldest surviving works later included in the Hebrew Bible.

The Mystery of Adam and Eve

Energy Transmutation and the Way of the Tao

When we look at the early roots of Christianity, we come across 3 Jewish Sects that flourished and existed in relatively large numbers at that time. The primary sources from which knowledge of these sects comes down to us, are from Josephus, Philo of Alexandria, and Pliney the Elder.

Robert Sepehr is an anthropologist and author

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Sifting through all the garbage here on YouTube makes coming home to this channel that much more comfortable. Thanks pops.


" we do not see things as they are, we see things as we are".


As an initiate, i can say that you do a great work here Robert.

I firmly believe that the esoteric wisdom was not always hidden; that it was indeed common knowledge during the time of Atlantis - but also that man perverted it and used it for his own selfish ends (just as his purity became diluted and he debased himself with the lower thoughts of lesser men).

And so came they're/our destruction. For it was deemed (such is _my_ belief) that man was not yet ready for such Truth and power over his brethren. Thus i accept why many of these teachings must remain hidden, only passed on to the worthy few.

_When the student is ready, the master shall appear..._

But *I do also believe* (and agree with you, Robert) that not _all_ of it should be kept secret. And that if but a few of the fundamental secrets and clues were given, as you do now Robert, humanity would grow and flower into the brilliant organism that is our fate in this new age.

If i had known as a child even a small portion of what i do now, i would never have even contemplated half of the nefarious things i had done in my youth. Not like "the church" instilling a fear of eternal damnation, but of an understanding that we are all one Mind - and our ancestors watch with interest at all our decisions we make on this mortal plane. Just as we shall do in turn to our own descendants...

And i quite fancy there wouldn't be so much atheism (or nihilism is maybe a better term) within the masses today, if that were the case.

But the topic of "atheism" is another thing entirely. To clarify: i strongly rebel against any forms of organised religion, if only for their stifling of "free thought" and lack of acceptance of criticism. But _spirituality_ is something inherent to our universe, and should be treated with the reverence it deserves.

If you've lasted this long, i thank you for your taking the time to read my comment and hope you continue this Great Work unimpeded.

Best wishes for Peace Profound my friend.


Got a little lump in my throat revisiting some classics and just wanted to thank you, Robert Sepehr. You got me through much of Pan Demic. Thanks, brother!


Jesus said anywhere two or more of you gather in my name can be a church. I much prefer nature over building full of "sunday" christians.




You are the light to those who'd been blind for a while....thank you Sir Robert!


Its taken me 20 yrs searching on the internet just to find out about this stuff but no where near the depth of information you present in your work. I am fascinated with how you tie it all together and its all on one channel. I can't stop binge watching and you present it in a way i can share with others so they can understand. Thank you!!!


The timing of this couldn't be more perfect for me. I am a Christian who has spent this year on spiritual discovery, venturing outside of conventional Christianity and exploring western occultism, hermeticism, the kabbalah, eastern philosophy, etc. I just bought the gnostic scriptures this morning and have been reading them all day and get the notification for this video.

Edit: Thank you Robert, your are a modern day prophet in your own right for truth seekers.


I think you need a regular two hour Sunday show.


Hi, I am from Brazil, from a poor neighborhood. Your knowledge and attention regarding the explanation is so inspiring and enriching, that one can be only thankful for this privilege. You are an oasis in the desert. I will certainly find a way to have your books. Thank you.


The most influential man on Youtube at the moment IMHO


Deliberate abstinence is practiced by anyone who is trying to get something done.


I don't comment normally. I have been watching/listening to you for a few years now. Robert, Thank You!! So much. Cornwall UK


Amidst the chaos and confusion of the current pandemic, the maskless Sepehr picks his spot, unfurls his umbrella, and makes his stand! You've gotta admire his courage.


It amazes me how much effort has been put into aligning megalithic structures of varying degrees of size to lining up exactly with the summer and winter solstice.


Robert, would you expand on Gnosticism, the Essenes and other Gnostic groups? Also talk about any links Gnosticism Hermeticism has with more ancient traditions and beliefs? Atlantantis? Aryans? Gnosticism has fascinated me for many years and your work is bar none in my opinion. Modern academia is a system of information control, thank you for teaching truth.


I watch your videos daily. Often rewatching to refresh my mind. You’re doing the lords work. Share LIGHT.


One minute I held the key
Next the walls were closed on me
And I discovered that my castles stand
Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand


i hope you realize the impact you're having on a lot of people :)
