❣️Top 7 Foods that Unclog Arteries Naturally and Prevent Heart Attack

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A diet high in junk food and sugar can be destructive to your cardiovascular health. You may have heard about how cholesterol can accumulate in your arteries and put unnecessary strain on your heart. Most people rely on blood thinners and other medications prescribed by their dr to combat the effects of high cholesterol, but why not eat heart healthy foods that may prevent and support your body's ability to unclog arteries without medication?

Top 13 Foods high in B Vitamins
Some of the best foods high in B vitamins include salmon, trout, leafy greens like spinach, liver and organ meats, eggs, milk, beef, oysters, clams, and mussels, legumes like beans and peas, chicken and yogurt.

Top 10 Foods high in L-Arginine
Some of the best foods high in L-Arginine include turkey, pork loin, chicken, pumpkin seeds, soybeans, peanuts, spirulina, dairy, chickpeas and lentils.

Topics covered in this video:
- heart disease, coronary artery disease
- high blood pressure
- arteriosclerosis


Today, we'll take a look at 7 of the best foods that unclog your arteries.

These foods that unclog arteries naturally have been proven by scientific studies to reduce, and even reverse the build up of plaque.

Have you heard of the word "atherosclerosis"?

It refers to the hardening of your arteries due to a buildup of plaque.

Plaque is essentially a combination of cholesterol, fatty substances, cellular waste products, calcium and fibrin - a protein in the blood that helps with clotting.

When plaque clogs up your arteries, you are at risk for having a heart attack or stroke.

The good news is, atherosclerosis is preventable, and even reversible in some cases.

To learn how, watch the video until the very end.

Intro - 00:00
Garlic - 01:53
Pomegranate - 02:25
Kimchi - 03:06
Sesame Seeds - 04:00
Turmeric - 05:12
B Vitamins - 06:03
L-Arginine - 07:21

If you wish to learn more about foods that can clear arteries naturally, see link in comments.

Рекомендации по теме

Garlic, pomegranate, kimchi, sesame seeds, turmeric, B vitamins, L-Arginine


Eat healthy, do exercise, take vitamin tabs and sleep well.
That's what I've done and just celebrated my 90th birthday lately 😊


Hi there . I have no words to thank you guy . My husband faith on the living room a week ago and the doctor find out that he have hight blood pressure and I am so concerned. And learning anything I can to help him. Because he is my entire world. So God bless you


Garlic, pomegranate, kimchee, sesame seeds, turmeric, vits B, l-arginine


3 months after starting a clean keto diet, my doctor pulled me off my heart meds and gave me a clean bill of health. He also stopped my high blood pressure, diabetes and constipation meds. Sometimes eating the wrong things are the worst thing you can do.


My grand ma only took garlic when she felt she had elevated BP until her late 80s. She did not take any prescribed medication and it works pretty well. Same with turmeric.


7. Garlic
6. Pomegranate
5. Kimchi
4. Sesame seeds
3. Turmeric
2. B vitamins
1. L-arginine


B vitamins
Sesame seeds (oil)
L-Arginine (white meat, lentils, soya)


It was my now retired neurologist who recommended I eat garlic and consider nutrition to prevent a second stroke. And my regular doctor said that while he was not sure L-Arginine would help it certainly couldn't do me any harm. I take 3 to 4 500mg L-Arginine each day only because I misread the label on the latest bottles of it I purchased and I have meant to take 1000mg pills instead. So I take them every 3 or 4 hours but never seem to take as much as I had been from the larger bottles. My stroke was not due to arterial sclerosis, but was a side effect of chemotherapy after t-cell Hodgkin's lymphoma when I was in my thirties. Now that I am in my fifties these things certainly will help.


Garlic, curry with turmeric, sesame oil, B complex, sardines for omega 3 oil twice per week.


My Dr said on I’m in his top 3% of bloodwork/physical results. I’m 50 and race MTN bikes in Michigan. I don’t eat fast food and exercise, imagine that, take care of yourself and results usually follow. 👊🏼


I'm already on most of these already, along with daily exercise!


Virgin olive oil (Athos), garlic, turmeric, lemons, pomegranates, onions, savoy cabbage, sesame oil, amino acids, probiotics, pure limestone spring water, organic red wine no added sulfites (2 oz), hemp & flax seeds, Alaskan cold water ocean fish for protein and Colorado USA roast or bbq lamb, 1 hr nap early afternoon (7-8 hrs sleep total daily). Eat only when you are hungry and enough to turn off the hungry switch.


Yes the heart is in the middle of the chest. Great start


Ty Heart Disease runs in my family, Im gonna try some of these if not all, and see hiw it goes. Already have high blood pressure and doctor said that cholesterol was high last time I was there. Thanks for these great helpful videos. We are all brothers and sisters on this big rock they call earth, helping each other is the best rhing we can do along with shiwing Love for one and other!


My mom is 78 and in excellent health. She's hardworking person, likes to eat vegetables and fish. She gave birth to 8 children.


I shared this with my friends and family because it was so helpful, everyone needs to


I take turmeric, garlic, ginger, cayenne powder, apple cider vinegar, lemon, honey in a glass of leuke warm water. 1hr exercise in the morning, vit b complex


garlic, turmeric, sesame seed, pomegranate, kimchi, sesame seed oil, B complex vitamin and amino acid are all easily accessible in the western countries, thank you for underlining this listing although we that have problem with blood circulation already aware of these facts but its good to hear it being listed that Thank you Sir


I take B complex and B 12 daily.sure do help with my meds.
😇Thank God!!
