Why Women Should Consume More Protein | Bill Campbell, PH.D.

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Bill Campbell, Ph.D., from the ISSN lays out the scientific reasoning for why women should increase their daily uptake of this muscle-building macronutrient.

Ladies, are you confused by the clutter of information out there about the protein in your diet?

One of the never-ending controversies in fitness and health revolves around protein intake. What's too much? Am I getting enough for my goals and activities? Should I eat a pound of chicken a day? Today we're answering all of those questions, focusing on the question of protein consumption for active women.

We believe in looking to science, and the evidence from our studies is clear: If you are a female who strength trains regularly and has specific physique goals, you need to be eating more protein, and for two reasons:

1. Protein Increases Muscle
In a study performed at the Performance & Physique Enhancement Laboratory, two groups of aspiring female physique athletes were tested.[1] One group ate a high-protein diet consisting of 1.1 grams of protein per pound of body weight, while the other group ate about half that amount.

All the women performed the same workouts four days per week in the lab. By the end of the study, the group eating more protein had gained 4.5 pounds of muscle, while the low-protein group only gained about 1.5 pounds of muscle. This goes to show that your body composition is certainly affected by the amount of protein you eat.

2. Protein Helps Shed Fat
Eating more protein was also proven effective in helping women lose fat. We tested the body fat of the subjects from the same study and found that the high-protein group lost an impressive 33 percent more fat than the low-protein group.

Shockingly, the high-protein group was also eating nearly 425 calories more, yet they still lost that much fat in the process. This relates to the thermic effect of food. In short, protein increases the metabolic rate by 25 percent, while carbohydrates and fat do it by less than 10 percent, roughly.

Now, before you start getting all your calories from protein, know this: The threshold for ideal daily protein intake is around 0.8 grams per pound of body weight per day, and eating more than that doesn't correlate to better body composition. Plus, your body still needs some carbs and fat to function.

Campbell, B. I., Aguilar, D., Conlin, L., Vargas, A., Schoenfeld, B. J., Corson, A., ... & Couvillion, K. (2018). Effects of high versus low protein intake on body composition and maximal strength in aspiring female physique athletes engaging in an 8-week resistance training program. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 28(6), 580-585.


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If you speed it up to 1.25 he talks at a normal speed


I was thinking about that cause women have low level of testo production. I don't know if they relate but i always suggest women to have more protein for building muscles and fat reducing.
Thanks a lot for sharing this.


I found out the hard way that you can't outtrain a bad diet. As soon as I started following the Agoge diet, I have noticed awesome muscle growth.


This is the kind of content I am looking for- this guy was good


I see immediate differences when I eat higher protein


Finally got a chance and watched! And subscribed! Thx for the info!


Hello team of bodybuilding iam one of your subscribers ...I want more content related to women exercise and nutrient. I request thee to make more videos on this content


would you make more videos on women beginner muscle buiding


A link to the actual study would be useful.


5 years ago, I remember training hard and became super fit, but never looked as "athletic". I did myself a disservice by not increasing my protein. I do things differently now, and I look jacked lol. I still struggle to eat that much though, it's a lot of food!


I dont get it, Is it 1 pound of protein per pound of body weight or per pound of lean muscle mass? I'm saying because he said, a female who weighs 125 pounds should consume 140 g of protein which I thought would be 125 g of protein, which is probably what he did but added more protein.


im a woman who weighs 130 pounds but i eat 250-300 grams protein a day. is that bad?


Bill Campbell is literally an author in every JISSN article. Cool to put a face to a name I see all the time. Cool!


Whey protein, Pea Protein or Collogen peptide which one is best?


Pro tip: watch it at 1.25x times speed. Your welcome.


Exactly how many people were in the study? A two month study is by no means sufficient to show the long turn inpact of such a diet. Is it even peer reviewed? A single study is hardly sufficient to start recommend it to the general population. I know that news outlets trying to get clicks will start spitting out poorly done studies, but people don't look at journalist nutrition experts.


is it possible that a 10g of a tablet can contains 50g of protein? xD i know this id a stupid question . but i want an answer


I wonder where I can buy more protein?!


And I’m trying to decrease my protein I consume too much in a day 😭


Basically everything I’ve been trying to tell women for years
