How I Kill Clover Without Chemicals

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Most tutorials on how to kill clover out of a lawn show you how to grab a chemical of some kind and apply it to the weed when temperatures are low in the Spring or the fall usually.

I did it different and it worked out really well.

I used a product that is not a chemical and applied it in the summer during a week where most days were in the 90's and one day got up to 100...even still that clover patch died off and my lawn looks completely untouched.

I'm not sure this is the best way to kill clover but it was a cool experiment and it does showcase a good method for getting the job done in a pinch.

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I've done a lot of pin point clover control by tracing down the stems to find the root center and pulling it out. Be sure to look for any small vines along the ground you can trace and pull also in older growths of it, usually the vines all trace back to a deeper center root.

I like clover and it's flowers attract and sustain pollinators and all, but it doesn't stay in it's lane, it outcompetes the grass and often times takes over.


Lmao 85 is not hot? You in the Sahara? I’m in Jersey SWEATING at 85


I had a patch a little bigger then this. I literally picked all of it out with my hands maybe on 3 different occasions and it never came back.


Huge clover problem in ca all of a sudden. I’ve never had much weed issues until now. Thx u for the video!!


So i agree, fe hedta is the answer to clover. One of the best videos you've made. Ty


Dunno love your content but please follow up after a few weeks on this. I've had great results with FeHEDTA on other broadleaf weeds but just couldn't knock out clover patches last spring. It looks all dead and good after a few days but everytime after a few weeks it's back in full force especially after a good rain . Multiple applications to the point where the whole area was getting that grayish look. This summer I started pulling some but had about the same results as it's tough to get everything. I try to stay all natural too, but might have to resort to trying tricorpyl this fall. Also might try feeding the area with heavy nitrogen too.


Add some washing up liquid to the mix it will cling to the clover and take longer to dry out. Mulching also spreads live clover spores, better collect till it I’d all gone.


You seem very concerned about clover but it appears you live in an area that has issues with heat and limited water. How much water are you wasting to keep your pretty grass green?


I'm doing an experiment on an area that never gets foot traffic with clover instead of grass.... grass can withstand foot traffic better than clover, but clover could be cheaper and nicer in some ways... we shall see. (I'm in 12" of rainfall area of Colorado) I've done some small areas with clover in a partial shade area, it sprouts very quickly, adds nitrogen to the soil, bees like it, low water req, good at choking weeds out. etc. My other choices are Turf type tall fescue (cheap) . Blue Grama (native on my land) and probably the best for walking areas is Buffalo Grass (pricey though). I want to cover some disturbed soil on a septic field before winter so will ty to cover it with clover and Tall Fescue for . I may report back in a year.


I live in Scotland. 85 degrees is boiling!! 🤣🤣


Wealth of knowledge. No joke, i am having a huge clover problem. Trycloper kills the grass and didnt know how to kill the clover. Your video came at the most perfect time.


I am going to pick up a bottle of the FeHEDTA. I am inspired by the idea of reducing chemicals on my patch. Nice work (again) Brian.


The liquid iron I used as a foliar spray for my yellow-flowered wood sorrel ☘️ totally worked.

Thanks for the tip several months ago, Brian! It wilted out about 65% of the clover-looking sorrel the first day, and took a few applications over several weeks but it amazingly totally knocked it out.

It was all over my lawn. I probably applied the iron too heavy, about 2x the recommended rate for applying liquid iron to grass. But I wanted it gone! Lol. I also bought a pump sprayer which was worth the investment after using a spray bottle the first time 😅 if I had used Natria instead of regular lawn iron maybe it would’ve worked faster, I’m not sure if mine was chelated.

I didn’t pay any attention to the temps, I wonder if that also had any affect on why it took a few applications. There were always visible results the next day, but just took awhile to get it gone.

Take care and hope you and your family are well!


Clovers are an excellent indicator of lawn health. They represent certain values, including N. They have benefits and drawbacks, but you already knew that.

Clover has the ability to bind nitrogen from the atmosphere via the rhizobium bacterium. Nitrogen is held in nitrogen nodules before being released into the soil and absorbed by grass and clover. This can result in increased dry matter and crude protein yields.

An intriguing fact.

Clover provides 160 kg of nitrogen per hectare with a yield of 12 tons of grass clover and a clover share of 30%. As a result, you can save this nitrogen for fertilizer, contributing to a higher phosphate efficiency on your farm.

Grass clover improves the structure and fertility of the soil. More organic matter is created when soil life becomes more active. Clover attracts not only worms, but also flower-visiting insects such as bees and bumblebees.


I’m having a serious clover problem. Tenacity helps but your product seems to be much more effective. As always, your videos help me tremendously. Thank you.


Sir, I see you drive a Snapper. I drive a Snapper sp60V lawn mower and I cannot for the life of me find a replacement Blade (part #2900519) for my sp60v? I'm in the process of trashing the mower for another. Any insight to getting a replacement Blade? Appreciate. #Snapper #LawnMower #ReplacementBlade


Have a question about the Natria weed control for lawns. Brian or anyone else here have any experience using it on a completely new lawn from seed? I messaged the company and they said it can be safely used on my rye/fescue one week after the seedlings emerged. I'd like to use it to kill the baby clover that is just popping up in between the lawn but I don't want to damage my 2 week old seedlings.


This is a great demo video and I appreciate it watching your results. I watch this video and think you waited 2 1/2 months to try this out. You could have dug it all up that small section and reseeded and had new grass in that time. Sometimes (NOT ALL THE TIME) a better choice is to reset.


I'm a big fan of the FeHEDTA. I have a bottle of that concentrate I'm currently using to control weeds in my new grass. If it works I may try it as my only herbicide next year. I'll gladly give up the synthetic herbicides. I'm not giving up the synthetic fertilizer though.

Clover thrives in low nitrogen soil. More quick release nitrogen regularly will take out the clover, or at least stunt it to the point it no longer spreads.


Great stuff, Thank you for all your videos! but I hate to tell you that iron is a chemical.
