Infinite Scrolling Has Ruined Society Forever

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Social media is already the “turns out smoking is bad for us” of the 21st century.


YouTube needs to add the ability to turn of Shorts (the YouTube equivelent of Tik Tok) at LEAST for those who PAY for Premium. YouTube is the only social media I use, and it's for talks, podcasts, etc. and I pay for Premium to avoid ads. They've turned my phone into a brain rot machine as much as I tried to avoid that. Now I am working on a way to deal with this, but companies don't care about us .00001% it's up to use to protect ourselves.


A big realization for me was: after an hour of doomscrolling, try remembering 1-3 things you just watched. Your mind will go blank. It’s literally mind numbing brain rot, even if you catch a “good” video. You won’t remember it.


"Friends" used to be easy to get, now that social media exists, everyone has moved there and now have irrational social expectations that I don't feel like keeping up with.


It’s crazy how addicting this stuff is. I’m thankfully not on TikTok and don’t have it downloaded but insta and YouTube still take up hours of my days


My dad is a HS teacher. He reads books on how bad social media is for the attention spans of kids, and tries to implement policies in his classroom that help them not be distracted by their phones. He also endlessly scrolls YouTube in his free time 😞


Yeah we are not recovering from this bro


It has ironically led me to this video. Morning y’all.


Social media has become incredibly toxic too.


Just wondering if the internet were to be shut down just for 1 day all around the world. What exactly would happen?


I'm on day 3 of no social media and the constant dread/fatigue/despair i was feeling is going away and it feels like my world is getting smaller, in a good more controllable way. I hope more people get to this point


You are the best content creator of the 2020s. Everyone needs to see these videos.


Imagine what you would need to have infinite scroll in the 1700s, a team of people assembling papers together, cartoons, stories, essays riddles, treatises and other creations being constantly at the ready.


I wish people would start realizing that addiction (even to one’s own phone) isn’t exactly a choice, and begin the first step of fighting it in doing so. I feel like so many people around me deny having an “addiction to their device, ” simply for the fact our generation (gen z, in my case) is so criticized for it. We don’t want to be seen as “every other kid” so we avoid facing the fact we DO have that problem, and hence never begin the acceptance phase of overcoming that issue. If we can’t accept that we’re addicted, we’ll never be able to escape it, which is why I ask two things of anyone reading this: 1. Don’t judge people for what they essentially can’t control. I grew up with social media at my hands, and it’s not my fault I had no clue the damage mindlessly indulging in it could cause. 2. Be aware of yourself. Listen to this video, and really think about those signs of addiction. Take a step back, and ask yourself, what can I do to get better? It’s OKAY to be struggling, and I encourage you to reflect, and accept any part of you which may think, “I have a problem”

It sounds a little silly to be putting the alcoholic or drug addict speech into the context of social media, but physical and mental effect differences aside, all of it presents an issue in the fact they are addictive and screw with your quality of life, simple as that


one thing i hate the most is the lack of memory for most of the things i watch, often i catch myself not remembering what i watched 3 scrolls ago on tiktok and reels. its super irritating


maturity is realizing that topics like this and how to be rich quickly, why porn is harmful etc are now just general working video topics for many creators and real value is dying out because of these trends


Tips: Be aware of your emotional state, nitice when it's being manipulated. Train yourself to enjoy doing hard things. Learning a skill, like art or weight training. Appreciate spectrum, and nuance, black and white thinking is dull amd dangerous. Enjoy exploration curiosity not spoon fed thoughts. Take responsibility and self reliance. Delete or ideally never start social media. Regard it as your worst enemy, and crack... only wear jewelry made from ethically sourced dinosaurs and spaceships 😂


I got my first android phone about 5 years ago. I didn't have any idea how to use it. Looking back it was comical how lost I was and I got so angry at the phone I almost threw it away.
But, I eventually figured it out. I don't have any problems ignoring my phone, I can get along fine without it, and if I stare at it too long I get a headache.
But I have hobbies and interests and I fill up my time with these things.
I feel sorry for people who stare at the phone.
I do use YouTube, but that's all I do. I don't watch tv, I don't watch movies anymore. I don't watch the news.
I'm happy ☺


And this is why my son wont be getting a phone until he's much older.


I gave up phones 5 years ago. Now I almost never use the internet in Berlin, Germany.
