Why did Poseidon and Athena Hate Each Other? | Greek Mythology Explained

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Despite their divinity, the Greek gods mimicked human nature, and they would often be led astray by their own emotions. Some of these emotions would even incite terrible rivalries between the Greek Pantheon, and none are more famous than the rivalry and hatred of Poseidon and Athena. In today's episode we'll be discussing why these two Greek Gods hated one another, as we explore some of their fall outs such as the Patronage of Athens and the corruption of Medusa.


In this series, we explore the the various stories and characters from Greek Mythology.
The information is presented in an orderly easy to understand way so that it is friendly to people that are new to Greek Mythology.

Special thanks to our Valar-Tier Patrons:
Jacob Williams
Michael Angel

Special thanks to our Wizard-Tier Patrons:
Mike Feeney
Roland Myrvold
James Stodgell
Jeremy Pontier
Andrew Boehmer
Tamar Bains

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Thumbnail Artists:
David Roterberg
Perpetual Games

Artistic Credits:

Joby Dorr
David Roterberg
David Roterberg
Tharik Mohammed Ehaya
Gravity 2018
Maggie S. Chan
by Silvia Meiliani
Stephen K.K. Lee (crimsonsealart)
Ave Tetsuya
Milos Rocenovic
Perpetual Games
Rod Wong
Quentin C.
Mohammad Abdolrahman
Artforgame Gamedesign
Andreas Stavrakis
ELi Rebs
Luciano Neves
Tanya Chernova
Elena Turtle
Bez Abe
Sophia Yacoby
Dominik Mayer
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Lie setiawa
Nat Vitchayed
Rodrigo Fressatto
Joshua Carrenca
Kevin Sidharta
Jonah Lobe

Check out my latest video!: "What Was Pandora's Box? | Greek Mythology Explained"

Рекомендации по теме

Hey guys I should have a Lord of the Rings / Dragon video up in the next weeks (depending on which research is complete first). I hope you guys are enjoying the new direction, as we explore various works of fantasy, lore, and mythology! :)


I've always thought that the tale of Medusa was beyond tragic. That poor woman was entirely innocent. Athena and Poseidon were the real monsters. Great video, BTW!


As a greek, I really enjoyed this one. Great work!


I love how you use WOD's soundtrack. Well played.


I prefer neither Poseidon is a rapist and a Athena is so stupid that the only way she could get back at Poseidon is by punishing the victim that why Hercules is my favorite Greek god.


The Priestess who was raped version of the story is not the Canon Greek myth but a later Roman addition.
In the Greek myths Medusa was born a Gorgon and had two Gorgon sisters.


Percy: The rivalry ends here. I love you, Wise Girl.


So excited for the new fantasy/mythology videos coming up!! Great job!


I agree she was hurting Poseidon medusa was collateral damage. And im not sure what athena could have done about it except appeal to Zeus and he has done the same thing many many times


My thoughts on the origins of Medusa are as follows: Athena, being a goddess, cannot inflict punishment on another, older god, who obviously, as previously stated, has the upper hand in physical confrontation. In this way, the only thing she can do is transform her most loyal priestess, who had been the victim, into something that can protect herself from man, as you must remember that both Medusa and Athena were seen as protectors of women. In this way, Athena can protect and avenge her Priestess, and "punish" Poseidon, without actually doing so.


I've only heard of the variation of the competition between the two where Poseidon grants horses to humanity, so this was fascinating.


I've heard others suggest that Athena turned Medusa into a Gorgon so that she would never be harassed or assaulted again. There was probably a better way to accomplish that.


Very happy to see you dive into mythology videos!


When Athena says "How about, instead of fighting, we..." you should know she's playing you.


The story you gave is from the Roman poet Ovid. The Greek version is different. According to Hesiod’s Theogony, Medusa was one of three Gorgon sisters born to Keto and Phorkys, primordial sea gods; Medusa was mortal, while the others, Stheno and Euryale, were immortal. The best known myth recounts her fateful encounter with the Greek hero Perseus. A dishonorable king demanded that he bring him an impossible gift: the head of Medusa. Perseus set out with the aid of the gods, who provided him with divine tools. While the Gorgons slept, the hero attacked, using Athena’s polished shield to view the reflection of Medusa’s awful face and avoid her petrifying gaze while he beheaded her with a harpe, an adamantine sword. Such a violent act resulted in the birth of Medusa’s children, the winged horse Pegasos and the giant Chrysaor, who sprung from her neck.


Ironic how the god of wisdom cursed medusa for getting raped by Poseidon instead of cursing Poseidon, who she already hates, really shows you that whoever came up with this stupid little fairytale has a damn ideal intelligence of people back then.


Athena says “leave my priestess servant alone my uncle.”


@GeekZone the work you do is super underrated, regardless of if it’s LOTR I’m always looking forward to your next vid


Greek mythology is one of my favorite pasttimes, so I thoroughly enjoyed the video! My views align pretty well with your interpretation. Medusa was, likely, the first case of victim blaming. Greek mythology is full of examples of the gods being horrible, spiteful beings.


No, please, stay my favorite youtuber for tLotR!
