I Tried to do the Splits in 30 Days

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I tried to do the full splits in 30 days... let's see how much I can progress🤸

📸 Follow me on Instagram: @kizebae

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My name is Kize, and on this channel I try to learn a new skill for 30 days or less, as fast as possible.

Stretching is crucial not only for flexibility but overall health, better posture, stress relief, and improving circulation. Follow me as I attempt to complete the splits in 30 days.
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When you compare day 1 and day 30 it was a huge improvement! Not disappointing at all. It takes practice!


I'm looking forward to you completing this challenge post 30-days. Would like to see a short video, showing you did not give up but continued would be awesome. Thanks for the inspirations


I was about 1cm away from a full split, in 30 days. However, I was doing 30 min to 1 hour of stretching sessions, every day. I was also taking Wing Chun classes.. and would do leg stretching, right before, and right after, every class. One of the Keys to Quick progression, is the use of "Isometrics". A very simple example of this.. is to raise your leg up to a stable chair, counter top, or whatever is at a comfortable height... and for about 15 second bursts, use all of your might to try to Push your leg downwards... as if you are trying to push the chair / surface into the floor. Then relax your muscles... and rest for 15 or so seconds. Repeat this process, for at least 5 minutes per each type of stretch. Then repeat every stretch you have done, at least one more time.

Its best to start off using half or so levels of Isometric resistance... and as your legs get used to it.. gradually add more and more resistive strength. If you try to go 100% on the first stretch... you might cause too many fibers to snap... and when that happens, your body goes into a sort of "Protection" mode. Once your body goes into protection mode... you will no longer be able to stretch any further, for the rest of the entire day. Furthermore... you might have caused enough damages... that it takes a few days to a week, to Heal. Make no mistake.. you DO want to push as hard as you can, when stretching... HOWEVER.. you have to do it Gradually... using more and more power and longer duration, as your body warms up to it.

Also... a lot of Flexibility requires far more than a single kind of stretch. As such, its best to follow along with videos that show a full Stretching Routine... and then stick to repeating that same routine, every day. You wont need a rest day... so long as you are not doing so much damage... that your are in constant pain, from going too hard.. too fast.

That said... To gain certain levels of flexibility, actually requires breaking a good number of Muscle fibers. This is why there is pain being felt. Muscles will only stretch to a certain degree.. and some muscles have made a lot of connections to the bones, that are just "Too Tight", and or "Too Short"... due to where they connect. This is often a real issue with people whom have a good deal of existing muscle bulk... such as a Body Builder, that develops a lot of Strength... but rarely does any Flexibility training while he is lifting. You can have very strong legs, and still have fantastic flexibility.. but only if you are constantly stretching, while you are building. There is also a certain limitation... as you are likely not going to be an Olympic Champion power lifter... and still have the highest levels of flexibility. Those guys need those extra muscle strands, to be able to lift, and to maintain.. hundreds to thousands of pounds of mass / force.

I will also share another Isometric secret stretching method. Ever do Butterfly stretches? Where you sit on the floor, put your feet together, pull the feet as close to your body as possible... and then try to push your knees to the floor? Many people just try to push their own legs to the floor.. by using their own hands or forearms, downwards pressure. But if you want Much faster results... try this: Start by pushing the legs down towards the floor, as far as you can get them. Then, for about 15 seconds... Use your leg muscles, to try to push your arms upwards... resisting against your arms constantly active, downwards forces. After that 15 seconds is up... keep maintaining the arms downwards pressure... but gradually ease up, and stop resisting with your leg muscles. Make sure to try to "Relax" your legs completely, at this point. You should notice that your knees are much closer to the floor, after just two 15 second resist cycles. But dont stop there. Keep cycling on and off, for at least 3 minutes, as a bare minimum. Id aim for maybe 5 to 6 minutes, per each different leg stretch.

A very Critical part of Stretching progression, that I forgot to mention, is the proper Breathing... while doing it. Every breath should be Deep, slow, well controlled... and in Perfect sync with your bodys movements / states. One thing that happens, is that your body develops greater Circulation / Bloodflow... and it helps to heal the body faster, as well as to Develop the muscles and tissues, to a much more athletic degree (Its one of the Secrets of properly done, Kung Fu.. such as in "Iron Body Conditioning" training). The other thing that happens... is that due to constant deep breathing... you are getting higher levels of Oxygen concentrations in the blood. This will actually create a natural "Pain-Killing" effect, within the body (and the mind). This is why they teach special breathing methods to Pregnant woman.. to be used when delivering the baby. Not only will you feel less pain... but also, the deep focus on your breathing... will help keep your Mind focused away from the pain, too. When the Pain increases, breath faster (more cycles per minute), and deeper (if you were doing some shallower breaths before). The faster you breath, the more O2 will get into your body... and the more Pain that will be reduced.

With reduced pain levels... you can use your willpower, to keep going further, more intensely, and for longer. And while some may not agree with this... I also sometimes took a single basic pain-killer (advil / ibuprofen), about 20 to 30 minutes, before a Stretching Session. Its not going to make you completely pain free / numb. Its merely going to slightly Dull the pain levels a little bit... so they are not quite as Intense. I would never recommend using high level pain killers, that you cant get without prescriptions.. as thats going too far. You want to feel the pain, to prevent potential damages. You just are dulling the effect slightly.

If you do manage to pull a muscle, and feel Sharp pains... you will likely need a minimum of one day of rest... but... it might take 2 or more days, before your body "releases" its protective "muscle-lock" (which will prevent you from going past a certain degree of flexibility, until its released). The use of a Heating pad, will help with such injuries. Cooling can also help too. Both unusually hot and or cold temps... alert the body, that there is a "Problem" in that particular area... and it can cause the body to Heal that part much quicker, as a result. Heat is often better, as it relaxes the muscles.. where as cold tends to tighten tissues. Use of something like "Icy Hot" rubs, can help penetrate the tissues, to induce heat and greater relaxation. The menthol might also help to increase bloodflow in the applied areas.. and or.. might just help boost the signal to the body, to better Alert it, into healing faster.


I love the videos! So entertaining, inspiring and underated.


You are an inspiration, and your journey into the world of music is one of the coolest things I've seen on YouTube!


Love how truthful you are, i feel like the rest have justing been jumping tona bunch of conclusions about splitting, i do splits and its now the third year but am still in your split height, cool keep going


I hope you'll be able to do the split. Keep training 💪


That’s a pretty huge improvement for just 30 days. It may not be all the way to the ground but that doesn’t mean it’s not super impressive 👍


This was solid! I've been doing TKD for 11 years now and our school has never focused high on flexibility. Now that i'm one of the lead teachers, I think it's important we work on it, so I have to start by fixing it myself. My splits are okay, but still too high, so i'm hoping within 3 months that both side and center splits are at the ground.

I hope you do a follow up with another month of effort on it ^_^


Kize, you're back, dear.
I missed your videos dearly. My favourite female Skillfluencer🤍


That's impressive. Keep up the good work~~~


you should continued and figured out how long it does take…


Great video! For your next 30-day sport learning challenge video, I think you should try playing biiliards for 30 days and see how it goes. :)


I did taekwondo for about 2 years. But then I took a break and during this time my legs almost lost their flexibility. I have been doing regular daily stretching exercises for about 2 weeks. Luckily I can almost touch the ground again.


You tried hard... that's all it matters ✌✌✌


0:02 did you just film anna mcnulty in your video?


Tried this 30 day split challenge at the age of 36 two months ago and fucked up my hips lol


Where You Been My Favorite YouTube channel???


You really motivat me to learn new things thanks😊


Was a great improvement given the time frame! 👍 👍
