Simple Router lift hack for Router Table

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In this video I will show how to hack an old router with a simple lifting system. May not be the most precise work, but kind of "Proof of concept". I have seen a lot of fantastic router jigs created in different ways and in different materials on YouTube (and thanks for that :). But why bother build a jig or system, if you have an old router laying around anyway - which can be modified as needed.
I plan to permanently have the router mounted in my table saw side table, so no need for creating a fancy plate for picking the router on and off the table .. In this way it can be made easy and simple :)
By the way - this router is today priced at about 56 € as new and is 1200 W.
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Nice solution very clearly described in very nice English! Definitely better than my Danish! Well done. I wish you a lot of fun with your future projects! All the best, Rob in Switzerland


Really good job! And very similar to my router, so I can pretty much copy you… Thanks 👍


How did you get the springs out? Does having the springs out make the router plunge further? Or come through the table further than with the spring in?


I made a similar router table for a similar router too but on the electrical side rather than adding a separate starter switch, I changed the wiring for the table saw to add a socket to plug the router into the table saw and added a switch to change over between powering the saw or the router and used the same press switch/emergency stop


cool build one change that you could do is to change the "adjusting nut" to an Allen socket bolt (you can get "coupling nuts" to join the all thread and bolt ) also change the center plate bolts to the same Allen size to be able to use the same tool for simplicity again nice job !! have Fun from Oklahoma


Others have probably suggested using a small cordless drill to lift the router. But maybe not. I think I would try it to replace the ratchet. Thumbs up.


Jeg har ikke lavet andet end at kigge på rigtig dyre løsninger det sidste stykke tid...
Et smut i BilTema og 40kr fattigere :D Så er den sku ordnet, kæft det er godt tænkt! TAK! Kræver lidt workarounds med min gamle Bosch, men det skal nok blive godt :)


Very nice design. You could also print an insert without a hole to prevent sawdust from falling on the router while using the table saw
