Hormonal Balance: How to Eat, Move, Think, and Supplement | Dr. Sara Gottfried

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Learn how to balance your hormones with how you think, eat, move, sleep, and supplement,

All too often women are told that feeling moody, asexual, tapped out, dried up, stressed out, and sleep deprived is just a part of being female. Or they’re led to believe that the answer can be found only at the bottom of a bottle of prescription pills. Dr. Sara Gottfried, a Harvard-educated physician and nationally recognized, board-certified gynecologist, refuses to accept that being a woman means feeling overwhelmed or that popping pills is the new normal.

#hormoneexpert #hormonebalance #antiaging
Hi, I'm Sara Gottfried MD! I practice precision, functional, and integrative medicine. What does that mean? I look at the genetics, environment, and lifestyle of an individual and together we design ways to optimize health, function, and performance. It's not one-size-fits-all but a way to personalize your nutrition, sleep, stress levels, inflammation, detoxification, and hormone balance. I take care of all types of people from conscious leaders to professional athletes, and everyone in between. We use any means at our disposal from genomic pathway testing to VO2 max, from clinical labs to next-gen biomarkers like continuous glucose monitoring and other digital biomarkers, from bioidentical hormones to peptides. My goal is to help people live life fully, on their own terms, and buoyed by the best possible healthspan.

Buy my books:

📒WOMEN FOOD AND HORMONES: A 4-Week Plan to Achieve Hormonal Balance, Lose Weight, and Feel Like Yourself Again

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Рекомендации по теме

01) Cortisol is the stress hormone. Makes you feel in crisis. It raises your blood sugar and blood pressure. The problem is that 40 + women are chronically stressed. The cacao bean (chocolate w/low sugar - raw cacao) 1-2 squares a day lowers your cortisol.

Supplements to lower cortisol: Rodial, fish oil, & phosphatidyylserine.

02) Estrogen - big family of different chemicals. Tips: beets (liver tonic), fiber, and supplement diindolylmethane.

03) Thyroid - nutrition gets you back into balance. Use coconut oil to cook. Need copper, zinc, selenium, and some iodine.

Yoga: shoulder stand

Must have a normal Vitamin D level.


I am only 24 and yet I've been struggling with my stress levels and hormone balance. I am learning on how to be in tune with my body, so I really appreciate this video!


I just watched your Dr. Andrew Hubberman talk and I'm buying all your books. I'm 54. Sober from alcohol 15 years. I've been on a journey to figure out my physical/psychokogical issues throughout my life. So grateful to have found you.


Please continue to do these kind of videos, because many of us can not afford you, and this is one way for many of us to learn through you. I have read several of your books, and taken notes on all of them. I also share your knowledge with every woman, or mom that's having hormonal imbalances. Continue being a blessing to us women, because traditional doctors suck, and just put a Band-Aid on the problem, instead of looking for the underlying problem. Thank You!


Cortisol-chocolate/raw cacao beans @ 9:40
Thyroid-coconut oil @13:33

Supplements 10:24-10:29
fish oil

Thanks so very much Dr. Sara.


I found Dr Sara in my quest to overcome these horrible symptoms!!! I love her ❤ my life has dramatically changed im 52 in the best shape of my life thanks to her!!! Im Forever grateful 🙏 we do not have to settle take back your power and health ladies! Dr Sara is fabulous


Please do more of this informative video for us women who are struggling with hormone imbalance. I’m one of them. Thank you so much for your teaching.


Loved it!!! I am 32 and been on a therapy journey for a bit. I've realized that the fun/exciting part of being an adult, is that i have the power of choice.
I do think many of us have felt unsexy of these issues since long before... i my case, do to my life journey, i was born into stress, and subsequently grew up into "mild depression", sickness and horrible habits, that even today i am working on unlearning...
So thank you <3. I first meet you on Dr. Andrew's podcast and it was a breath of fresh air <3. Am thankful because with the help of therapy i am beginning to see myself, take care and love myself.. and people like you "guide me" to the How or Where to start.
I think am what sociality views as "pretty" but I'd never really seen it, nor felt it... sex drive is had been all times low and weight seemed to be going up...I will def get my Hormone Labs done and add to my shopping list Coco bits, coconut oil and a multu-vitamin!

Excited to see new and more material <3 Much love Dra.Sara


Super fabulous straightforward conversation about a sadly taboo topic leaving us to think we are the only one 😢 Thank you from the bottom of my ❤ Exercise and strength training also made a huge difference for me - feeling strong and fit at 64 is sexy! Can you comment on DHEA please- it is one of my favourites to increase sex drive xx


Your book has SAVED me. Thank you for making this knowledge available and accessible.


So happy that i took the time to watch your video bevause im trying to get pregnant at 44 years of age and i feel the stress from living in nyc its affecting me. So thank you, i will definitely incorporate these in my diet


Hello! Can you please list the supplements and chocolate you suggest? Can you please list the brands?


What a beautiful, confident and knowledgeable woman! Love you! Here from the Hubermann podcast


Can you please make a 2 minute video addressing our partners? I try to explain to my fiance, that my "check engine" light is on, but he won't listen. He thinks I am making this up, and keeps telling me "get over it" and "stop stressing", which is the equivalent of having a broken leg and being told to "walk it off". It has to be 2 minutes or under, because otherwise men tend to zone out


Wow, Dr. Gottfried, thank you so much for your video, for giving us this critical information, for looking so fabulous and for giving us all hope! Thank you. Would be grateful to learn more about how much to take in terms of supplementation for optimal results. Also, would be grateful to hear what are healthy levels (in your view) of thyroid function. I have had doctors say, thyroid is normal but what does that mean. Some say that what is considered normal may not be normal... Thanks again.


Love this! You are great. Could you also do a video on your skin care regime?


You are literally who I want to be at your age. Stunning, confident, healthy, intelligent, well-spoken, feminine and badass.


Thank you for this video! Love the way you speak so calm and I feel relaxed and learned a lot. 🙏🏼


Thanks for this video. I am gobbling all I can on Menopause as I am starting (I believe) on this process. For me is doggie as and weight gain. I don’t drink, I eat veggies and fish, I exercise 5x week ant this is my lifestyle for the past 5 years. My mental health and my weight are a problem but for most doctors this is normal and not much help is offered. I am trying to lean about it on my own as this are for doctors less important. But the irritability and doggie as has an impact in my relationships, and I wish I knew how to better treat it. My weight gain is more for self stem. I don’t want to feel I am not the same person. Is not major, 4 kg but still it is a marker when I had always a steady weight. I will continue to navégate what you post and hope to find more on the topics.

Thanks again for democratizing this info.


Thank you for helping us. You talk about making sure our levels are normal. Can you please explain what normal levels should be for a 55yr in menopause.
