Worship Leading Basics | Taya Gaukrodger, JD, and David Ware | WCC17 Co-Lab

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Join JD, Taya Gaukrodger, and David Ware for a very insightful, practical run-through of the basics of worship leading at Hillsong Worship & Creative Conference 2018.
From Hillsong Worship & Creative Conference in 2018.
More resources from Hillsong Creative
Join us online from anywhere in the world as we live stream Hillsong Worship & Creative Conference 2021 or watch it on demand in this interactive conference tailored to view from the comfort of your device, OR experience it LIVE in the room in Sydney, Australia.
Hillsong Worship & Creative Conference is a two-day/three-night gathering of the creatively gifted ones, the prophets and the poets, the artisans and the producers, humbly hosted by Hillsong Creative.
Expressed through Co-Labs, innovative circles of thought leaders, small and large gatherings and Midnight Massive, friendships will be forged, together telling the story of Jesus and making creativity the centre of God’s church today.
From Hillsong Worship & Creative Conference in 2018.
More resources from Hillsong Creative
Join us online from anywhere in the world as we live stream Hillsong Worship & Creative Conference 2021 or watch it on demand in this interactive conference tailored to view from the comfort of your device, OR experience it LIVE in the room in Sydney, Australia.
Hillsong Worship & Creative Conference is a two-day/three-night gathering of the creatively gifted ones, the prophets and the poets, the artisans and the producers, humbly hosted by Hillsong Creative.
Expressed through Co-Labs, innovative circles of thought leaders, small and large gatherings and Midnight Massive, friendships will be forged, together telling the story of Jesus and making creativity the centre of God’s church today.
Worship Leading Basics | Taya Gaukrodger, JD, and David Ware | WCC17 Co-Lab
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