Why Do I Suck At Singing - Tips To Immediately Sing Better

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In this video we're going to look at some singing tips in case you find yourself thinking, "Why do I suck at singing?" Well with anything it requires a bit of patience and a bit of tenacity. If you have those 2 qualities you can become an incredible singer, trust me! Have a watch and identify some tips that may be hindering your from improving your vocals that you can add today to start improving your singing immediately.

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Looking forward to helping you reach your goals as an aspiring singer!

Remember, never stop singing! It brings joy to the world. :)

-Aaron Anastasi

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I literally searched "why do I suck at singing"


I actually really like this guy he's a real good inspiration and a good teacher


I sound so wierd when I sing and I want to learn should I take singing lessons


I can hit all the soft notes easily, when it comes to louder tones, I tend to get off tone. I wanna hit that rock voice. I did this once in a karaoke bar, singing turn the page, metallica version. I hit perfectly, idk how, but I got the whole crowd cheering like I was hetfield...I want that again.


Thank you actually so much, this made my voice smoother and I sound so much metter


Funny how this was in my recommendations. Ha..


I was a good singer 5 years before my voice get choked due to sinus . I m going for the treatment and I have a big doubt that will I get my voice and my singing power back after the treatment. guide me . I need your help.


I can only sing really low and moderately high and it's really screechy. And I just can't sing, I'm convinced I'm tone deaf as well😂


Dude seriously thanks so much your a big help with this video


thank you so much sir you helped me a lot. a longtime a given up but with your help i found my hope


I want to be able to sing into the unknown from frozen 2


In that exercise from the last video I should have to learn I should have breathed first before attempting the exercise and I love the tip about being aware of your voice I was aware that I was almost out of breath and I felt a pinch of strain on my voice from the exercise from the last video


Can you please do Zayn's You and I high note for us... please dude


I’m already better at singing but I really want to do this every day


Don’t take the quiz, it makes you watch like a 20 minute unskippable video to try to get you to buy his $80 program.


I feel like all singing teachers wear something like a fang necklace


Ok I’ve been practicing for almost 2 weeks and I’m still very serious about improving my voice, but I happen to forgot my vocal exercises one day because I was very occupied with other things. Did I lose all my progress that I made since I started because of me forgetting to the exercises ? P.S I use most of your vids for my vocal exercises so thank you for helping me


I kind of agree with this. At the same time, I'd be willing to be many of the singers we consider great didn't take vocal lessons; maybe they did AFTER they were already successful and recognized. I don't think Adele ever took lessons...she probably never searched on google "why does my voice suck?". She only decided to take lessons after her voice got wrecked by rough technique. Frank Sinatra...doubt he took vocal lessons until later into his career. Point is, some people are really just good at singing without ever really giving it to much practice. If they sounded bad off the bat, they'd have no incentive to continue. They began singing, they already sounded pretty good and just organically got better and better by singing things.

So, I do believe everyone can get better at singing. There are DEFINITELY disparities in given talent. Maybe you say there isn't to not discourage your viewers? But, I think the majority of people (such as myself) looking up why does my voice suck...their voices probably suck. And people like Adele, Frank Sinatra, The Righteous Brothers etc...I don't think they were ever in a "wow I suck" phase.


My number one problem; My damn nose is always el stuffed up, so I sing nasally. MEEHHH
