Know Your Angels: Roles and Responsibilities of Angelic Orders

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Discover the diverse roles of angelic orders in "Types of Angels: Exploring their Divine Responsibilities." From Archangels to Guardian Angels, uncover the celestial hierarchy and their significant influence. #Angels #CelestialBeings #divineorder #typesofangels

00:00 Introduction to Types of Angels and Hierarchy
00:24 Rank 10 Angels
01:44 Rank 9 Guardian Angels
03:05 Rank 8 Archangels
04:29 Rank 7 Principalities
05:44 Rank 6 Powers
07:05 Rank 5 Virtues
08:20 Rank 4 Dominions
09:29 Rank 3 Thrones or Ophanim
10:50 Rank 2 Cherubim
12:15 Rank 1 Seraphim

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I love this .GOD shows them to me daily.I'm blessed to have them assist me with many battles.


One night in my apartment about a year ago, I was frustrated and thinking about meaning of life kind of things. I asked whomever might be listening, "why is everything so secret and cryptic; why can't we just be told in a more direct manner the answers to all these important questions we have like, who am I?". Well, I got my answer. A being/person appeared beside me, on one knee next to the couch to be eye level with me. He was wearing a really shiny, really golden breast plate with a red/burgundy tunic underneath that ended above the knee like men would wear in ancient times. His hair was kind of short but hanging down the sides of his face a little and really really blonde (almost white). He was very pale and very "glowy". His eyes looked like there was a star in each of them, literally a big twinkling star in each of them, shining outwards; it's all you could see. The area around him was darker than my apartment lighting and a little warpy, which is what caught my attention in the corner of my eye when it started. It was like another reality was opened up in this one. Little flecks of orange light flowing in one direction like a calm river of embers from a fire. He looked at me with this almost pleased half smile kind of a look, and in a tone of voice one uses to answer a question just said, "David, you are a son of God". I wasn't scared; it actually felt very peaceful and there was just so much regal holiness emanating from him, but I was just so stunned, all I could do was stare at him. I was looking at his eyes just shining away and I was wondering to myself what his eyes looked like behind that, if there even was anything. Well, he obviously "heard" me wondering that because he turned his head to the right somewhat so he wasn't looking directly at me, so I could see his eyes better, and I saw his eyes move around a little and I'm pretty sure they were blue. The whole thing lasted about 15 seconds and I guess it was time for him to go. The flecks of light flowing in from behind him suddenly rapidly sped up and multiplied until it was a raging torrent. It became like a wall of light and there was a flash and he was gone. I just sat there motionless in stunned silence for several minutes trying to take it all in. Pretty sure it was an angel😳😱😲. I guess my request to have an answer in a more direct manner was granted😳😳😳


The ranks and roles of archangels will be completely different than what most on this earth assume them to be.


Thank you Guardian angels for angelic Words 🙏💖🙏


I love all this knowledge, and beauty, thank you


They all work for the Glory of God.❤️🔑🦁💯🙏😇👼


Thank you for sharing, may God bless you. Leonard from Zimbabwe!!!


Angels visitations are real. They have answers to questions we have. 🛐🙏😇✝️


Uhhhh I love them so so much xx earth angel x 💖💡


I heard justice like 5k times this tells u how important it is.


Did not know there was so many ranks of Angels. Wonderful.


This is very well done and easy to follow. I enjoyed a great deal. Actually brought clarity to some Bible study that I 've done in the past. Thank you for sharing your studies. I will be visiting your home page to view more of your work.


Thank you god bless them!! In jesus christ name!! Amen!!


all i know i wish every single day i see them and to hold me up on them i love love them amen 😍💖💗💞💜


Where did all the images come from? Are they from an a.i. program? I've been hearing a bit about that. Many of them were great.


Thank for simplifying their ranks, but why are all these angel in this diverse world of people we have?


Are not all angels, ministering spirits, sent to serve for the benefit of those who will be heirs of salvation?

Hebrews 1:14


It is important to note that... the bible never refers to female angels, so much so that some of them desired the daughters of men and mated Genesis 6:1-4. On the other hand, these female beings are too sensualized to be saints. I recommend using discerning criteria when choosing images, but the message has arrived!


do you think we'll be angels in heaven when we die?


There is 6 of them Angels who look like us?
