Gradle project properties best practices (don't be that guy)
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Gradle project properties provide an easy way to customise builds which may need to run slightly differently each time. In this video you’ll learn the most effective ways to use and set properties, along with some common scenarios you might come across in your Gradle project.
You'll discover the answer to these questions:
✅ Why use project properties in a Gradle build? (not storing credentials in version control, configurability of builds etc.)
✅ What ways are there to pass in Gradle project properties? (command line, environment variables, properties files etc.)
✅ What ways are there to access project properties in a build? (directly, with default value etc.)
You'll discover the answer to these questions:
✅ Why use project properties in a Gradle build? (not storing credentials in version control, configurability of builds etc.)
✅ What ways are there to pass in Gradle project properties? (command line, environment variables, properties files etc.)
✅ What ways are there to access project properties in a build? (directly, with default value etc.)
Gradle project properties best practices (don't be that guy)
Gradle completion (Gradle best practice tip #11)
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