Removing TypeScript - DHH | Prime Reacts

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I do respect when people stick to their guns and really evaluate what works for them and their workflow. But man, I'd lose my shit if autocomplete didn't work


When I just started programming, I love programming languages that support dynamic typing. But after coding big projects with them, I started hating them.


DHH making huge contributions to the dev community by curing everyone's imposter syndrome with a single blog post.


I love packages like turbo, that when I go to their npm/turbo, they have all the most important sections like "Community", "Who Uses It", "Security", yet it doesn't have a single word to my boring question "What the heck is turbo?" Surely many people use it so I guess I guess I just gonna do "npm install turbo" regardless of what it does - that's just about the way these days people pick tools.


I've checked the PR, they hardly use generics, much less any complex TS. Replacing TS with JS doc I can understand, but there has been nothing gained with this PR.
Personally I'd rather not use APIs that can't even be bothered to declare what values they expect.


Can we get a primeagen vs DHH cage match? Seems like the only reasonable way to settle this dispute.


I'm pretty sure some people forgot how obnoxious was coding, where you had parameters like "size", and then having to look up a documentation (or source code) on what the author means by "size".

Self-documenting property of statically typed languages is in my opinion the most important aspect of them.


It's funny to me that simultaneously the worst example of dynamic typing is JS, and the worst example of "static" typing is TS.


Strict typing isn't the opposite of dynamic typing.
It's strict vs loose, and static vs dynamic.

There are dynamically typed languages with strict typing, like Common Lisp. There are statically typed languages with quite loose typing, like C. Then there's loose/dynamic like JS and PHP, and strict static like Ada.

What I've come to learn is I'm fine with dynamic typing, I'm fine with static typing, but I really hate loose typing.


Even The Primeagen is Prone to mistakes


I'm sorry...I don't care that a couple of projects have stopped using it, I find it WAY TOO VALUABLE to drop TS


Dynamic typing is great when you don't know what you're trying to write. That's not meant to be an insult, it really is when it's most useful. Being able to just write code and vaguely smash it together even when it doesn't fit is great for mucking around. But if you know what you're trying to solve, if you have any kind of path you can follow, then static typing immediately becomes the superior choice. I've played with dynamic languages (Python, JavaScript, etc.), and static ones (kinda TypeScript, C/#/++/Rust, etc.), and the stage of an idea makes a massive difference in what's more useful.

That's why I think I enjoyed using Rust so much, since it gave me the niceties of NPM/eslint/etc. in an all-in-one with a very good type system (I know OCaml is meant to be better and I do intend on trying it eventually, but for now Rust is such a good fit for me I don't have a strong force pulling me away).

Anyway, it's a dick move to make your library a binary blob and just say "idk, just use it right lol"


We knew DHH does not care about backwards-compatibility from the fact that each Rails version breaks the last one.


Me coding in js after coding in ts feels like running around with scissors on a floor full of nails and then onto a high wire rope without a net. Fun times.


I guess, it's about choose your poison type of thing. For me, typescript solved the headache of having to test everything every time I change some code. Typescript kinda a pain to write, but once written you are almost sure your code is going to work. THAT's the difference.


"We're getting rid of TypeScript because I'm not having as much fun as I would have without it. All technical reasons aside, I'm the boss and I don't enjoy writing it so byebye!"


ECMAScript itself should have had types to begin with, at least optional. That's still how I think about the whole thing. It should never have been needed to develop a second language. Having it built into a JS runtime not only saves you from the need of a transpiler, but also bennefits performance a LOT. This is the biggest mistake which has been made around it in history.
In fact in the past, there have even been dialects of the language around which already supported types and classes far longer than a decade ago, but which have been discontinued.
In fact this was one of the intended goals for ECMAScript 4, the version that never happened. And the most ironic thing, which not many people know either, is that it was for a large part due to Microsoft that it never succeded, because they did not want to agree with the idea of JS to evolve into a powerful technology, because they rather wanted to preserve their very crappy Internet Explorer in the horrible way that it was.
It was that same Microsoft which later invented TypeScript instead. Is this really a coincidence?


The surprise isn't the drop on TS, but rather being proud of using JS


Typescript is great for people who aren't smart enough to know how to work with dynamically typed languages.


the creator of Ruby on Rails doesn't like type safety, color me shocked.

The spirit of javascript, just lmao - a shit language created in 7 days so netscape could put Java in the name
