How To Make 225K Tax Free As A Government Contractor

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Get inspired by the incredible story of a 16-year-old tech prodigy, Symoné B. "Beez" who broke into the industry and now earns over $225k a year! Join us as we explore her journey and learn about the hard work and determination that led to her success.

Watch her interview here and learn some of the additional things she did to impress interviewers and the perks of working in the tech industry!

Got any questions? Click Here To Check Out ALL Recommended Bootcamps, Discounts & FAQs

Here are the 3 bootcamps I most recommend!

1. CourseCareers is self paced. You can finish it in 3 weeks or 3 months. They offer tech sales roles only & are partnered with tech companies, so they’re usually able to get you a tech career quickly or a paid internship (up to $21/hr) while you wait to get hired on.

They only offer courses for people in North America. They’re just $449 with my discount code that gives you $50 off!

Discount Code: Cyrus50
CourseCareers Website Here 👇🏾

2. Careerist (the bootcamp I chose/USA Only)
These courses are 4 weeks long, virtual and are 8pm - 10:30pm Sun- Thur (Eastern). They record their classes In case you miss any. They are not partnered with tech companies, but they fix your resume & LinkedIn to industry standards and they apply to 5 companies a day for you & set you up on interviews.

They also do interview coaching & provide really good interview cheat sheets. They’re $4k, but I have a $300 discount link that you use with their sales too! The discount Is attached to the link automatically.
Careerist Discount Link:

3. General Assembly (Global BootCamp)
(Courses: Data Analytics, Software Engineering, UX/UI Design, Data Science, Digital Marketing, Product Management, Javascript/Python/Front-End/React Development)

Instagram: @Imjustcyrus | @TechIsTheNewBlack

Keep me posted on your journey!

Instagram: @Imjustcyrus | @TechIsTheNewBlack

Podcast Host: Cyrus Harbin / @Imjustcyrus
Director of Photography: Eric Bates / @IamEricBates
Audio Engineer: @IamEricBates
Executive Producer: @Imjustcyrus
Senior Producer: Rhea Dawkins / @Rsvpmeplease
Associate Producer: Auzsha Gardner / @Auzarella , @IamEricBates
Video Editor: @iamericbates

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Рекомендации по теме

Im a engineering contractor for FEMA working on disaster response. They take care of everything eating, housing, gas, laundry, everything!


Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google


I did that. Retired lead scientist & intelligence analyst at age 41 after working with MIT overseas. Made mid-high six-figures annually. After 5 years the house & cars paid for with cash. Started my own business & don't have to go overseas anymore & don't have to do business with people I dont want or need to do business with.


DC Project Manager here 🤚🏽 contracted with the VA for 7yrs stateside. I watched my Mom earn upwards of 100k in the early 90s’s and knew I would be doing what she did. Best career path ever. You are exposed to so many high-level officials, opportunities and there’s unlimited potential.


This is 100% true. As an active duty military member, many contractors work side by side us. Heck, I’ve had troops get out and come back as contractors. Too easy


I've been in the DMV for since 1987. I moved here from a special duty assignment in Paris as Air Force. Here, you either work for the federal government, DC government, a law firm or government contractor (beltway bandit). Why do you think 7 of the 10 richest counties are in the DMV? Why is the most affluent, black middle class in the DMV. Charles County is now it, it was Prince Georges county. They border each other. Now you know why Republicans wanna move federal government agencies out of DC, they see too many black people living in 5, 000Sq Ft homes!👍🏿


Absolutely TRUE. I know people who been overseas for 15 plus years!! They will not work in the states because of the pay difference.


That’s what happened with my friends. Their husbands took jobs out of the country to make more. One lives in Germany, one in Singapore, one is Thailand


I had a few guy friends do this in their mid 20's - 30's and they are the most well rounded, educated, well versed, most fly, all of the accolades they definitely embody.


I wish I would have heard about this when i was younger. Im 47 now and everything is catered towards the young.


That’s smart I was a contractor and I tried to put people on it’s easier to convince people to work at Amazon because six figures is not believable to the average person.


Became an overseas contractor in 1996. Retired May 2023. Worked in Albania, Macedonia, Antarctica, Iraq, Haiti, Afghanistan, Niger, Djibouti, and Somalia. I recently moved to Kenya final home! Contracting should be a consideration after the military or if you have been exposed to folks in the industry. I’ve seen people come to projects with dollar signs in their eyes, only to leave due to conditions (austere) on ground or working in a n actively war zone (declared or not). It’s not for everyone.


software engineer for 2 years got me. i just got off the phone with my buddy who showed me how these government contracts work and where to find them. i am a software engineer and was curious if there were contracts for our industry and found this video. thank you!!!


Exposure and representation are so important because they help you ground yourself in what’s possible: everything! Love this.


If you can pull it off. Go in the military and go any IT field. They will pay for all your certifications which is huge. They will pay for your degree. You will be in constant contact with contractors if you go overseas. They will offer you jobs. My 1st offer was $180k with just a HS diploma, all because i had 3 years on the systems and a secret clearance. I didn't take the job. Fast forward to the end of my career (20 yrs), all signal. I got a CS degree and more certifications then i can count. Was Chief Warrant Officer 2 and held a TS clearance. I had job offers for overseas at $300k tax free. I passed as i don't want to be in that industry anymore but i know many joes and janes who took the offers. They have zero debt and own everything. 1 guy i know contracted for over 10 years. He lives in the Washington mountains on 200 acres at 48, hes retired and just chillin.


When I was in Afghanistan on my first tour in 2012, I remember going to the Afghan coffee shop and seeing this grimy dude sitting there smoking a cigarette outside. He was a civilian and I asked him how long he'd been out there. He said he'd been out there 5 years now.. straight.. I said, "why the hell would you want to be out here for that long!?" because we were catching mortars and rockets everyday. He told me that he was making $415k a year and only got taxed on 13k of it because he made an LLC in which he was the owner and operator and paid himself just enough to get taxed on the bare minimum. He told me that he was technically homeless but owned eight houses that were all paid off (this was back when houses were dirt cheap). He said he'd do another year or two and retire. His plan was to take a big lump sum and build a huge house on a lake in Alabama and live off the residual of all of his houses which at this point is probably close to 20k minimum a month. He was also 100% VA disabled so he's making at least 4k a month from that. He was a single guy with no kids in his early late 20s, early 30s.. that's the American dream right there. Raise your kids right and let them know their options!


I really enjoyed the full episode. I would love to hear more about niche roles in tech like this. Especially for the government, but non-defense if it exists. Keep up the great content Cy! 👏🏽


I watched the full video a few weeks ago and she's outstanding! An excellent example for today's youth! AND she's from Arlington, VA where I live (by way of my hometown of Atlanta, GA of course)!! LET'S GO!!👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽💝🙏🏾


That’s what my husband and I did but in the military spent majority of our time overseas came back retired at 38 bought our houses and everything else cash. I refused to not have anything left to my kids when I’m gone.


In THIS case, when someone says that they're from the DMV (or the DMV area), DMV stands for D.C., Maryland, Virginia. I don't know if anyone else has explained it yet, but this is my first time seeing this video, and I'm from VA... however, my brothers and my sister were born in D.C., and I've been stuck in a hospital like facility in Maryland for the past almost 5 YEARS, due to having an illness called GBS (Guillain-Barre Syndrome). I don't remember getting sick, and I JUST got my mind back ALL THE WAY, like 4 or 5 days ago. The world has definitely changed and has been experiencing things that I TOTALLY didn't expect... I thought this COVID shit was just a bad dream that I'd been having, but when my mind came back ALL THE WAY, I soon found out that it was real... The very first thing I did when my mind came back, was to text my family (because I have a breathing tube surgically inserted through my neck and into my trachea, and I can't really talk at all), and to see how they were doing... Then, I Googled if COVID was actually a real disease, and I just saw SO MUCH STUFF pop up on the topic. I knew that my dreams/nightmares, were now my reality
