5 Times Survivor Producers Broke Their Own Rules

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The only thing worse than getting beat by a bunch of rules, is getting beat by a bunch of producers with no rules.

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It seems some people are confused about the comparison between Mike and Ben’s situations so I’ll try to clarify further.

Ben was not allowed to play the idol when he did. When Jeff let him do that — and confirmed it was real — that was a violation of the rule. Jeff both let Ben play an idol early and confirmed to everyone that it was a real idol. Neither of those actions are allowed.

On the other hand, Mike didn’t break a rule by asking Jeff to confirm the idol, nor did Jeff break a rule by denying confirmation of Mike’s idol. While Mike wasn’t trying to play the fake idol, it’s important to understand that if Mike cannot have his idol confirmed until after the votes are cast, neither should Ben be able to have his idol confirmed before the votes are cast — regardless of whether Ben is trying to play the idol or not.

Just as he denied Mike, Jeff should’ve told Ben: “As per the rules, I can’t let you play that yet — nor confirm if it’s what you think it is — You gotta wait until the votes are cast to play/confirm it.”

Also, in the following season, Ghost Island, at the final 6, Domenick played a fake idol before the votes were cast—but Jeff didn’t confirm if the idol was real or not. This situation creates another inconsistency with Ben's play, as Jeff did confirm Ben’s idol was real and any votes cast against him would not count. Why did Jeff not confirm Dom’s idol was fake, despite playing it? Confirming a real one but not a fake one is one in the same.

Some people are understandably confused because Mike didn’t play the fake idol, but Ben did play the real one and it was confirmed to be real. They appear to be two different circumstances, but they're actually following the same set of rules. Idols can't be played early. Idols can't be confirmed early. Until they can. And that’s the point of the video — Jeff allows inconsistencies and sometimes the producers break their own rules.


Johnny FP- “whose are these?”
Rupert- “pirated”
Johnny FP- *immediately ok with it and stuffs them in his shirt*
Love that moment


Another one is production forcing Amanda to give the clue back to Danielle but allowing Woo to steal Spencer's a few seasons later.


I love the fact that the producers made a rule that basically just turns all other rules into suggestions.


Savage probably has a whole theory built about how he would've made the jury in PI if Rupert wasn't allowed to steal shoes


For those curious about Peih-Gee's big brain pictures at the beginning - before competing in Cambodia, she fashioned steel fish hooks out of her earrings. She also attached flint and twine to the inside of her cardigan and attempted to wear a necklace that had a serrated edge which could be used to start fire.


A big issue I have with Jeff letting Ben play the idol early is the next season, Ghost Island, Dominick handed Jeff a fake idol and he didn't confirm if it was fake until after the votes were cast.


I would argue the Idol Nullifier in DvG falls into that category. Dan's note told him the idol was "guaranteed protection" right? He shouldn't have any reason to doubt production when they tell him that.


Let's not forget how everyone's favorite survivor couple technically broke the rules by agreeing to split the prize money after Rob proposed live.


Another rule break of the ‘can’t strategize with the other tribe’ would be Boston Rob’s “if you take care of her I’ll take care of you” to Lex about Amber. Jeff did tell them to brake up the conversation but production not only allowed Lex to protect Amber but aired a ton of footage of Rob and Lex talking about the deal and turned it into one of the biggest storylines of the season going all the way into final tribal and beyond. Just like the JT idol storyline it was just too good to pass up, but a rule break none the less.


Makes me wonder what would have happened had any of the contestants known the rules and spoke up. Like stop him right in his tracks and say “no, we’re not going to vote out a second member because the rules state….” Would they have been like “we’re changing the rules right now” or said they were right and change the plan because they had the knowledge about it.


The biggest rule break that's essentially not even a rule anymore is the concept of "live tribal". It was cool and crazy the FIRST time it happened, but I really hate how every week it seems we have to waste time watching people whisper back and forth without subtitles while all the votes get decided in the last minute. Things were better when people could only talk to Jeff.


I always figured that producers have favorites and will create challenges that favor the skills of the player(s) they want to advance in the game.


The hourglass from the most recent season should be on here. Up to now, winning an immunity challenge always meant you had immunity. So much for that rule.


The Ben one was probably allowed not because it was a flashy move on his part, but because it was a good move by the other players. By goading Ben into using the idol before the votes are read, the other players can vote riskfree and instead pivot to plan B and lessen the risk of getting idoled out.


I think Jeff screwed up on the Ben idol thing in the moment. He could’ve held up the rules if Jeff said “Ben is already giving me what he SAYS is an idol.” And just not confirm it until he reads the votes. But Jeff’s continuing hard on for Ben blinded him to the rules for a sec and in a moment of good TV confirmed it was the idol. Not the biggest mistake ever and maybe there has been a change in how that can work, but still a rule break nonetheless.


When Rupert stole those shoes, it got me hooked to this show, had to watch every season, best moment I ever saw in this show


Forgot in Season 2 when Kimmi Kappenburg talked to Tina during a challenge and said Debb voted for Jeff Varner which ultimately led to an Ogakor majority post merge.


Another example for not being able to interact with the other tribe is when Rob told Lex not to take out Amber in All Stars


The first one has the technicality of “play it.” Mike asked if it could be verified, not if he was going to play it. Whereas Ben said he was playing it
