How to Use a Fountain Pen Converter

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0:00 Intro
0:19 Insert converter
0:23 Dip into ink
0:47 Twist the knob
1:14 Wipe excess ink off
1:28 Reassemble the pen
1:36 Plunger converters
1:43 Squeeze converters
1:50 Push button converters
2:24 End links

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As simple as this video seems - it is EXTREMELY helpful. I had never used a converter before and the cartridges were just not very good and when I did use the converter I filled it then placed into the pen so it didn't work properly. That is what brought me here, it was a huge help - thank you kindly.


Extra tip 1: If your converter doesn't draw up ink very well, flush it with water. Just replace the bottle of ink with a glass of warm (not hot!) water.

Extra tip 2: If your converter doesn't draw up ink very well even after you flushed it with water, remember that some types of converters don't apply enough vacuum force to draw up a full fill of ink.

Extra tip 3: Some inks adhere to the plastic of the converter more than others. Alternatively, some converters are made with a type of plastic that makes ink stick to it very easily. Remember to always give your cartridge/converter fountain pen a gentle shake before writing with it, especially if the pen has been sitting with the nib pointing upwards before use. This is also why some converters have a tiny agitator inside.

Extra tip 4: If you wish to avoid having inky fingers for whatever reason, you can grip the converter itself while you operate it. If the converter is attached properly to the grip section, this won't fall off.

Don't give up on using fountain pens!!


Very helpful. I've been filling the converter separately and then installing like a cartridge. I never understood why it wouldn't work and I'm a blue collar guy! Ya'll are awesome!


I really dont know how to use converter but after seeing yours I learned how to use thank u jet pens


THANK YOU! It's the simple things that always get you.


i usually fill the converter with a syringe


From most of these videos it seems that repeating the fill process always leaves the same amount of air above the ink no matter how many times you do it, so I don't see why it's necessary.


Be aware that Jetpens returns process is really slow and really strict. They only process returns once per week and have to "inspect" your item before they will even consider returning your money...even if it's a defective product. I won't shop with them again.


Thank you so much for this video. I did not know how to really well recharge my Namiki fountain pen that has a push button converter installed. I was simply not putting the nib completely in the ink... Now, i know. 🥰


Excellent clear concise explanation!! Superb video Thank You 🙏


I have a question about using the pen with a converter. After some ink is used, you will see "air" in a part of the converter. Rotating the pen will not make the ink move inside the converted, as the "air" you see is actually kind of a vacuum. Though my pen writes well enough for me, I wonder if this makes the pen use less ink compared with cartridges or other systems, and if it is required (or "better") to move the piston down? I tried to explain it to the best of my abilities, so I hope it's clear what I'm saying. I just can't find any info on this, and I just wonder what's best to do.


I have 2 sets of the classic black calligraphy pens by Sheaffer, the No Nonsense, & the Viewpoint, both originally cartridge pens. I like that the Viewpoint allows me to see the level of ink inside, but the converter I got, model 96700, the reservoir is very dark & makes it very hard to see the ink level inside. Also, the main seating body is shorter than the Sheaffer cartridge, making it liable to pop off the feeder tube when the body of the pen is screwed back down. The Sheaffer cartridge is longer, & is seated when it is 1st inserted into the body of the pen, & the feeder tube breaks the seal on the cartridge as the body is screwed onto the nib holder. The only thing holding the converter in place is the tension of the gasket fitting onto the feeder tube – if that should pop off with any ink inside, it could lead to a real mess! The shorter body of the converter also wastes the potential additional ink capacity vs the cartridge. Both of these pen series suffers from the same problems with the 96700 converter. What a shame that Sheaffer discontinued the Snorkel pen, with its extending an ink draw tube from underneath the nib to refill it; pure genius! Are there any other series or versions of converters that fit better & more securely, than the 96700? From all I can find, there is no difference between that model, & the previous model, the 86700. For all intents & purposes, the Sheaffer pen company is gone now, sold off & closed its operations in the USA & its now foreign-owned remnant under different ownership is a mere pathetic shadow of the former. RIP Sheaffer! Thanks for the video!


Thank you verry much it's very helpful!


Thank you very much for this great video :)


Why can’t I fill the converter than insert it like a normal cartridge? To completely submerge the tip the ink bottle needs to be almost half full, what do I do with the other half?


You have so many pen, and very interesting pens


Before this I tried to fill the converter directly by sticking it in the ink, end up with a huge mess


Re: parker fountain pen converter, standard twist fill (s0050300); will it fit kaweco student, conklin duragraph, penbbs, 309/352?


LAMY’s ink bottles come with a roll of blotting paper so you don’t have to use paper towels until you run out


I have a sheaffer pen. I bought a converter. The converter fits the nib but is slightly too large to go into the barrel of the pen. The pen is about 20 years old. The barrel is a transparent red color. I have no idea of the model name/number of the pen. Would you have any idea? Any use for a new never used converter? I would really like to be able to use the pen but being a disabled veteran (Viet Nam era Seabee) I have no more money to waste on the thing. Yeah. I know. Only a few bucks. Yeah. Only. 😕
