'Conservatism vs. Objectivism' by Ayn Rand

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Ayn Rand at Columbia University -- part 6: Conservatism vs. Objectivism

In this 1964 radio interview, Ayn Rand summarizes Objectivism’s central tenets and then explains why she is not a conservative but rather a “radical for capitalism.” Rand addresses a variety of related topics including conservatives’ views of the welfare state, voting advice for young Objectivists, the status of Libertarians, and advice for young Objectivists about working with conservative political groups.



ARI offers educational experiences, based on Ayn Rand's books and ideas, to a variety of audiences, including students, educators, policymakers and lifelong learners. ARI also engages in research and advocacy efforts, applying Rand's ideas to current issues and seeking to promote her philosophical principles of reason, rational self-interest and laissez-faire capitalism. We invite you to explore how Ayn Rand viewed the world — and to consider the distinctive insights offered by ARI's experts today.







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Thank you for helping students such as myself accessing Ayn Rand's ideas!

Conservatives need to realize the harm they inflict upon freedom every time they say "capitalism is great, but..."


Crazy how this is still true today. Conservatives still clinging to mysticism and libertarians still agreeing on economics and politics but all over the place on philosophy


Thank you for uploading this video. It clarifies the differences among Conservatism, Libertarianism and Objectivism.


I’ve just come to admire and dig in more about Mrs. Rand, but besides abiding by her philosophy, I love her intellectual honesty, that spells integrity. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


The most startling thing it that Ayn Rand is broadcasting on Columbia University’s radio station.


Thank you! I can't stand the terms liberal and conservative. I want to know if someone is a socialist or a capitalist. In the US, socialism is being revealed now that Bernie and his ilk feel empowered to actually say it our loud. We have to discuss these terms explicitly so people know what they are, and what we're getting ourselves into.


I hope all these radio programs will be out into playlist?


Ayn Rand once wrote that a political battle was a skirmish fought with muskets, while a philosophical battle was a nuclear war. Clearly, she had her own nuclear arsenal when it came to ideas!


I was suprised that she did not talk about the ground of morality for the promotion of capitalism as the one true difference between objectivists and libertarians. It's not just about saying that something works. It's about saying that it is good, and its antithesis evil.


Conservatism is colleticvism. Same of socialism.


Amazing and sad how little the political landscape has changed.


Rand : conservatism is not defined

Edmund Burke: **rolls in grave**


Some guys question implied that you had to 21 in order to vote?!


What is the symbol in the right supposed to mean? Could someone tell me?


Objectivism is basically the core of Conservatism, as is Anarchy. Anarchy comes from the greek words "an" meaning without and "arcos" or "archon" which were sovereigns and/or masters.

Anarchy literally means "No Masters". When governments and/or civilizations fail the default "states" of being (in order) are Self-Reliance, Family, Tradition, and Culture. America literally has NO MASTERS, for it was designed so all STATE power is BORROWED in limited capacity from the CIVIL AUTHORITY (citizens) who it is exclusively tasked to SERVE, not Rule. And no powers of rule are held by any one person or group for our checks, balances, terms, branches, offices, etc. exist to FRAGMENT all government, group, and individual power (mastery) as a means to PREVENT TYRANNY.
Yes, America is "By the Actual (root) Definition" an ANARCHY. It is also Conservative, for our founders fought to preserve all that was good about the Enlightenment Period, Science, Christianity, Common Law, and individual traditions. They fought to PROTECT, not to FORCE CHANGE.
Want Proof? Britain remained as it was before, it simply had no more rights over us, and we saved all the best things that British Society enabled (though eventually we also shit-canned others, Slavery being the #1 and most difficult). The founders were liberal, but ONLY in a limited sense (they "liberated" America from British Rule and Oppression)... as the MAJORITY of their motivations and impetus were FORCED UPON THEM. Conservatives REACT to Tyranny (Involuntary and/or Immoral Measures)... they do not act in haste nor Willingly ENABLE TYRANNY ( because that's what Liberals do, read the definition of the word).

Modern ethics may teach that selflessness is a desirable trait, and it has its place, but outside times of immediate threat and looming danger to those truly close to you, selflessness merely enables personal failure while exacerbating one's inability to self-maintain. Selfless people are also the tools of collectivism and weakness, whereas positively selfish people are pillars of leadership and moral strength in any society.

Conservatives are people who approach change with caution (not fear as many liberals suggest) so as to protect PROVEN methods, environs, relationships, beliefs, traditions. values, etc. from the ravages of hasty and/or unwise decisions and actions.

Thus it becomes obvious, that self-reliance (and other positive forms of selfish behavior) are a core fundamental of Conservatism, for if one cannot maintain self they will be incapable of maintaining or protecting anything or anyone else. And their downfall negatively impacts any external or internal things of value that they sought to protect.

Objectivism is an awesome and mostly correct philosophy, but also incomplete, because Ayn Rand's perceptions and conclusions weren't properly challenged long enough... nor by any persons who were suitable. It isn't a critique of Ayn's genius or a detraction from Objectivism...simply an honest observation, and her explanations were also "colored" or jaded by the times in which she lived and her own imperfections.

As I stated in the beginning... Anarchy, Conservatism, and Objectivism are practically inseparable no matter which realm of the human experience they're applied to. Anarchy is simply more active and primitive (tribal) but no less valid. Conservatism is more assessing and defensive. And Objectivism is simply more direct (unapologetic) because the truth is NEVER something to be ashamed of.

All of them are based on a simple (Common Sense) order or magnitude and importance. Self, Family, Tradition, Culture... and being 100% VOLUNTARY.

One cannot voluntarily accept ANY philosophy until they've actually studied and tested it of their own accord. Many people represent themselves as "this" or "that" but often do so erroneously out of ignorance, indoctrination, greed, or other forms of INEPTITUDE and/or IMMORALITY.

The Positive Individualist Philosophies of Anarchy, Conservatism, and Objectivism (when properly studied and understood) are all about COMPREHENSION, CONFIDENCE, MERIT, and MORAL PROCESS (positive discrimination of self interests and external FACTS). They are also 100% all about Capitalism and American Values. One thing that many people fail to understand... America IS Capitalism, the only codified system of Civil Contracts and laws that place ALL Sovereignty in the Hands of Lawful Citizens (The Civil Authority) that our government is designed specifically to serve equally (as Sovereign Individuals) through rights of property ownership, labor, and self-determination... with our SOLE RESPONSIBILITY being that we maintain the rights of our fellow citizens to maintain our own (quid pro quo) and act morally as we maintain a collective vigil AGAINST TYRANNY (as noted below).

So-Called "Positive Collectivist Philosophies" are mostly SUBJECTIVE bullshit (TYRANNY). Women's Studies, Socialism, Sharia Law, Identarianism (LOL, just made that one up for the SJW's), Communism, Statism, Monarchy, Racism, Anti-Colonialism, Modern Feminism, Kleptocracy, Theocracy, Globalism, The Nazis, Postmodernism, Marxism, Fascism, etc etc. (basically anything that isn't one of the Positive Individualist philosophies) and all have a number of things in common.
1) Liberalism
2) Involuntary (forced) Participation
3) Deception (immoral behavior and actions)
They all place the group (STATE) above the individual, are not morally aligned nor objectively grounded, and (as always) they are the espoused philosophies of the faux-erudite LEFT (Liberals). What they fail to COMPREHEND is that these things are REPETITIVE LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR ATROCITIES.

They destroy the self, families, traditions, cultures, and anything of PROVEN MERIT because they are nothing more than the fantasies of Ideologues, and the INEPT who serve them.

They also have another thing in common, their most defining & CORE characteristic...
SOCIOPATHY is the modern clinical term
LEGION (aka EVIL) is the biblical term

Modern Conservatives, Republicans, Nationalists (not the racist connotation), Objectivists, Anarchists (real ones, not the antifa idiots or other nihilists), Capitalists (again, has zero to do with profiteers and corporatism), Individualists, Christians, and other MORAL PERSONS who seek BOTH PERSONAL and SHARED PROSPERITY need to: Stop being wimpy little apologists and ENFORCE OUR LAWS while shit canning all the unconstitutional CRAP the leftists have forced into our country. That shit is IMMORAL and ILLEGAL... so stop being FUCKING IDIOTS where OUR Rights and Individual Sovereignty are concerned.

The past always comes back to haunt, and our modern era is a "ghosting" of sorts where the essence of the American Revolution (Free- Willed Rebellion) is coming up against the French Revolution ( A Micromanaged Power and Class Struggle). Postmodernism is a CRAP attempt to re-validate the same lame shit (Identitarian Power Dynamics) so Socialism gains more widespread acceptance (through IMMORAL ACTS).

Individualism, Voluntary Process, and MORALITY (Capitalism & Freedom)
versus Collectivism, Involuntary Process, and IMMORALITY (Socialism & Slavery)

The french revolution wasn't about and didn't result in slavery you say? Well then what do you call STATE WELFARE if not DEPENDENCY (another name for Slavery). Look at who the power actually went to and who profited most... they were the ones handing out scraps... and trips to the guillotine for any who failed to fall in line.



I do think that both Libertarians and Objectivity would vote today, 07\28\2022, for Conservative Republicans as being a lesser evil than Progressive Democratics. Trump may be a second hand, crony capitalist but at least he isn't a Democratic Socialist. Conservatives may be bad but they are not as bad as Liberals-Progressives.


I am hardly a Leftist, but how exactly Objectivist dogma is different from the Social Darwinism?

Divorcing the state from the economy? Who then will standardise what represents value and what does not? The market?


Yes thank you for posting this! The title could use some work (especially since you made it up) how about the justification for Neo-Liberal Economics? Anyway, Nicely explains the roots of each of the ways that we like to pretend there is any ideology that hasn’t been bent toward acceptance of capitalism.
Poor Ayn Rand, I wonder if she realized she was a woman? I wonder if she ever realized her dream of Daddy finally loving her?


I agree with Ayn Rand most of the time, but Samuel Alexander was a much better philosopher. Happiness is an emotional state which humans share with animals and plants--therefore it cannot be the goal of human beings. We are on the Earth for ethical character development. Study the Reciprocal System and prove it for yourself. www.reciprocalsystem.guru
