Was God Circumcised?

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Was God Circumcised? | Francesca Stavrakopoulou PhD

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Why would we be born with it if we arent supposed to have it.


A great example of why no one should take what the rabbis say seriously.


It's amazing that cutting a piece of protective skin of a penis can have religious significance, No wonder the aliens keep away.


this is insane, did theists really spend time wondering if god was circumcised ?


God created man in his image means “man’s image” not God’s image.

If the verse refers to God’s image, it would mean that the man will aspire to imitate or try to reach God’s characters: Power, wisdom, justice, mercy, etc…
There’s nothing you can imagine to conceive God’s nature, but you can get closer to him by trying to be moral and noble being.


Maybe there's another version of Genesis which states "and on the 7th day, Elohim created the mohel. And on the 8th day, the mohel circumcised Elohim. And verily it came to pass that Adam and Eve attended the ceremony and afterward ate cakes, mediocre coffee, smoked fish, and bottom-middle shelf blended whisky."


did Yahweh circumcise himself or get the holy spirit to do it?


Okay...so even rabbis back in the day got hair-brained ideas that the text didn't support.


Man created god in man's image. Not the other way around.


Nice to know some people can realize the blindingly obvious fact "made man in their image, " is supposed to be literal.


The thought that we are *made* in *God's image* sure doesn't put a positive light on God at all :-/


God had that one day the idea...
1. Create knife
2. Cut peeee weeee
3. Scream
4. Get rid of all ...zombies
5. Still holding a bloody knife, wide open eyes....blood on his pants= LOVE ME oR


I'm not Christian/Jewish, but I thought it was a tradition that Abraham started to mark their covenant with God or something. In that line of thinking, figures pre-Abraham would obviously have not or need to circumcise. Perhaps that's just a modern or secular understanding of it.


why does god care so much about foreskin?? is there a good answer for this anywhere?


Believers of Christ r Not circumcised because they believe in the Redeemer who redeemed them from the Law....

That's why they call Him 'Christ the Redeemer(the liberator/one who liberated u from the law, released you, gave u freedom)'

and anyone who believes in HIM r called 'The Redeemed'.

The secret to 'Happiness' is 'Freedom'
2 Corinthians 3:17 says 'Where the spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty(true freedom)'

how much more simple can it be...??

Galatians 4:4
'The Son(Christ/Messiah/ Reedemer) was born of the Law to REDEEM those born under the Law.'

God knew this ritual was Inhuman, Barbaric and Brutal but He commanded it because it was the only way of remembering him during the ancient times...

That's why he sent His Son to Redeem all of Humanity from the savage Law because it was heavy upon us.

That's why Jesus said in Matthew
'Blessed r the Merciful for They shall BE SHOWN MERCY ON THAT DAY (Judgement Day)'

We all can see for ourselves that 'circumcision without Consent' is one the most disturbing things that mankind has ever seen...

Which parent would want to see their child in excruciating pain n horror???

Rituals like this breaks a person's heart.
'We cannot break someone's heart n expect it to show Love'

Some people cannot FATHOM the depth of the meaning of the word 'LOVE' because They haven't tasted the LOVE of God in their Lives.

So let's be a Human n do the right thing,
because 'Neither circumcision nor Uncircumcision availeth anything, but Love shown through Faith in God'

'Jesus the Christ' is the Perfect definition of 'Love'

1 Corinthians 13
'Love bears all things, suffers all things....'

Jesus suffered n bore the pain of circumcision for us so that WE DON'T HAVE TO suffer...

Love is the only force that can break rules n regulations.

There has never been a person God has Not loved n U r no exception.

Jeremiah 31:3
'I have loved u with an Everlasting Love'


The circumsision of the Jews is known to be a representative of God setting apart a people for himself as it says in Galatians, however now as a Christian circumcision is not necessary because through Jesus Christ we have a circumcision of the spirit where we are now set apart for him


More importantly did Adam have a bellybutton


Why would Adam be circumcised? The Covenant with Abraham hadn’t happened yet.


Huh?? Lemme do some research on my religion and make sure they are not saying and making up BS like this or I’m out 🤦🏽‍♂️💀


God doesn't get body parts snipped and thrown away. ✅✅✅😂😂😂