5 Steps to Grow a PILE of Ginger - From Planting to Harvest

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G'Day Folks. Ginger is not only one of the most popular & healthy spices you can use in cooking but it's also one of the easiest to grow if you follow these 5 basic steps & tips. Cool climate growing tips have been included so you folks on the colder regions can have a crack at growing some tasty ginger spice for yourself.

Ginger can also be grown in Aquaponic systems & you can check out the sort of yields we get growing with fish here,
This clip runs through how we like to preserve our bumper ginger harvests,

Hope you enjoy this quick update & that your gardens are booming.
Cheers all. 🐟 🌱🍅

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#ginger #GrowingGinger #HowToGrowGinger
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Instead of wasting their lives away in Netflix and the like, people should start watching and implementing whats shown in these kind of videos. So well explained. Shows the considerable experience behind it all instead of just doing theory. At the end, the size of the harvest was a treat to see. I've not seen so much healthy looking ginger in one container.

Perhaps a follow up video on how to preserve all that goodness in the form of powdering, candying (other forms) and storing away so that it can last a longer time.


I live in Northern Nigeria (I'm Nigerian) and we plant ginger in April/May and start harvesting as early as September/October. Sometimes, some farmers cover the ginger with dry grass or fresh leaves and let it grow again for the second year instead of harvesting it. This triples or even quadruple the yield.


Not only good tips Rob but I can see lots of work went into creating this video from the Growing through to editing/production - top stuff 👍


Hey, just found your channel. I wanted to share my experience with growing ginger & turmeric. I live just north of Atlanta, GA, USA (Zone 7, if that helps). I know wild ginger grows here so I decided to plant some raw organic ginger (and turmeric) from the store straight in the ground here and see if it would survive the cold winters. All the green leaves die back during the winter but they come back every year (when it warms up) on their own so they survive with no issue staying in the ground over the winter. No fuss. They don't even get full sun here... they have less than ideal sun (understatement) being in a heavily shaded/wooded area. They do great. No need to dig them up and replant. I recommend anyone interested just give it a try. I took really small pieces that had sprouted in my kitchen before I was able to finish it, and they are coming back bigger each year!
Turmeric is super expensive and it has the most beautiful lush leaves! Again they die back in the winter but it makes a really beautiful plant for landscaping in the spring, summer, and fall!
edited to add.. the ginger is in a totally shaded spot and obviously I think more sun would be ideal, and it would probably flourish even more, but I'm sort of just working with the space I have... that said, more of a message on it surviving in the ground over winter and doing well even in less than ideal sun conditions.


I will be planting ginger tomorrow. Thanks for all of the great advice...


In my country surinam ginger grows very good. But thank you for your clear and easy instructions


Concise and clear instructions. Best video I have seen in how to grow you own ginger. Thumbs up!


On the best videos I’ve seen for ginger planting


I really appreciate both the metric and non metric measurements you mention. :-)


Best video ever on growing ginger.
Will you please make a video how best you to grow corn as I didn’t get any corn on my plant last season. Thank you!


Hi I just plant a small peice of ginger wasn't sure how it grows. Love your video very informative 👍


You are making a difference in the world. Thanks for helping so many of us on how to grow ginger. You are an excellent teacher!


Wow!! This is the best ginger-growing video on the internet. The steps are clear, concise, and very detailed, complete with info about growing in the different zones. Plus, you were so friendly and supportive in delivering the info!! THANKS!!! (from San Francisco)


As a horticulturist, this video fills in the gaps learning left out from class room .Silverdale NSW and I try most adventures for our culinary  day this has just added knowledge . Thank you so much.


Im excited..tired of buying ginger.. thank you so much... im ready to grow some ginger


thank you! learned a lot watching your video.


Due to covid-19 I planted onions, garlic, papaya and mustard yesterday. After watching this video I’m inspired to plant ginger too. Nice video Rob 👍


Extremely clear. I really appreciate that you showed the yield at harvest time.


I'm SO excited! I love ginger and did not realize I could grow my own so easily. Thank you!!!


By far and away this is the best instructive video on anything. Step by step, full details and data, easy to listen to and uncluttered information. Now I believe I fully understand the the entire process and results to expect. Please don't change the format.
