Unbelievable Things Doctors Used To Recommend

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Executive Producer: Doctor Mike
Production Director and Editor: Dan Owens
Managing Editor and Producer: Sam Bowers
Editor and Designer: Caroline Weigum
Editor: Juan Carlos Zuniga

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I think a lot of modern gynecological practices are going to be BRUTALLY judged in the future. Women's medicine seems to be critically understudied and I hear so many IUD horror stories that it's honestly scary


Chemotherapy will definitely be seen as crazy once a more targeted method of curing cancer has been developed.


I’m a recovering heroin addict so learning of the history that it used to be unregulated and sold legally was surprising to say the least. I’ll actually be 14 months sober in 1 day!!!


Despite them being horribly wrong, I really appreciate that he still explained what the medical reasoning for these procedures was at the time.


Why is no one talking about the brilliant titles within The Peewoop Times? "Detox smoothie does nothing, studies show?" C'mon, that's pure gold!!!


When I gave birth to my first child in 1980, my wrists were tied down with leather straps…..so I “wouldn’t touch the sterile field”. That was the decade that our town saw a huge influx of new (younger) doctors, and things changed quickly. I think it was because many of the new doctors’ wives said “no way!” to this barbaric practice when delivering their own babies. When I tell people that I was virtually tied down for delivery, they can’t believe it.


I don’t think we give Dan’s editing enough credit, the man is seriously talented! Also great video guys, good job!


As someone who deals with seizures I'm so grateful for modern medicine. A lobotomy or cannibalism as a cure is terrifying!


I think a lot of what they do in gynecology might be scrutinized in the future as women's health advances. Papsmears and colposcopies and some birth control methods are so uncomfortable and even traumatizing that I can't imagine us not coming up with less invasive and painful ways to do that form of medicine.


Hearing about all these past medical practices makes me extremely grateful to be alive in the modern age of medicine, I couldn’t imagine being put through any of those past treatments.


Reminds me of Aimo Koivunen, the first documented case of a soldier OD'ing on meth during combat. His story is nuts. He was carrying his patrol's entire supply of Pervitin (meth) and became separated from them. Trying to escape the Nazis he consumed the entire supply but ended up passing out in a ditch after a while. Miraculously he woke up and skied more than 400km's, got injured by a landmine and survived eating pine buds and a bird he caught and ate raw. When he was found and brought to a hospital his heart rate was around 200 bpm and he weighed 43kg's.

He died in 1989 age 71.


I found some early 1900's medical records here in Berlin, where the practice of treating syphilis with mercury-based medicines is documented. It even mentions that some patients weren't very disciplined taking their meds because they had "the false impression that the meds were making them sicker". As a young doctor back then, this made me realize that a lot of the knowledge we have now might be judged harshly as silly and primitive by some med student centuries from now.


Colonoscopies are hopefully on the way out. A few years ago I worked with a Gastroenterologist from South Korea. She said they used small cameras in capsules instead of colonoscopy. The camera would send the images to a recording device worn by the patient while the capsule traversed the intestines. This allowed not just the colon to be viewed but parts of the small intestine which cannot normally be reached. Pretty cool.


I think the blanket recommendation of hormonal birth control for literally anything Women's Health related will and in some cases already does get looked at as outdated. I was told by an OB that I "likely had Endometriosis but the treatment is hormonal birth control" which I can't take, so for me and people like me we're just simply "out of luck".


As a blood donor I remember being fascinated watching an episode of “doctor Quinn, medicine woman” when Sully had to give blood to Mr. Bray to help treat some illness he contracted and they were talking about how sometimes it didn’t work and people died but they didn’t know why yet, (because they didn’t know about blood typing and cross reactions), that really reminded me about how far things had come since then and how lucky we are to know what we do!


I think the way we handle skin grafts and burn victims will be one of the things looked back on as harsh. Their are places already using things like fish skin which is showing promise in handling pain as well as healing faster without having to take more skin off a patient. You should look into it Doctor Mike i think it could be a cool video


The irony of doctors creating a more addictive drug because they were worried about too many people addicting to the original. It’s incredible the stuff doctors thought had medicinal benefits and how far we’ve come since then. This was such an interesting video, I love how much I’ve learnt from this channel.


My great grandfather survived the invasion of Normandy and the rest of WWII, and even got the medal of honor for his heroism during normady, but couldn't survive the addiction of meth. Meth is no joke, stay away from it. I am 13 and my friend has been hospitalized because of it, and was paralyzed from the neck Down for a few weeks just because of meth. Thanks for spreading the awareness Dr.Mike keep of the work!


The Syphilis and Malaria one is really interesting, and the fact that it actually worked is pretty cool


1:24 the other headlines on that newspaper 😂😂😂 lol
