Shopping in a German Supermarket

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In this video, I am showing you how people shop in German supermarkets, what is different and unique, and then I'll show you some distinct German products.

➡️ German foods and products:

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I got a chuckle out of how your shopping bag seemed to be bottomless, like a magicians rabbit in the hat trick. I want to try all of those unique packages of food. Love your new hair style.


Thank you for the wonderful memories. I lived in Germany from 1975 to 1985 and I loved it. One of my favourite things was grocery shopping. Even way back then we used to take our crates of empty bottles back. It wasn't mechanised then though. We would take the crates to a side door and get metal tokens for the value and then use it as money at the checkout. Obviously payment was cash or cheque back then. We had a huge hypermarket about 10 miles away that sold everything from beds to tyres to bread rolls! It had a fabulous in-store restaurant that sold roasted pork shank with braised onions, mashed potatoes and garlic gravy. We used to get one and one large salad and eat between us because there was too much meat for one of us. Christmas and New Year was really special, especially the local Christmas market. I used to make a Rumtopf every year for the winter, and still have my beautifully decorted earthenware pot. I loved the foods which would only be available at Christmas, Dominostein was my favourite. And the variety of sausages, cold meats and cheeses was divine. My ten years there were among the best of my life, such happy memories. (I'm British by the way).


German Supermarkets are the perfect go-to for assembling 'bed picnics' for weary travelers on a tight budget. Beautiful meats with such varieties of senf and sauces and pickles. Crisps and sweets, oh such lovely breads and pastries. Very reasonable pricing, and perfect to sit on your hotel bed - or who doesn't love spreading your wide pashmina/scarf on the ground in the sun, slowly eating your simple meal and enjoying the beauty and lovely people of Deutschland. Ahhh. Memories. Thank you!


Ach herrlich, so viele bekannte Sachen. Aber wie du schon sagst, so viel davon kann man auch selber machen und damit die ganzen nicht so tollen Inhaltsstoffe weglassen. Ich freue mich auf weitere Videos. Liebe Grüße über den großen Teich


The plastic bags policy applies for the whole of Europe, European policy
The pfand (deposit) cans and bottles also applies for the whole of Europe.
The eggs also applies for the whole of Europe as it is an European policy.
Vegatables in jars can also be found in the Netherlands and some also in Denmark and Belgium.
In the Netherlands the zwieback (baked twice) is called beschuit and is round.
Maggi, Knorr, Dr Oetker can also be found in other European countries, like the Netherlands.
The erdnuss chips is actually made of corn with peanuts and can also be found in other European countries, like the Netherlands.
Pickled herring in jars can also be found in other European countries, like in the Netherlands. The German name 'matjes' comes from Dutch.


It brings back such fond memories of my childhood and part of my adulthood in Bremen Germany. Especially the wonderful Matjes Brötchen. I have a German Store in Phoenix and most of the items I’m able to purchase hier…. The Bauernbrot and Brötchen are so authentic. You make me hungry, thank you.


I was thrilled one day when I managed to get all the groceries back into my cart before the cashier gave me the total. It was always a challenge to keep up with those speed cashiers. Also one day i was with my husband ( he is German) at a Penny store and i got scolded by the cashier because I didnt unload my small basket onto the belt, i just sat the entire basket on the belt. I asked my husband what she said and he was like she was saying i was supposed to take all the items out of the basket and place them on the belt rather than setting the entire basket on the belt. I was like, oh wow ok sorry 😬. I loved checking out all the stores. I went to Aldi of course, Lidl, Rewe, and Penny. I had to look it up because when I was there twenty years ago there used to be Plus Marts, i found out they are out of business now. I enjoyed the grocery shopping. I miss the Frikadellen in the refrigerator section. I thought i was doing good with my shopping so one day i went alone without my husband and he sent me to buy sour cream and I remembered the way the package looked and I bought what I was sure was sour cream until that night when I made potatoes and handed him the "sour cream". He says to me " you bought whipping cream" lol we both had a laugh about my very runny "sour cream" 😅😅. I miss the inexpensive mineral water as well. I also found it so strange that eggs, milk, and some cheeses were not in the refrigerator section at all. I also enjoyed knackwurst and senf. Yum! 🇩🇪🥰🛒🪙🛍️ Dont forget your Ankunftszeit 🕙 😉


Thank you, Anja! I enjoyed seeing these German products!


Yes please!! Fruit filled potato dumplings!! My stepmom made the most wonderful zwetchkin & aprikosen knoedel with toasted breadcrumbs & a small amount of powdered sugar over top for our family's dinner/lunches. Thank you in advance for a video on making potato dumplings!


Thank you for taking us along on a German store shopping trip!!!!


Hi, new German viewer.
Yepp, the eggs in the whole of the EU aren't refrigerated.
Like you said the hen applies the cuticle in the egg laying. It's a natural coating on the outside that prevents the egg from spoiling during the whole three weeks of the hatching process. The hens themselves are vaccinated against salmonella. In most cases the farmers are held to fairly strict cleanliness standards for keeping the chickens. Cage farms with their horrible unsanitary conditions are very frowned upon by most Germans so they have been getting rarer.

All of those measures have helped reduce not only salmonella but also several other infections due to contaminated eggs. In fact the number of salmonella infections due to eggs in the EU is significantly lower per 100, 000 per year than in the US (roughly 60 to 70% of the cases per 100, 000 over the last two decades, and the difference is growing slowly but steadily). So instead of feeding chickens antibiotics after an infection keeping them healthy and happy and in sanitary conditions before infections can occur is paying off dividends for all involved.


What a fun video. Last time I was in Germany was 2018. It’s just sooo nice to see all the familiar food items. Many I grew up with when I was living in Germany. Miss everything.
While watching the video I noticed that food prices never seem to change very much in Germany unlike here.
Thanks for the video.
Liebe Gruesse


Loved this video. We have much to learn. I noticed the Mildessa saurkraut in your photo. Many stores were selling both the red and white here in Vancouver Canada but for about a year now there are none on the shelves. Really liked that brand.


I made an online friend who lived in Germany for several years and she often sent me care packages with various German foods...goodies and mustards, etc. I look forward to seeing you use your products in recipes!


Good morning. I made your recipe for quark and it was just so delicious. I love watching your videos. They bring back so many memories of my grandmother in the kitchen. She thought it was sinful to cook or bake anything that wasn’t homemade. She spent hours in her kitchen making wonderful German dishes. ❤


I miss quark, gooseberries and currants. Used to buy them and ate them at the bus stop waiting on the bus. I ate crepes at the bahnhof on the way to work and mushrooms and onions on my way home. At home I went to weinerwald or a turkish place around the corner to get a gyro. Delicious. I loved that the minute I opened the door the old men wouldn't say a word until the door clased as I left when they started talking again 😅


Also love the refund bottle policy. Love that on most European counties people take back the carts to the cart station opposed to living them by the car like often is seen in the USA. The level of civility (?) is just another level!


Wow! that was so interesting. I can’t wait to look for some of those things in the grocery store or order them.


I would love to know how to make potato dumplings and bread dumplings.My mom always made these from a mix and I always wondered what they would taste like home-made.As I was writing this, you said you would do it!!Thank you so much, looking forward to it.


Looking forward to your promised videos! And I think there’s a trip to World Market in my near future - with a slightly better understanding of some products.
