SEO Hack: Internal Linking Strategy

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How to create an internal link building strategy.

This is from Yousof, he wants to rank for a really specific keyword and the keywords are "long winter coats".

0:30 Yousof is wondering how should he be using internal links like the do's and the don'ts. If his keyword is "long winter coats". And this will work for any keywords, any industries, with the tips that I'm about to give.

1:00 So first off. If you have long articles around "long winter coats", you're of course gonna do well. But you wanna end up taking other pages, and link with the keyword "long winter coats". And by doing that, and linking back to that main page, the main article, it could be the page where you're selling long winter coats, what you'll find is eventually over time, it'll get more authority, and it'll increase in rankings. Now, here's the thing: if you have 500 pages on your site, and you link from those 500 pages all to the "long winter coats" page, with the anchor text "long winter coats", what do you think is gonna happen in Google's eyes?

1:30 So you don't wanna do it from every single page, you don't wanna just shove it in your footer. If you have most popular products, yes, you can add it in the footer, but in general, the links within the text are gonna perform much better than if you just added "long winter coats" in the footer of your site. So try to embed it within the text, sidebars, footers, navigational elements, not as effective when it comes to anchor text, versus putting it in the content.

2:00 If I write an article on like, the ten best long winter coats, from there I can take each of those ten coats and link 'em to e-commerce sites as affiliates that need to make money, or if I'm selling products, I can create a list and prioritize ten through one, the top one not being the best, the bottom one is the best, or one through ten, however you wanna organize it, and I can link to products on my own website, and I bet you the conversions would be through the roof.

2:30 The key is, you can either, it could either be a content page or a product page, it doesn't really matter, if it's a product page it's probably gonna be a product page that showcases tons of long winter coats, versus just one. Or if it's just one, that's okay too, assuming your coat is amazing.

3:00 But the link text, the internal linking isn't too complicated, add links when it makes sense, if it's not relevant don't add the links. In-text links are better off than non-in-text links. And try to include keywords in the anchor text. But don't over-optimize and have all the internal links say the same thing. You can pick random words that make sense, just make sure it flows and it reads well in sentences when people are seeing that internal link.

3:30 With links, there's not much to it, but you do that, you'll do well and give it time, you add the internal links, your rankings won't boost right away. I usually see it take around like five months before the internal links really kick in and it really helps boost my rankings.

4:00 Most people, what they do is the internal link on their new posts, but they forget to go back to their older blog posts or their older pages on their site, and then add in internal links to those as well. So, just don't do it for your newer pages, also go and modify your older pages as well. By doing that, you'll find that your rankings will increase faster. But that's pretty much it!

4:18 Thanks for watching this week's Q and A Thursday video, if you want your question answered in next week's video, leave a comment below, or if you just have a question, leave a comment below. I'll make sure I answer every single one. Again, thanks for watching, make sure you subscribe, share this video, tell other people about it, really appreciate it.
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Neil knows what he's doing and he's sharing it for free with us, what a great man, thanks Neil, been using Ubersuggest
for some time, so taking the opportunity to say thank you for this too.


I have been doing my own business for about 6 months now and it’s a little different then most. Being a musician can be hard and finding out a good vantage point to engage your customers on buying stuff can be difficult, most musicians just don’t have a lot of money whether there full time or not. Do my question is how do I get a better ROI with services I put up on my website gearing to a very different target market?

Thanks for all you do Neal, really appreciate you guys


Neil patel, SEO king of KINGS world wide. The Best mentor you can ever get, thank you Neil you the best of the best.


The best advise from thus video (for me) You don't need to create a cornerstone content and then link your product page; You can create a main product page and then internal link tour related product pages... Thanks Neil


Thank you, Neil. Decided to make our internal links more "pyramid shape" by removing some illogical ones and applying no follow tags to some and this immediately resulted in three times more organic traffic and more than doubled the impressions on Google. 👍


Wow... thank you sir. Master of SEO ❤️🙏🏻


Makes sense, especially the part where you don't just link from every single piece of content on your blog. I mean come on, Google are onto these things a lot, juts trying and making things as natural as they could be is both easy and a good long term strategy guaranteed to usually be aligned with where things are moving.


Hey Neil ! is the internal linking with random keywords in article still working in 2020-2021 ??


Hey Neil, please do a video on how to best use ubersuggest (not the walk through of the website). for eg what does .04 competitiveness mean and how can one utilize those statistics.. and many other details like that


Hi Neil, love your videos. So, If I link from my homepage to an inner page of my site, will it transfer some of the power to that page?


This video is good for me, Thanks Neil Patel verry much


@Neil Patel, if we were in high school together, we would have been best friends. You're awesome.


Hey Neil. I appreciate your work. I work in IM niche. I saw many marketers sending the same email again to those who didn't open the previous one while promoting the affiliate product. Does this works? Do you think its a good idea or the subscriber gets irritated by this practice? I really want to know your views on this. Thanks


Sir I Write on Trending Topics daily. I write in specific way. When i write a small article with in 400 words i rank in top 10. but When i tried to write 700 or 800 words i never get ranked in Top 10 or first page. I tried this for 6-7 times. I switch daily to 300-400 and 700-800 words. and i always get ranked for small article. I love to write long articles. What should u suggest.


Can you share the in depth details video or guidance to make mastering one self into internal linking. waiting for your response.


Gotta say, I love these short yet massively informative videos Neil!


I think I heard you say somewhere that internal linking is best done within content pillars. Do you have a video or post about this subject? Maybe I'm mistaken but wondering how to do this between blog posts and web pages or if not recommended. ?? Thanks!


Thank you for informative video, during old post update, can I interlink new post url to old post if relevant?

I mean

New post link to --> old post (during update) ?


Hello dear Neil! I have a question - How many internal links are good for 3000 + words article with topical relevance/LSI keywords? I am very curious to know this. Please give me the answer...

Have a great day!


Is it okay to use the keyword you want a page to rank for in the anchor text of an internal link to another page on your site?
For example, I am trying to rank a page for the term 'prolotherapy.' In the text on that page I want to link to another page on my site using the anchor text 'prolotherapy for the knee.' My yoast plug-in says not to use the term prolotherapy in the anchor text of any of my internal links. What are your thoughts?
