Dr. Dre Teaches How To Make A Rap Album In 3 Steps (Dr. Dre Producing Tips)

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“That day in Jimmy’s house in his garage completely changed the corse of my life forever… In the 90’s, all of a sudden I’m on my own again and I have to go find new artists, new musicians, to work with… fortunately for me I had done it once before when I separated myself from Eazy and Jerry Heller and ruthless so I know what starting over feels like… but the 2nd time I had Jimmy.

‘There are some artists in music, all they are is searching for inspiration… and then there are artists that are just searching for hits. And (Dre’s) just searching for inspiration. And if hits come… great.'”




0:00 Dr. Dre Teaches How To Make A Rap Album Clip #1
0:37 #1 Search For Inspiration And Let The Hits Come 
1:41 Free Rap Songwriting Course
2:02 A) Quantity Leads To Quality 
2:15 Eminem Teaches How To Make A Rap Album Clip #1
3:09 B) Collaboration Leads To Creativity 
3:39 C) Themes Leads To Teams 
4:14 Dr. Dre Teaches How To Make A Rap Album Clip #2
4:46 #2 Check For Apprentice and Master Opportunities
6:36 Dr. Dre Teaches How To Make A Rap Album Clip #3
6:47 #3 If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It 
8:07 Comment and Pick Up Your Free Rap Songwriting Course


“Usually me and the boys just got in the studio and I can go off of a In this clip, Dr. Dre has given us the master keys through a doorway to the secret world of how to make a rap album in a classic way such as his iconic 1999 project The Chronic 2001.
In a minute we’ll see him discuss his thoughts on how to make a rap album of the world’s best and brightest musical collaborators such as an Eminem and Snoop Dogg, but step #1 gives us an excellent preview of what’s to come: 

Search For Inspiration And Let The Hits Come 

While it would way too simplistic to simply say that rappers should “wait around for the perfect moment” to release a project… 

…In fact one of the main things that holds artists back is overthinking their music… 

Certainly the mantra of “search for inspiration and let the hits come” is an excellent way to avoid the “one-hit wonder” phenomenon. 

Often, “one-hit wonders” are artists who have spent years trying to chase that “one hit”, they actually succeed, but since their motivation to blow up is driven by “hits” and not true artistic inspiration, once they have their hit – they have no more gas left in the tank. 

Although we go more in-depth into the exact science of being permanently inspired as a rap artist in our free video course “The Top 20 Songwriting Secrets of Professional Rappers” which you can pick up by clicking here… 

Let’s give you three insights on how professional rappers both SEARCH for inspiration WHILE having hits come along the way: 

A) Quantity Leads To Quality 
Every single rapper, producer, and engineer in the game is working on music ALL of the time and creating a massive QUANTITY of music, out of which QUALITY songs will emerge. 

“I was always in the studio, you know I was always recording… I never stopped making music. I just took a break and pulled back from the spot light. You know at that time it was a good way for me to just be away and just be in the studio and make music”
Eminem Interview

Think about how many times we’ve heard some of our favorite rappers ever claiming that they’ve been to Dr. Dre’s legendary and mysterious “vault” of classics and recorded some music in his studio.

This indicates that although Dr. Dre only RELEASES a small quantity of music he is CREATING a massive QUANTITY of music. 
Therefore, rather than assuming that quality over quantity means “only work on a few songs at a time”, really it’s about creating music 24/7, always “searching for inspiration” and then having a sharpshooter approach to releasing the best tracks… 
Hence “letting the hits come”. 

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COMMENT: What is the BEST track on The CHRONIC 2001? Also...


0:00 Dr. Dre Teaches How To Make A Rap Album Clip #1
0:37 #1 Search For Inspiration And Let The Hits Come
1:41 Free Rap Songwriting Course
2:02 A) Quantity Leads To Quality
2:15 Eminem Teaches How To Make A Rap Album Clip #1
3:09 B) Collaboration Leads To Creativity
3:39 C) Themes Leads To Teams
4:14 Dr. Dre Teaches How To Make A Rap Album Clip #2
4:46 #2 Check For Apprentice and Master Opportunities
6:36 Dr. Dre Teaches How To Make A Rap Album Clip #3
6:47 #3 If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It
8:07 Comment and Pick Up Your Free Rap Songwriting Course


Forgot About Dre feat. Eminem. It was well written, has an amazing flow and the lines make logical sense. Its an overall classic.


I wrote a essay in high school about how dre is the most influential in hip hop, I still think that holds his impact echos and is shown over and over again.


bro this format you’ve started doing is amazing


Dr.Dre really true to the game especially as a producer he us beats that were hot that never made certain albums, but definitely the money cut


The Next Episode is a great track, great beat and melody to it.


The proof of concept for Dr Dre's Chronic 2002 didn't come from Eminem's Slim Shady LP but from Dr. Dre himself. The playful skits and dark beats that you referenced are Dr. Dre signatures featured on every album Dr. Dre was a part of; from the NWA albums to the Chronic to Snoop Dogg's Doggystyle to The Dogg Pound's debut album. That's been Dre's emo way before Eminem's name was even Eminem.


Listened to this 3 times didn’t really understand till my 3rd time …this isa game changer


The album skit concept started long before Em's Slim Shady LP. Skits have been heavily used since the late 80's.


Dope video! Xxplosive was probably the favorite song on 2001


The most iconic song on that album is Still DRE fasho


And Ems the watcher:
"Things just ain't the same for psychos
Guns and rifles, sharp knifes, I like those
I might just O.D. by the end of tonight's show
With the right dose I might wipe out this light pole
But, the strangest things can happen from jabbin'
Pregnant women in the abdomen so they can't have children
get slapped up and drastic ass kicks
G**-bashin' F*** with tire irons and ratchets"


No idea how the hell I'm going to find a coach, but you are taking that spot for me just fine!


The watcher- Chronic 2001
So far, been one of my lifetime favorite songs.


Dre a great producer, beat maker, ghost writer watcher, and narrator


Thanks to the coach, ,,I feel I'm becomin better




Could you turn old songs that's a year old into a new album today?? Without any problems on the distributions?? Or any other platforms from doing this


All great artist are recluse. Why? An addiction to their craft. Often times the majority of their works remain hidden or pushed aside only to be coveted and revered, analyzed and studied by many for decades beyond. They remain immortal in their works.


so basically make your own version of the chronic 2001? makes sense i guess. best track on there other than the obvious still dre and next episode is the watcher or what’s the difference. great album.
