Watch This Lesson To Hit Your Driver Consistently Straight!

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Watch Next - "Do This With Your Right Arm For Longer, Straighter Drives!"
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I have been slicing like a mirror image of this guy for years. I applied this lesson in practice and today I hit the ball straight up the middle every time. THANK YOU😃👍👍


I have found that no matter the club, when my ball contact starts to go down hill I simply go back to focusing on more width in the backswing and it fixes any other issues that I might be having! Great lesson guys!


This video helped tremendously. Thank you. I think getting the left shoulder behind the ball and maintaining sight focus on the ball is crucial. Immediate improvement.


Lads i found this quality viewing. Currently playing off 12.7 and this made my average drive (270-280) feel even more comfortable. Thank you.🤜🏻🤛🏻


I took this to the range prior to my last round and my slice was instantly fixed. I’ve tried so many other things that resulted in a lot of swing thoughts in my head. I’m sticking with this.


I have been doing the drill with the club across the shoulders for the last few days, making sure I get a full turn. Played Monday night and scored 2 over par for 9 holes not bad for a 16 handicapper.


I purchased my 1st set of clubs yesterday, played a few times prior and this is the exact same issue I have Teeing off. Best instructional video I have found yet. Will give this a go tomorrow hopefully it works. Thanks


Love these live lesson videos. I have been working on my own slice for sometime and a good friend taught me a drill to get a better/wider back swing which actually eliminated my slice I 2 shots.


Normally I watch videos like this and read the comments wirh scepticism. Applied this to my driver today and hit my first 2 drives arrow straight! Unbelievable that something so simple could have such a profound effect!! Great advice 👏


This guy has the same slice as I do. This drill makes perfect sence, can't wait to get to the range to try it out. Thanks guys!!!


Just had my first round where my drives went straight- very happy with the results from this drill!!!


Another smart and easy-to-do drill. Very simple tips to remember. Requires just a little repetition and consistency. Thanks again, guys!
Also, you don't need the apostrophe in the word "shots". But hey, you're golf pros, not English teachers. Lol!
Keep rocking these videos! I appreciate you guys.


Thank you guys. Would surely try this. Been practising your "Little step, big step" & "K" bomb tactics with great results.


Last game I focused on keeping the triangle as long as possible whilst turning my hips and shoulders before lifting my arms, but most importantly relaxing the arms, as I realised I was trying to square the club face with my arms which I think made me tense up and come over the top more. once I relaxed my arms I was going straight as long as my grip was right.


Great drill! Currently working on it at the moment!
Love these videos, because you get to see your members working on drills and seeing the actuel results!


Started playing last year and got given a 22 handicap, have always struggled with my slice and my record for a stable Ford game was 28 in comps, tried everything in this video yesterday in a comp and came 2nd with 37points! Never ever did I think 2 simple things would change my drive a lot apart from 1 or 2 drives every other drive was straight down the middle


I haven't even used this drill yet but I know it will change my life.THANK YOU!


I believe some of the best advice to any and all amateurs who are struggling is to SLOOOOW DOWN!! Whats your hurry? Why is your backswing so fast its moving leaves and creating a mini vortex?
I also believe a major problem amateurs have is going to the range and just “beating” balls. Trust me, if you go to range and hit 40-50-80 balls doing same thing over and over, you will never fix anything. Slow down and feel your club. If i go to range for a 1 hr practice i spend 45 mins swinging half speed or slower. Last 15 mins is still slower but hitting full shots.


This short lesson fixed my slice on my driver and my occasional slight left with my irons - perfect


Literally watched this right before going out and every single drive was straight. Unbelievable that I've spent all this time trying to fix my slice and this was all I needed to see. Thank you
