Ionic React 6 Type Script -To Do App Full Stack- #4 - CREATE - CRUD
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00:00 | 06:12 DEMO and Tasks
06:12 | 16:40 Creating Home Page GUI
16:40 | 23:16 Setting state action and variable + Passing props
23:16 | 33:00 Adding HTML Attributes name="" + OnIonChange(event)
33:00 | 38:27 async function to handle creating new ToDo .
38:27 | 45:38 arrow function to handle OnIonChange(event)
45:38 | 49:06 Recapping today Tasks done [x].
Hello There , today were going to learn about Properties and CRUD Operations , by
creating a new to do task and passing that to back end of back4app
we are going to pass in the user input dynamically using useStateHook, and the properties
are going to be handled using using the (...) Operator called Spread syntax . The inputs
are taking in the name="" HTML Attribute to basically be called back in (...) operator in the previous state of the input
and iterating over them with the new property values that were passed to the setStateAction.
Checkout the git commit for the new code added .
written in MD.
06:12 | 16:40 Creating Home Page GUI
16:40 | 23:16 Setting state action and variable + Passing props
23:16 | 33:00 Adding HTML Attributes name="" + OnIonChange(event)
33:00 | 38:27 async function to handle creating new ToDo .
38:27 | 45:38 arrow function to handle OnIonChange(event)
45:38 | 49:06 Recapping today Tasks done [x].
Hello There , today were going to learn about Properties and CRUD Operations , by
creating a new to do task and passing that to back end of back4app
we are going to pass in the user input dynamically using useStateHook, and the properties
are going to be handled using using the (...) Operator called Spread syntax . The inputs
are taking in the name="" HTML Attribute to basically be called back in (...) operator in the previous state of the input
and iterating over them with the new property values that were passed to the setStateAction.
Checkout the git commit for the new code added .
written in MD.