Why All The Bees Are Dying

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Bee population around the world have collapsed. Now scientists are scrambling to find out why. Anthony has a list of the possible causes, and the threat this poses to food supplies worldwide.
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Winter Loss Survey 2012 -- 2013: Preliminary Results
"Preliminary survey results indicate that 31.1% of managed honey bee colonies in the
United States were lost during the 2012/2013 winter."
Honey Constituents Up-Regulate Detoxification and Immunity Genes in the Western Honey Bee Apis Mellifera
"As a managed pollinator, the honey bee Apis mellifera is critical to the American agricultural enterprise."
Honey Bees and Colony Collapse Disorder
"Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) is a serious problem threatening the health of honey bees and the economic stability of commercial beekeeping and pollination operations in the United States."
Team Finds Substances in Honey that Increase Honey Bee Detox Gene Expression
"A new study led by Illinois professor of entomology May Berenbaum shows that some components of the nectar and pollen grains bees collect to manufacture food increase expression of detoxification genes that help keep honey bees healthy."
Bees & Pesticides: Commission Goes Ahead With Plan to Better Protect Bees
"The European Commission will in the coming weeks adopt a proposal to restrict the use of 3 pesticides belonging to the nenicotinoid family (clothianidin, imidacloprid and thiametoxam) for a period of 2 years."
Einstein Was Right - Honey Bee Collapse Threatens Global Food Security
"The bee crisis has been treated as a niche concern until now, but as the UN's index of food prices hits an all time-high, it is becoming urgent to know whether the plight of the honey bee risks further exhausting our food security."
Disappearing Bees: Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD)
"In the spring of 2007, news agencies began to report on a disturbing phenomenon in the bee population."
How Colony Collapse Disorder Works
"Researchers have sifted through the list of possible Colony Collapse Disorder causes extensively during the past few years and haven't come up with one definitive answer."
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Read More:
Winter Loss Survey 2012 -- 2013: Preliminary Results
"Preliminary survey results indicate that 31.1% of managed honey bee colonies in the
United States were lost during the 2012/2013 winter."
Honey Constituents Up-Regulate Detoxification and Immunity Genes in the Western Honey Bee Apis Mellifera
"As a managed pollinator, the honey bee Apis mellifera is critical to the American agricultural enterprise."
Honey Bees and Colony Collapse Disorder
"Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) is a serious problem threatening the health of honey bees and the economic stability of commercial beekeeping and pollination operations in the United States."
Team Finds Substances in Honey that Increase Honey Bee Detox Gene Expression
"A new study led by Illinois professor of entomology May Berenbaum shows that some components of the nectar and pollen grains bees collect to manufacture food increase expression of detoxification genes that help keep honey bees healthy."
Bees & Pesticides: Commission Goes Ahead With Plan to Better Protect Bees
"The European Commission will in the coming weeks adopt a proposal to restrict the use of 3 pesticides belonging to the nenicotinoid family (clothianidin, imidacloprid and thiametoxam) for a period of 2 years."
Einstein Was Right - Honey Bee Collapse Threatens Global Food Security
"The bee crisis has been treated as a niche concern until now, but as the UN's index of food prices hits an all time-high, it is becoming urgent to know whether the plight of the honey bee risks further exhausting our food security."
Disappearing Bees: Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD)
"In the spring of 2007, news agencies began to report on a disturbing phenomenon in the bee population."
How Colony Collapse Disorder Works
"Researchers have sifted through the list of possible Colony Collapse Disorder causes extensively during the past few years and haven't come up with one definitive answer."
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