DO THIS FOR MULTIPLE OFFERS………🏷️Price your home just under what the value should be worth.

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Price your home just under what the value should be worth. I know this sounds backwards but just hear me out on this.

The GOAL here is to create a frenzy of buyers, an urgency amongst the buyers, and a feeling that if the buyers don’t make the best offer possible and quickly they might lose out on the home. 🏡

By pricing the home competitively and lower than similar priced properties, this will make it seem like too good of a deal and will encourage multiple buyers to take a look at the property and make their best offer possible on it. When you have multiple buyers viewing the property at the same time or back to back, it creates urgency and also creates the feeling that the home will be gone quickly if a move isn’t made now.

Sellers don’t want to leave money on the table and buyers don’t want to overpay, by being able to create a multiple offer situation, you are letting the market speak to the proper price of the home. The best offer will come forward and this will be the highest and best price for the home at that given time.

The best part is you as the seller will have multiple options to choose the best buyer for your home. And the buyer that is chosen will be the strongest and most sincere buyer for your property, not leaving any chance they will get cold feet and try to back out. Know that they are serious and have brought their best foot forward.

If you are looking to HIRE THE BEST AGENT, to SELL your home, send me a DM with “SOLD” for my sellers guide!

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